“I, along with my father receive this honor with deep gratitude. It is an honor that speaks to our highest aspirations – we believe that democracy, freedom and justice will triumph. We must continue to pursue peace through diplomacy. I hope to represent America, Albania and Kosova with dignity in my efforts of enhancing human rights, justice and women empowerment. I recognize the value of the tremendous American leadership how it changed the course of war toward peace in Kosova. The Albanians are forever grateful to the great American nation. I especially want to thank Senator Harry Reid for his tremendous leadership in United States Senate, especially for his efforts on immigration reform,” said Ermira Babamusta.
Understanding President Obama’s Vision on Economic Policy
By: Ermira Babamusta, Ph.D./
On a special video message I received yesterday via email, President Obama recorded a personal message for his supporters prior to giving his Knox College speech on economy and education. He emphasized the idea of how working together is key to building a strong foundation for America. The President advocated for change coming from the bottom-up and not top-down.
A better-bargain for the middle class was the emphasis of President’s Obama’s speech he gave at Knox College, Illinois on July 24, 2013. The President laid out six priorities to rebuild the cornerstone of middle-class security.
Job Security with good wages: since the President took office, 7.2 million jobs have been added in the private sector in the past 40 months. He is pushing for job perspectives in renewable energy, infrastructure and manufacturing. He has also advocated for energy efficiency on federal buildings.
A good education: the President is focusing on making college more affordable and cutting interest rates on student loans. On bipartisan efforts, senators from both parties have come up with a plan to reduce interest rates of student loans. Because of this agreement 11 million borrowers will save money before the start of the new school year. The deal proposes the following cuts: undergrads from 6.8% to 3.85%, graduate students from 6.8% to 5.4%, plus loans from 7.9% to 6.4%.
A home to call your own: reducing rates for home mortgage owners. The president is working with both parties to build a housing finance system to strengthen home ownership.
A secure retirement: reforming the tax code to secure retirement for families.
Affordable healthcare for when you get sick: expanding access and lowering costs for families. The President is on his way on implementing the Affordable Care Act. This means security and coverage for middle class families and small business owners. As of January 1, new benefits and even better coverage will be available for those 85% who are already covered (free checkups, mammograms, etc). And for those who are uninsured, starting October 1, they will have opportunities to buy insurance packages right for them, regardless of preexisting conditions.
More opportunity and less inequality: Income inequality has been higher since the great depression. The last increase on minimum wage was in 2007 under President Bush. Raising the minimum wage will help strengthen the economy overall.
During the official policy briefing organized by Organizing for Action held yesterday, Wednesday, July 24, 2031, OFA emphasized the priorities the President laid out in his speech. The middle class – out approach not the top-down is where the President is focusing his energies for the remainder of his presidency. He called upon private sector and businesses to invest in the future and set an example by providing decent wages and good benefits to his employees.
My latest response from the White House and Obama’s next steps
By Ermira Babamusta, Ph.D., Political Scientist, Foreign Affairs Expert /
6 June 2013, New York – My latest response from the White House is a letter by President Obama on June 6, 2013 addressed to Ermira Babamusta, in response to my “Letter to the Editor: How will the sequester hurt my state” sent to several prestigious media, including New York Times. The Letter to the Editor was published in March 2013 in several media in New York, Minnesota, West Virginia and Florida.
Being part of the Obama Administration in both 2008 and 2012 presidential elections in conjunction with the Democratic Party has been an amazing experience. I had the opportunity to witness first hand issues and concerns that the American people care about. I also met with local leaders in FL, PA, WV, CO, NY and OH and organized volunteers using grassroots efforts in support of Obama’s campaign.
President Obama has been very open and transparent with the American people in every step of his journey to strengthen America. His leadership and continued efforts in health care, immigration reform, education, jobs, etc., reflect the interests of the citizens and protect the welfare of this country.
President Obama is keeping open lines between Washington and the American people for a more transparent White House. Every Wednesday I am pleased to join the Policy Updates Briefings, organized by “Organizing for Action” with executive director Jon Carson and policy advisers, mayors, congressional leaders and other concerned citizens. These policy updates focus on the
White House priorities, in an effort to move the bipartisan debate forward on key issues such as gun violence, immigration reform, federal budget, cuts, etc. I believe that President Obama unlike any other leader, has taken community outreach in a different level. His progressive agenda is what this country currently needs in moving forward issues discussed by both the Democrats and Republicans.
