By: Ermira Babamusta, Ph.D., New York/
Eminent artist Halil Gashi received the extraordinary talent achievement recognition in performing arts, dance, theatre and music, in Washington DC, in April 2013. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid presented a certificate of recognition, honoring Halil Gashi’s exceptional achievements and his significant contributions to creative arts.
The award honored Halil Gashi for his legendary work at Cirque du Soleil Beatles’ LOVE in Las Vegas and for his outstanding creative achievements in performing arts in United States and around the world.
At the request of the Honorable Senator Harry Reid the American Flag was flown at the United States Capitol Building in Washington DC on April 29, 2013. “The flag was flown for Halil Gashi, one of the world’s most treasured artists, who with profound artistry, extraordinary talent and creativity has ignited the stages of the world’s greatest dance and theatre companies. Thank you for your extraordinary work with Cirque du Soleil’s LOVE in Las Vegas and for your significant contributions to the cultural life of our nation and the world through the performing arts in music, dance and theater.”
Halil Gashi’s contributions to performing arts have garnered him numerous outstanding awards in dance competitions in Germany, UK and France, including 3rd place in all of Europe Breakdance contest in Paris with Crew UK All Stars, 2013 Distinguished Artist Award, Best Body 2012, Sex Symbol 2012 and Best Model of Year 2012. In 2013 the government of United States honored Halil Gashi for his contributions to American culture and arts.
Halil Gashi earned wide critical appreciation for his portrayal of two lead characters, “Sargent Pepper” and “Dancer” in James Cameron’s Worlds Away 3D film. The movie was written and directed by Andrew Adamson, who also directed the first two Chronicles of Narnia films, and was executive-produced by James Cameron, director of hits Avatar and Titanic. The story of Worlds Away tells of a young couple that must travel through the bizarre and dreamlike universe of Cirque du Soleil in order to be reunited.
Following its successful premiere at the 25th Tokyo International Film Festival in Japan, the film was released in American cinema and worldwide on December 21, 2012. The film accumulated over $32.6 millions world wide. “Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away”, a production of Paramount Pictures, has had the widest release in the entire cinema history, shown in 840 theatres and ranked # 11.
Halil Gashi is considered one of the biggest Cirque du Soleil stars, attracting renowned celebrities at his sold-out solo performance for Beatles’ LOVE show at Mirage theatre in Las Vegas, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Steve Carell, Kylie Minogue, Susan Sarando, Mel B (Spice Girls), Luke Perry, Lisa Kudrow, Bon Jovi, David Duchovny, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler, Paul McCartney, etc.
Halil Gashi has performed at a series of special events. Halil Gashi performed to “Something in the way she moves” song from the two-time GRAMMY Award-winning LOVE album at the 54th Grammy Annual Awards in Los Angeles in February 2012 and at the 2012 MusiCares Person of the Year gala, honoring Sir Paul McCartney. Halil performed in front of music legends Smokey Robinson, Bonnie Raitt, Carole King, Herbie Hancock, Brian Wilson, David Crosby, Jack Nicholson, Richard Branson, Norman Lear and Lou Adler who attended the Grammys.
Halil Gashi, Las Vegas Dancer wins international acclaim
By Nora Kalaja, New York/
Halil Gashi is recognized as one of the best entertainers world wide. Halil contributed to American culture with his works as a choreographer/dancer, praised by critics all over the world and awarded with many top prizes. His contribution to dance, music, theatre, performing and painting has defined American culture elements of arts, with his European influences. “Be free to move the way you feel” and “Art has no limit” is his teaching philosophy in his workshops. As dance/music/ art teacher Halil Gashi hopes to inspire a life in the arts and inspire the young generation to be active.
“I hope that my students and youth in general have a lifelong appreciation for arts, whether it is dancing, singing, acting or performing. Be active and be free. Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams!” said Halil Gashi.
