Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary’s,
We wish to announce to you the upcoming Albanian Heritage night at Polar Park which will take place Wednesday, July 31 beginning at 5:30pm. We understand that this announcement is somewhat short notice, but all the pieces just came together over the last week to make this happen. Please support this event and the Albanian culture and heritage by attending the game next Wednesday. We will also honor and recognize members of our community that evening.
We have set aside seating as we did last year so that our group can sit in the same location. Also, if you purchase your ticket HERE (https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Stmarys2024) a portion of the proceeds will go to support St. Mary’s Albanian Orthodox Church. Please see the flyer below. PLEASE consider purchasing tickets and spending a night out at the ballpark with family and friends!! We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday. Spread the word!
The Albanian Festival Committee