By Pëllumb Kulla/
The Albanians are taking over America…
It is a slow takeover, being carried out most cunningly. The sliest takeover in human history was that of Troy, by means of a wooden horse, a propitiatory offering heavy with special troops in its belly…
The occupation of the United States by the Albanians makes the Trojan legend look like child’s play. The spadework has been going on for years. For years Albanians have claimed that they have been denied their freedom and full rights in the Balkans.
They have alleged that they have no democratic freedom in Macedonia. That they are not permitted to attend school nor be part of the government apparatus. Such claims and complaints have only served to legitimize the mobilization of the Albanians in Macedonia and the formation of a vast Albanian army that is taking over America at this crossover point between one millennium and the next.
Soldiers from Kosova are brimming with even greater zeal. Here the illusion was created that the Serbs kept Albanians under Serbia’s iron heel. Prompted by their dream of conquering America, the Albanians staged a colossal Balkan spectacle with over one million actors who, drenched in tears, left their homes and their land to seek refuge throughout the world. The Serbs were the only ones who unmasked the Albanian bluff and declared with that bluntness so becoming and unique to the Serbs that, in fact, it was the Albanians who were killing and burning themselves to death, to the point of killing their own children. The Russians, the French, and to some extent the Italians, accepted the Serbian exposé. The Americans swallowed the Albanian plot hook, line, and sinker.
It is exactly for this boundless gullibility of theirs that the Americans deserve to have their country conquered.
The Albanian migration out of their native land in Montenegro and all early waves of Albanians leaving their native soil make one think that since 1919, when they were split up among five countries, they may have first conceived their rare strategy of conquest.
Such a stratagem would have faltered and no conquest could have come about without inventing reasons why Albanians living in their small country along the Adriatic Sea should also join the ranks of these invading forces. These Albanians began claiming that their country’s economy was in shambles, that the authorities could not maintain the public order, that unidentified criminals committed ten to 15 murders a week, and that the supply of water and electricity were often interrupted. They further asserted that members of the party in power and politicians belonging to opposition parties could not find a common language for the sole purpose of covering up and justifying their sending troops here to America.
In truth, even the most simple-minded among us can plainly recognize that these maneuvers are meant to justify the conquest of the United States, this modern takeover so worthy of our times.
These troops are no longer in uniform. They do not come in large military units but one individual at a time. Some have illegal visas, others slither down Canadian creeks. Some come across Mexican mountains and others emerge from Greek merchant vessels. Gone are the days when attackers disembarked from military transport planes. The very country being invaded fails to recognize that it is importing the invaders by means of its own civilian airlines such as Delta Airlines, TWA, and other companies whose names the brave invaders cannot even pronounce. European airlines are also helping the invasion for hard cash, such as Swiss Air, Alitalia, Malev, and others. At this point, the Albanian soldiers change their looks taking on the appearance of the downtrodden, worn down by long years of dictatorship. They claim to be victims of persecution who were deprived of their legitimate rights. Through scientific trickery, some of them change into old men and women while others turn into four and five year old children. Some hide within the wombs of expectant mothers only to emerge in American maternity wards. All of them are Albanian soldiers. They may pretend to be babies but they are part of the conquering troops.
This is the dawn of a new era. American supremacy, like all previous supremacies, will eventually come to an end. America’s downfall will come at the hands of the Albanians and will be the miracle of these modern times.(Dielli-arkiv)
2000.Translated by Genc Kortscha