Halil Gashi is one of the early pioneers of Hip Hop Theatre in Europe. He has immersed himself as the top dancer/actor in the industry with lead performances in Germany, UK and France. Halil has performed in prestigious shows and concerts including MTV Awards, Black Eyed Peas, Run DMC, Kylie Minogue, Sugarhill Gang and Beat Nutz. He has been seen in numerous commercials and has walked the most glamorous fashion runway shows for Versace, Gucci, Adidas and Levi. Recently, Halil Gashi walked the runway of Adidas as a fashion model as well as dancer at the prominent Global Brand Conference (GDC) in Germany, in April 2013.
Halil Gashi is a hip hop dancer extraordinaire. He established himself as one of the best performers at the prestigious Cirque Du Soleil’s LOVE show in Las Vegas. For nearly four years Halil Gashi entertained thousands of audiences with his lead solo performance.
“I enjoy being on stage. You channel positive energy with the audience and see how the performance makes them feel sad or happy. The solo act that I did for Cirque du Soleil was a big challenge. You have to keep the audience entertained for five minutes and not loose them until the last moment, so they can feel the way I feel. It was a piece about love, emotion, finding yourself and finding love. The act is not all happy and fun, but also shows that you can get hurt. So it was a big challenge to be able to present that to thousands of people daily, on a 360 stage, where you can’t hide anything. What you do, your every move will be seen from all sides. So as an entertainer I had to overcome these challenges in my choreography,” added Halil Gashi.
Halil Gashi is an internationally acclaimed artist. Whether it is dancing, acting, performing, choreographing or modeling, he is considered as a versatile and original creator/artist working today. He has won several awards in dance and modeling, including Best Dancer and Best Body Las Vegas 2012 ( ).
Halil Gashi has been honored by the Mayor of Las Vegas and has entertained Hollywood and International stars with his performance, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Dennis Hopper, Mel B, Jennifer Love, David Duchovny, Kylie Minogue, Steve Carell, Jamel Debbouze, Paul McCartney, Jean Dujardin, Tim Burton, Steve Buscemi and many others.
Halil Gashi is a highly innovative and multidisciplinary artist with inspiration coming not only from dance but also from film. Halil Gashi debut in USA and cinemas world wide in the 3D movie ‘Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away’. The film is written and directed by Academy Award winner, Andrew Adamson and Golden Globe winner of Best Director, James Cameron.
Halil Gashi interpreton në filmin “Worlds Away” të Cirque de Soleil
Nga Nora Kalaja, Prishtinë, New York
Me 21 dhjetor 2012 në kinematë amerikane dhe në të gjithë botën do shfaqet filmi ‘Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away’, në 3D. Ky film është shkruar dhe drejtuar nga i famshmi i Hollivudit Andrew Adamson (nominuar nga Academy Award, regjizor i filmave Shrek, The Chronicles of Narnia) me vizion nga i shquari James Cameron (që realizoi filmat e shumënjohur me titull Titanik, Avatar, The Terminator, Judgment Day, etj). Drejtori James Cameron ka fituar disa çmime nga festivali prestigjioz Golden Globe Awards si ‘Drejtori më i mirë’. Aktori dhe valltari shqiptar nga Kosova, i talentuari Halil Gashi interpreton në këtë film në dy role, si kërcimtar dhe si aktor. Me koreografi përpunuar nga vetë Halil Gashi, në performancën solo, Halili vallëzon me muzikën e Beatles. Ndërsa në performancën e dytë, Halil Gashi luan në një vallzim duet me një kërcimtare tjetër, po me muzikë të Beatles. “The Beatles show LOVE” është një nga shtatë aktet kryesore të filmit, midis te cilave: 1) ”O”, performancë në ujë, e cila nënkupton jetën dhe vetëdijen, 2) “KA”, spektakli ku ndërthur artin me teknologjinë, 3) “Mystere”, shfaqja akrobatike, 4) “Viva Elvis”, dedikuar muzikës se Elvis me kostume dhe vallëzime përkatëse, 5) “Criss Angel Believe”, dedikuar magjistarit Criss Angel dhe tregon historinë e dashurisë së humbur, 6) “Zumanity” dhe 7) “the Beatles Love”, me numrin më të mëdhenj të artistëve në një akt ( Filmi u xhirua në 2011 në Las Vegas, ShBA. Halil Gashi ka qenë pjesë e trupës famoze botërore të Cirque De Soleil, ku ka punuar për shfaqen ‘Beatles Love Show’ në Las Vegas për 3 vjet e gjysëm. Halil Gashi ka qenë mjaft i suksesshëm në fushën e aktrimit, ku ka luajtur për regjizorë të njohur në Angli dhe Gjermani, fillimisht në teatër pastaj në film. Njihet dhe për videoklipet e firmave dhe artistëve famoz si Kylie Minogue, RUN DMC, Black Eye Peas, MTV, BBC, Levi, dhe Addidas.
