By Alfons Grishaj/
The United States has recently experienced a major upheaval, but unfortunately, it is not an unusual occurrence in its history. We remember the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan and the earlier assassinations of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. However, the attempt on former President Donald Trump life is most similar to the assassination attempt against Theodore Roosevelt. The New York Times – October 15, 1912, front page (illustrated with a photo of President Roosevelt), writes: “Former President Theodore Roosevelt – running again, this time as a third-party Bull Moose candidate – was leaving a hotel in Milwaukee to give a speech. John Nepomuk Schrank, a deranged New York saloonkeeper who shadowed Roosevelt across eight states, shot him in the chest. Roosevelt delivered his speech in his blood-soaked shirt. Only then, more than 80 minutes later, did he go to a hospital. The doctors decided not to operate, leaving Roosevelt with a bullet in his chest for the rest of his life. The court deemed the perpetrator mentally incompetent, isolating him in a mental hospital.” The difference between Roosevelt and Trump is that Trump was never given the opportunity to finish his speech as the secret service rushed him into “the Beast”. Another difference is that many, including myself, genuinely believe that Divine Intervention saved Trump for another mandate to Make America Great Once Again! Additionally, his immediate reaction has already become an iconic image that will forever be associated with Trump’s courage under literal fire: Trump assuring the crowd and the entire world that that the assassination attempt had failed and that he will never stop fighting for America, as he clinched his fist in the air behind a waving American flag and shouted, “Fight, fight, fight!”
Verbal violence and acts of vandalism, have accompanied liberal Democrats for years, inadvertently inspiring the attempt against Trump. Policies such as open borders, and the blending of Democrats with liberals and the unassimilated conglomerate minorities are harming the American Democratic Party daily. The leftist philosophy is degenerating into the far-left ideology that past American generations rejected with disgust. The disruption of traditional relationships has impacted American politics, creating a hostile environment for all who openly profess in a biblical worldview, and therefore veering off the course of over two hundred years of political tradition. The attempt on Donald Trump is not unprecedented, but it differs from past attempts. Previously, politicians did not necessarily hate each other, but confronted their opponent’s political platform, striving for a better life for the American people and not seeking satanic revenge. The killings of that time had a narrow context, sometimes even banal, never touching the foundation laid by of the nation’s Founding Fathers. The current ferocity brings to the table Eastern practices and narrow policies applied by communists.
President Biden and his staff condemning the case in question is not at all justifiable. Biden called Trump, “racist” and “a danger to America,” and inadvertently inspiring a “Hero to save the country.” There still maybe hidden “heroes” waiting to complete the unfinished mission. The assassination plot might also have foreign inspiration, but it is still too early to say definitely.
Who did this assassination attempt serve other than America’s enemies? I do not believe in any way that the attempt to kill Trump has political backing from the leadership of the American Democratic Party. But one thing cannot be ruled out: foreign infiltrators within the American people posing as friends are skillfully working against best interest of the American people. Personally, for several years I was a member of the American Democratic Party and left it due to shortsighted policies and the wrong acceptance of members who had not passed the proper screening. Some members, although part of the American Democratic Party, curse America. Does this make any sense? Yes! The ordered poison of America’s enemies is spread everywhere… and within political fortresses, it becomes even more severe.
We must pray for Trump and for Biden to keep the blood of the forefathers in their conscience as the alpha and omega, to unite the American people by targeting the hyenas seeking to destabilize America. Assisted by God himself, the dreamers of European bravery and beyond built America. Thus, America was blessed by God to be a political and spiritual leader, as Prophet Edgar Cayce says, “God loves America very much. The first landing station of Christ on earth will be America!” Let us hope that it will be so because the stronger and holier America is, the greater the benefits will be for all Americans, the Albanian nation, the civilized world, and all oppressed peoples.