The President’s Legislative Agenda
On Education: ConnectEd
On June 6, 2013 President Obama visited North Carolina and visited classrooms of Mooresville Middle School to talk about to bring innovation and incorporate technology in classrooms across the country. At 3:30 pm the “National Show and Tell” was held to demonstrate how students and teachers are using cutting edge technology in high tech schools. The President revealed his new plan, called “ConnectEd” to connect 99 perfect of students across America to high-speed wireless and broadband within five years. Aiming at classrooms and libraries, this new initiative brings new ways of learning, including interactive class demonstrations, live feedback from experts and building partnerships with other national school curriculum either across US.
The digital learning effort has been pioneered by individual organizations such as the reputable “One World Youth Project” (OWYP) in Washington DC. Since 2004 OWYP has become a success story in revolutionizing digital learning across the world by connecting with students in Kosovo, US, Turkey, Guyana, Pakistan, etc, in facilitating a global competence curriculum. (To learn more visit http://www.oneworldyouthproject.org; For additional information also read my exclusive interview with Anjali Daryanani, Communications Director, “A Digital Education Revolution: OWYP reforming programs in Kosovo and around the world”, http://prishtinapress.info/a-digital-education-revolution-owyp-reforming-programs-in-kosovo-and-around-the-world/ ).
Military and Veteran Affairs: Commitment from First Lady Obama
First Lady Michelle Obama on April 30th 2013 announced a Joining Forces employment initiative that challenges the private sector to hire and train veterans for the next five year. The goal was set to hire and train 100,000 unemployed veterans and spouses by the end of 2013 and another 435,000 over the next five years. The First Lady mentioned that under the Obama administration, business in U.S. have tripled the goal set by the President and 290,000 veterans and spouses have already been trained and hired in the private sector. Vice President Joe Biden, his wife Dr. Jill Biden and President Obama were present at the event.
Michelle Obama, Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton have been the strongest voices in many empowerment initiatives, including jobs for military spouses, transition to civil careers, education opportunities for the children of military families who are always on the move, and improving their quality of life. As co-founder of ‘Joining Forces”, First Lady Michelle Obama has challenged business leaders to create new jobs and opportunities. First Lady Obama is truly making a difference in the lives of the military troops and their families.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is continuing this commitment at the “Clinton Global Initiative America” (CGI America) in Chicago, June 13-14. The event will be hosted by former President Bill Clinton, where both Hillary and Chelsea Clinton will be participating, along with nearly 1000 business and government leaders. The focus will be economic recovery and long term goals for United States. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel along with President Bill Clinton are hosting a series of meetings on job creation, as part of their Infrastructure Financing for Cities Task Force (IFC Task Force) launched in April 2013.
Under the leadership of first Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden the Obama administration has responded to the challenges military family face. Female military spouses which account for 95 percent (out of 860,000) experience employment challenges, including licensed jobs such as teaching and nursing (Michelle Obama and Jill Biden White House Report, February 2013, “The Fast Track to Civilian Employment). The report pushes for legislation on occupational license that covers multiple occupations and a broader approach like the state of Washington that applies to health care, business occupations etc.
Environment and Climate Change
On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 I joined the policy briefing on climate change, where Navin Nayak, senior vice president of campaigns with the League of Conservation Voters joined the conversation. This policy update was organized by organized by Abby Witt and Brandon Thompson of Organizing for Action (OFA). During the week of action of May 29, over 100 discussions took place across the country, highlighting the real threats of climate change. Jack Shakiro, National Deputy Director of OFA stressed the need to change the conversation on climate: “Currently there is no bill at the floor in Congress. Climate is real, caused by activities by all of us. It poses real threat to our families and public health”.
Navin Nayak expressed his concern that dozens of Congress members deny that climate change is happening and urged the need for a new political debate: “First we got to change the policy on the issue. Just like the gun issue, we are at the same place. We need to make it unacceptable for so many members of Congress who hold these extreme positions. Climate Deniers have become the most vocalist in the issue. That’s what we have to change. We can’t get to the policy solutions, until we get to the issues. The good news is that the public opinion has not changed. Public believes that climate change is happening.”
There is a push for cheaper and cleaner renewable sources of energy, however the oil industry is the biggest blocker of this. Environmentalists are concerned that drilling, spills and oil fires are environmental dangers that pose a real threat. The recent debate has focused on the threats of burning fossil fuels as one of the greatest local threats. The burning of fossil fuels contributes to global warming (rise of temperature, carbon emission, melting polar ice); the pollution of air, water and land. Those cities near water such as Baltimore face serious risks and are urging the president for Carbon tax.
