The Police have arrested MP Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, while they have surrounded the houses of MP Albin Kurti and MP Albulena Haxhiu. The houses of Albin Kurti and Albulena Haxhiu have been searched by the Police, and a few police officers are currently staying inside these two houses.
The Police are obeying to the police orders given by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and his Deputy Hashim Thaçi, who are willing to turn Kosova into a police state in order not to withdraw from the regime they have installed and from the agreements they have made with Serbia.
MP Kadaj-Bujupi should be immediately released and the persecution of the Opposition must end.
We will not stop until the agreements with Serbia are withdrawn, regardless of how far this regime is willing to go to protect the “Zajednica”.
November 18, 2015