During the Flag Day celebrations, Vatra (The Hearth) proclaims 5 “Vatrans for life” and outstanding Albanian American citizens! /
By Dalip Greca/
It happened for the first time in 105 years of Vatra’s existence, from the start on 28th of April 1912, 7 months before the Declaration of Independence of Albania. During its Annual Flag Day Dinner Celebration, Vatra announced a first-time honor granting the title “Vatran for Life” to five members who have 50 or more years of active membership in the Pan-Albanian Federation of America “Vatra”, and have also lived their lives as outstanding Albanian American citizens.
Speaking to a crowded ballroom at the Eastwood Manor, the chairman of Vatra, Mr. Dritan Mishto, said, “Tonight we begin an evaluation of members with 50 or more years of active involvement with Vatra, who have made important contributions to Vatra and the Albanian Community of America. The idea had two sides: To value those who have dedicated so much to Vatra, but also to call on the younger generation to play an active role in this historic organization in America. It is the reason we selected the youth of older members to bestow these proclamations upon our honored members.
The first one honored was an active member of Vatra (now with health problems who came to the celebration in wheelchair, accompanied by 20 supporters), Mr. Jonuz Ndreu. The chairman of Vatra, reading the motivation of the honor, said that Mr. Jonuz Ndreu is from a very well known and honored family that gave Albania heroes such as Elez Isufi (Declared Honor of the Nation) pyramid of borders of Albania, Cen Elezi and others. For 50 years, Mr. Jonuz Ndreu was very generous and active as he was an outstanding citizen and veteran of the United States Army. He honors Vatra, and tonight we are honoring him with the Proclamation “Vatran for Life”.
The young David Balaj, son of Zef Balaj (now member of the Executive Board) read the motivation of the Proclamation for Mr. Julian Cefa. Mr Cefa came from Michigan with his wife and a group from the Detroit branch of Vatra. In the group were Mr. Mondi Rakaj, chairman of the branch, with his wife and children, as well as Mr. Alfons Grishaj and his wife. Mr. Cefaj was emotional with his remarks on the recognition of his contribution to Vatra and the Community. Julian is one of few witnesses of the major activity that Vatra held in New York and Boston on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the newspaper Dielli in November of 1969. Participants were Albanians from Italy (Arberesh), Germany and all the way to Argentina, as well as from many US cities. He was filled with emotion on the occasion of togetherness of “Arberesh Blood”.
The young Vatran, Ilir Cubi, son of the treasurer of Vatra and member of the executive board, Marian Cubi, gave the proclamation to the honored Zef Pernoca, after reading the motivation. Pernocaj has been a board member for many years over last Century, and continued in the 21st Century. He was active and very generous. Pernoca with his characteristic humor said, “I am honored with this proclamation, but don’t think that with this honor you are kicking me out of Vatra. You’re going to have me here for another 50 years…!”
Next to be honored was Tonin Mirakaj. Mr. Mirakaj has been Vice President of Vatra, and an active board member for decades. Without Tonin, we wouldn’t have had many activities in the Albanian Community of New York. He was initiator of many activities of the Albanian Community of New York such as Church Festival’s and Vatra’s Conventions and Seminars. He was organizer, speaker and moderator of celebrations of the Flag Day. He was a friend and contributor of the newspaper Dielli where he continuously wrote on the community activities, especially on those of Vatra. He thanked the Chairman for the honor and expressed consideration for the “delayed transfer” of Vatra to the new generation. He values highly the newspaper Dielli, which continues the tradition for more than 108 years of being published.
Mr. Mirakaj’s complete remarks:
Thanks to you Mr. Chairman and the leaders of Vatra for honoring me on this celebration of the 105th anniversary of Albanian Independence.
In many ways, being a member of Vatra and part of the leadership structure for more than 56 years has been enough honor through the pride and happiness it has brought me, and continues to bring me. In Vatra, during all the time that I have been active, I found and worked with true Albanian patriots that worked tirelessly to provide the advice and financial support that made the longevity of Vatra possible for more than a century.
What makes me especially happy now is the transition from old to the new generation that has been taking place over the past few years, which although slightly delayed is welcome nonetheless for Vatra’s membership and the Albanian American Community.
This transition, Mr. Chairman, gives hope that Vatra is being organized from the top leadership down to both existing and new branches, in different cities across America, and growing with young, educated citizens eager to work and contribute their talents and ideas to secure a bright future for The Pan-Albanian Federation of America Vatra.
I remember with great admiration the advice of the late Ibrahim Rugova, in his first visit to the United States in 1989, after expressing his high regard for Vatra, saying: “Save Vatra as it is needed for the Albanians!”
In the past, the newspaper “Dielli” (The Sun) was barely published with 8 pages, yet today it is regularly published with 40 pages, and the special Flag Day edition boasts 108 pages. Whether online or print, Dielli is a communicating tool between Vatra’s leaders and its membership, as well as the Albanian American Community
It is read by government officials and throughout diplomatic circles interested in keeping up-to-date on current events involving Albanians in Kosovo, Albania and other regions. In a meeting in Washington DC, during the Kosovo crises, an American official said, “We know the situation in Kosovo because we read the newspaper Dielli.” We are grateful to the Editor, Mr. Dalip Greca and his hardworking staff for their dependable work in publishing and distribution of the newspaper.
My thanks to you, again, Mr. Chairman, as well as my congratulations to you and all members of Vatra and all Albanians on the celebration of our National Independence Day. I also wish continued success in uniting all Albanians around the Flag and the Albanian Nation. Happy Holiday!
To present the Proclamation of honor to Mr. Zef Balaj, businessman and member of Vatra for 50 years, member of the executive board and member of the board of the Albanian American Civic League was selected a news reporter Rafaela Prifti, daughter of ex-secretary of Vatra for 10 years and well-known writer Mr. Naum
Prifti. In giving his words of thanks, Vatra member Zef Balaj spoke about the importance of the young joining Vatra that has at its roots the National activities. He spoke about an occasion 50 years ago, when for the first time, he knocked on the door of Vatra, and the consequence of anti-communist stand. He mentioned the pressure of the communist governments of Tirana and Belgrade on the community.
Honoring the members of Vatra with 50 or more years of membership, included in the Feast of the Independence Day and signed by the Chairman of Vatra, Mr. Dritan Mishto, in the Flag Day, has a symbolic importance for the future of Vatra and its activities in the second Century of Vatra’s life.
November 26,2017