President Obama has continued to lead in this climate change issue. He expressed these concerns at his Address of the Union speech. The President can use his authority under Clean Air Act to reduce carbon pollution and combat climate change.
“We produce more oil at home than we have in 15 years. We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas, and the amount of renewable energy we generate from sources like wind and solar — with tens of thousands of good American jobs to show for it. We produce more natural gas than ever before — and nearly everyone’s energy bill is lower because of it. And over the last four years, our emissions of the dangerous carbon pollution that threatens our planet have actually fallen. But for the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change. Now, the good news is we can make meaningful progress on this issue while driving strong economic growth. I urge this Congress to get together, pursue a bipartisan, market-based solution to climate change, like the one John McCain and Joe Lieberman worked on together a few years ago. But if Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the consequences of climate change, and speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy.” (President Barack Obama remarks, State of the Union Address, February 2013).
On the global front, former President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives captured the attention of global superpowers in the Copenhagen summit and UN meetings, urging the leaders for climate change. (For additional information watch a very interesting PBS documentary titled “The Island President”.) Maldives plans to implement floating solar panels for its 28 islands in an effort to provide new renewable energy.
Gun Violence: President Obama and Joe Biden on Reduction of Gun Violence
Vice President Joe Biden teamed up with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to challenge lawmakers to support this issue and public safety. Bloomberg and Biden called for expanding background checks and school safety funds. On April 17, 2013 Vice President Joe Biden held a conversation with mayors from around the country to discuss steps in reducing gun violence. He pointed out that the proposed gun bills did not violate the constitutional rights.
President Obama and Joe Biden are leading the effort in developing policy proposals in reducing gun violence across the country. On January 15, 2013 both leaders unveiled the specific plan aiming at: requiring background checks for all gun sales; strengthening the background check system for gun sales; limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds; making schools safer with better emergency response plans; banning military style assault weapons; better tools for law enforcement in preventing and prosecuting gun crimes, etc. “The administration is proposing a new, $50 million initiative to help 8,000 more schools train their teachers and other school staff to implement these strategies.” (President Obama Plan, Jan 16, 2013, White House Report, p. 12).
Immigration Reform
Currently America is faced with the problem of 11 million undocumented immigrants. Concerns range from lengthy backlogs in the immigration system, border security, deportation, amnesty, education and job opportunities. The biggest accomplishment on the Immigration Reform issue has been a bipartisan effort of the “gang of 8” comprised of 4 republicans and 4 democrats. The comprehensive immigration reform led by Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont was approved on a 13-5 senate vote in May 2013. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act, favoring a comprehensive immigration reform in bringing millions of illegal immigrants to a clear path of citizenship.
President Obama’s plan proposes eliminating backlogs by temporary increasing annual visa numbers; creating ‘start up visas’ for job creating entrepreneurs; “stapling” a green card to the diplomas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) PhD and Master’s Degree graduates and new visa categories for federal science programs.
At the Wednesday Policy Briefing held in February 16. 2013, I joined the tele-town hall discussion hosted by Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, leading the about the President Obama’s jobs plans.
Foreign Policy: US-Kosova Bilateral Relations
United States has remained a good friend for Kosova and has fully supported its aspirations to be integrated in the Europe. Prime Minster Hashim Thaçi during the visit of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed Kosova’s determination for further progress, interest of peace and regional stability. Kosova has shown significant progress in the areas of rule of law, combating corruption and minority rights. During my productive meetings with EU, UN, NATO officials, as well as local parliamentary leaders, and high officials in Kosovo I was impressed with the progress made in the areas of foreign policy, women and minority rights and rule of law. However challenges still remain.
I urge President Obama and his administration to put pressure on EU and Serbia to hold Serbia up to its task. The recent April 2013 agreement, mediated by High Representative Ashton looks good on paper, however leaves much to desire in terms of implementation and undermines Kosovar sovereignty/authority. In particular the issue of the four Serbian municipalities in Northern Kosova, although on paper give the Kosovars “full authority”, in reality the plan fully favors the Serbs (not Serbian minority integration under Kosovar rule of law) and further hinders the Albanian-Serbian relations. For instance the northern regional police commander will be a local Serb, picked from a list provided by Serbian leaders. This puts to question the ‘Kosovar authority’ that the plan calls for as well as highlights the issue that not all Serbs follow Kosovar law, given the fact that Serbia has yet to accept Kosova’s independence. Serbia has supported parallel institutions, hindering the democratic process in Kosova and its sovereignty. These illegal institutions have also been the main cause of violence, corruption, illegal dealings in that part of the region. Additional pressure is needed by US on EU for Serbia to not block Kosova joining the UN.
