Klement Tinaj, candidate for Governor of California, kicked off his second tour of the state in San Diego County on August 12, 2017. Tinaj was in Encinitas, California and spoke to the citizens of San Diego and Orange County.Tinaj shared his vision and goals for California. “I am running for Governor because I want to fix the education system, offer the best health care, build affordable housing, invest in clean water and air, fix our roads, bridges and airports and support our amendments and constitution,” stated Tinaj.Tinaj shared his plan for healthcare, affordable housing, education and the homeless population. Tinaj pledged, “ When I am Governor I will revisit single payer and offer the best health care plan for California.”
Tinaj expressed, “In California all people should be equal, people and planet should be valued over profit and diversity should be celebrated.”Klement Tinaj declared his candidacy in April 2017 for California Governor. Tinaj decided to launch his campaign for Governor because California needs a bright new leader with a vision and powerful voice that will fight for freedom, justice and equality.
Since launching his campaign Tinaj has traveled the state meeting people in all 58 counties and he is excited to currently be on his second tour.
“I am very happy with the youth and volunteer groups that have been created in California to support my candidacy. I have a wonderful team and together we are bringing a new spirit to the youth and the families of California, “said Klement Tinaj.
Klement Tinaj’s platform focuses on the economy, unemployment, education, transportation, immigration, health, human trafficking, housing and environment, etc.
To stay up to date on Klement Tinaj’s tour or find out where you can hear him speak visit his website for more information. (www.klementtinajforgovernor.