Rafaela Prifti/
Illyrian World – Architecture, Rituals, Gods and Religion is a new book by Professor Dr. Apollon Baçe (2022) recently being promoted in Tirana, Albania. The publication which is regarded as an important work on Proto-Illyrian and Illyrian periods of archaeology by one of the leading archaeologists of Albania is supported by Albania’s Academy of Sciences.
A career archaeologist – Prof. Apollon Baçe – has previously written extensively as an author and co-author on the subject including Albania’s history of archaeology as well as various scholarly studies on specific sites. He is an accomplished member of the Academy, who in addition to his outstanding education and training in the field, has been part of numerous expeditions in and around Albania. However, Prof. Baçe says that for this book, he took the risk of veering away from the academic application opting in favor of an approachable style for all readers. This is very important, in his view, especially when dealing with long-held beliefs grounded on questionable scientific data propagated by Serb and Greek pseudoscience.
In order to make archaeological facts available and accessible to many, Prof. Baçe has presented the Illyrian World in a digestive format and in the English language for a wider readership. He cites all the sources and academic arguments in the footnotes. Also the excerpts from the ancient texts and authors are included in the notes along with his own translations that are meant to “put the record straight” says Prof. Baçe. Part of the issue, he believes, in dealing with a false record of ancient archaeology, more specifically Epirus versus Illyria are mechanical translations that have passed down as truths over time instead of undergoing critical reviewing by scholars.
Driven by the desire of an archaeologist to separate findings from fiction, the author says that while “the interpretation of facts is mine, the facts are not”. Indeed the book argues that the term used to identify a whole period, namely the Hellenistic period (323-31 BC) is itself speculative. “The architecture of this blending was not a result of an evolutionary process but of a violent intrusion which cut all classical totems and taboos. Rigid classical structures were replaced with flexible structures and the coldness of the heroic was replaced with human warmth. All this created an atmosphere that Germans classify “Experimentierfreude”, [4] experimenting because of the curiosity and joy of the successful attempt. Hence, Hellenistic architecture is by no means the decadence of “ideals and dignity”, but the next gem of the architectural world heritage.”
At its core, the data revealed through explorations of ancient cities, layouts, fortifications, merchant routes, etc. presented and viewed through an interdisciplinary approach supports the position of Professor Baçe that the Illyrian society was, inherently and by comparison to the Greek or Roman civilizations, an advanced world.
Prof. Dr. Apollon Baçe’s book Illyrian World covers periods of ancient European history by presenting evidence in support of a vastly rich Illyrian heritage and in doing so draws a more outlined link between the present, past and future of Albanians.