Biography of Author:
Ermira Babamusta served as training director and GOTV director in the 2008 & 2012 presidential elections. She also served as faculty adviser for the Congressional Youth Leadership Conference (GYLC) held in Washington DC and New York in 2009 and 2010. In 2008 she served as community outreach coordinator and capacity building with the AmeriCorps in conjunction with Homeland Security, Red Cross and NYPD in Philadelphia and New York. Her previous foreign affairs experience includes working at the Peacekeeping department in United Nations Headquarters in New York, working in the areas of foreign affairs for Senator Tom Harkin and Congressman Kennedy in Washington DC.
Ermira Babamusta received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and History from Waldorf College, Iowa and her two masters in Political Science from Long Island University in New York and Public Administration from Minnesota State University in Mankato. She also received an advanced post graduate degree in ‘United Nations Diplomacy’ from Long Island University. Her doctoral areas of study at West Virginia University (WVU) include: political science (foreign policy); comparative politics (EE Law/national security & defense policy) and public administration).
In 2010 Ermira Babamusta completed the Strasbourg program in European Law and Institutions via WVU and University of Strasbourg in France. She has also completed two cultural and diplomatic missions in Kosova in 2008 & 2012 in her efforts for peace and stability in the Balkan region and strengthening of the US-Kosova-Albanian relations. She has received several awards, including “International Woman of Courage Award” by Kessel Peace Institute. She studied Albanian, French, Spanish, Japanese and German.
US Congress honors Halil Gashi as Extraordinary Artist of 2013
By: Ermira Babamusta, Ph.D., New York/
Eminent artist Halil Gashi received the extraordinary talent achievement recognition in performing arts, dance, theatre and music, in Washington DC, in April 2013. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid presented a certificate of recognition, honoring Halil Gashi’s exceptional achievements and his significant contributions to creative arts.
The award honored Halil Gashi for his legendary work at Cirque du Soleil Beatles’ LOVE in Las Vegas and for his outstanding creative achievements in performing arts in United States and around the world.
At the request of the Honorable Senator Harry Reid the American Flag was flown at the United States Capitol Building in Washington DC on April 29, 2013. “The flag was flown for Halil Gashi, one of the world’s most treasured artists, who with profound artistry, extraordinary talent and creativity has ignited the stages of the world’s greatest dance and theatre companies. Thank you for your extraordinary work with Cirque du Soleil’s LOVE in Las Vegas and for your significant contributions to the cultural life of our nation and the world through the performing arts in music, dance and theater.”
Halil Gashi’s contributions to performing arts have garnered him numerous outstanding awards in dance competitions in Germany, UK and France, including 3rd place in all of Europe Breakdance contest in Paris with Crew UK All Stars, 2013 Distinguished Artist Award, Best Body 2012, Sex Symbol 2012 and Best Model of Year 2012. In 2013 the government of United States honored Halil Gashi for his contributions to American culture and arts.
Halil Gashi earned wide critical appreciation for his portrayal of two lead characters, “Sargent Pepper” and “Dancer” in James Cameron’s Worlds Away 3D film. The movie was written and directed by Andrew Adamson, who also directed the first two Chronicles of Narnia films, and was executive-produced by James Cameron, director of hits Avatar and Titanic. The story of Worlds Away tells of a young couple that must travel through the bizarre and dreamlike universe of Cirque du Soleil in order to be reunited.
Following its successful premiere at the 25th Tokyo International Film Festival in Japan, the film was released in American cinema and worldwide on December 21, 2012. The film accumulated over $32.6 millions world wide. “Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away”, a production of Paramount Pictures, has had the widest release in the entire cinema history, shown in 840 theatres and ranked # 11.
Halil Gashi is considered one of the biggest Cirque du Soleil stars, attracting renowned celebrities at his sold-out solo performance for Beatles’ LOVE show at Mirage theatre in Las Vegas, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Steve Carell, Kylie Minogue, Susan Sarando, Mel B (Spice Girls), Luke Perry, Lisa Kudrow, Bon Jovi, David Duchovny, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler, Paul McCartney, etc.
Halil Gashi has performed at a series of special events. Halil Gashi performed to “Something in the way she moves” song from the two-time GRAMMY Award-winning LOVE album at the 54th Grammy Annual Awards in Los Angeles in February 2012 and at the 2012 MusiCares Person of the Year gala, honoring Sir Paul McCartney. Halil performed in front of music legends Smokey Robinson, Bonnie Raitt, Carole King, Herbie Hancock, Brian Wilson, David Crosby, Jack Nicholson, Richard Branson, Norman Lear and Lou Adler who attended the Grammys.
Prishtina Europiane: Fesimet për Ditën e Europës
Nga Ermira Babamusta, Ph.D./
Prishtinë – Trevat shqiptare me një fizionomi të veten gjuhësore, kulturore dhe tradicionale, përmbajnë në vetvete sekretin historik të artit, kulturës dhe qytetërimit europian. Roli dhe kontributi i Kosovës dhe shqiptarëve në përgjithësi në nivelin ndërkombëtar karakterizohet në ruajten e marrëdhënieve paqësore si dhe sjelljen e një qytetërimi të lashtë, historik me plot vlera. Këto vlera të artit dhe kulturës u festuan me rastin e Ditës së Europës. Manifestimi zgjat pesë ditë deri me 12 maj. Për nder të kësaj dite, rruga “Rexhep Luci” në Prishtinë u riemërua “Rruga e Evropës”.
Artistja e talentuar Festina Mejzini, e shoqëruar nga kitaristi i njohur Agron Peni dhe violinisti i shquar Festim Fanaj, janë angazhuar këtë javë për të performuar në projeketin e Bashkimit Europian enkas për festën. Organizimi u realizua nga kompania e marketingut në Kosovë “Zero Pozitive” me iniciativë nga Zyra e Unionit Evropian në Kosovë, Ministria e Kulturës Rinisë dhe Sporteve, Ministria e Integrimit Evropian dhe Ministria e Punëve të Jashtme . Kafenetë në rrugën e kryeqytetit u shndërruan në një nga “shtetet” e Europës, duke shërbyer ushqimin karakteristik të vendit përfaqësues.
Në ditën e hapjes të pranishëm ishin përfaqësuesit e lartë të Bashkimit Europian, Ambasadorë të pranishëm në Kosovë, përfaqësuesit e Qeverisë së Kosovës dhe personalitete të tjera të njohura të botës së kulturës dhe artit në Kosovë.
Festina Mejzini me stilin e saj, me percjelljen maestrale të Agron Penit dhe Festim Fanaj, solli një stil të veçantë të cilin mund ta hasësh në rrugët e Parisit, Londrës ose Berlinit. Për ambasadorët dhe të pranishmit Festina, një figurë e dashur jo vetëm për publikun shqiptar por edhe atë europian, solli shumë performime të bukura, duke përfshirë edhe stilin‘street jazz’.
“Për momentin jam duke planifikuar një udhëtim për në Skandinavi për t’u angazhuar në një projekt të ri. Kam marrë një ofertë bashkëpunimi si dhe njëkohësisht jam në përgaditje të një kënge të re me kompozitorin Agron Peni, kitarist i grupit Latino Band. Për në verë kam disa oferta për bashkëpunime për t’u angazhuar në bregdetin e jugut në Shqipëri por ende nuk i kam finalizuar planet,” tha Festina Mejzini.
Historikisht, “Dita e Evropës” u vendos të jetë 9 maji gjatë samitit të BE-së në Milano në vitin 1985 për të kujtuar deklaratën e Schuman, Babai i Bashkimit Europian. Ministri i Jashtëm i Francës, Robert Schuman me 9 maj 1950 dha para Komunitetit Evropian të Çelikut dhe Karbonit (European Coal and Steel Community – ESCS, sot European Union – EU/BE-ja) deklaratën e famshme për bashkim të produkteve midis Francës, Gjermanisë dhe vendeve të tjera Europiane. Përveç 9 majit, 5 maji gjithashtu festohet nga disa vende, datë e cila shënon krijimin e Këshillit Europian (Council of Europe), me 5 maj 1949. Me këtë rast, Kosova solli një përpjekte kreative për ruajen e marëdhënieve paqësore europiane.
Ne Foto: Agron Peni, Festina Mejzini, Festim Fanaj
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