Shqipëria njihet si një komb me kulturë dhe histori të lashtë, ku personalitete shqiptare kanë krijuar zanafillën e historisë botërore dhe kanë ndryshuar rrjedhën e saj. Që nga mbretërit dhe mbretëreshat e deri në personalitetet moderne si Nënë Tereza, shqiptarët i bashkojnë ndjenjat patriotike dhe dashuria për atdheun. Midis simboleve të tjera që lidh shqiptarët me mëmëdheun, simboli ‘Shqiponjat Lart’ (ose Shqipet Lart) është bërë simboli i identitetit të çdo shqiptari, që nga qytetari i thjeshtë, te Artisti VIP apo politikani, të cilët me krenari hedhin “Shqipet lart” në ajër. Sot ky symbol është transformuar në një fenomen social dhe kulturor që bashkon një rracë të tërë brenda dhe jashtë trojeve të Shqipërisë. A e dini kush e ka krijuar simbolin e duarve “Shqiponjat lart”?
Halil Gashi, një artist shqiptar mjaft i suksesshëm, është gjeniu pas këtij krijimi. Në vitin 2002 Halil u zgjodh si një nga koreografët për krijimin e videos promovuese të valutës europiane Euro-n. Reklama kërkonte aftësi në përdorimin e duarve dhe lëvizje për të krijuar gjeste që përfaqësojnë Euro-n. I shkëlqyeri dhe i talentuari Halil Gashi, krijoi simbolin ‘Shqiponjat Lart’ për të përfaqësuar shqiptarët, duke bashkuar dy duart për të rikrijuar shqiponjën dhe simbolin e lirisë për shqiptarët. Për Halil Gashin, simboli ‘Shqipet Lart’ ishte një simbol paqeje për një Kosovë tëcopëtuar dhe robëruar nga lufta. (Shiko Halilin në 0.27 sekonda në video duke bërë për herë të parë para botës simbolin Shqipet lart në Reklamën e Euro-s
“E kam krijuar simbolin ‘Shqiponjat Lart’ që në vitin 1999, dhe e kam koreografuar tek video e Euro-s pa e ditur njeri. Për mua ‘Shqiponjat Lart’ tregon krenarinë time për të qenë shqiptar, në një kohë kur ne po luftonim për paqe në Kosovë. Desha të shfaq para botës për t’i treguar atyre se kush jam dhe prej nga vij,” tha artisti i talentuar, Halil Gashi.
Do you know who invented the Eagles Up sign?
Albania is known to be a historically and culturally rich nation with well-known personalities who have changed the course of history throughout the world. From early on kings and queens, to modern day dignitaries like Mother Theresa, Albanians are united in their sense of patriotism and love for the country.
Among other uniting symbols that connect the people to its motherland, the ‘Eagles Up’ hand sign has become the national identity of every Albanian, from the local citizen to the Entertainment VIPs to politicians, who proudly throw the ‘Eagles Up’ in the air. Today the eagles up sign has become a social and cultural phenomena that unites an entire race in and outside Albania. Do you know who the inventor of the Eagle Up sign is?
Halil Gashi, a very successful Albanian artist is the genius behind this creation. In 2002 he was casted for the EURO commercial for a promotional video for the Euro currency. The commercial required only hand movements and gestures that represent European Union and the Euro. Halil Gashi brilliantly created the ‘Eagles Up’ symbol to represent Albanians, who identify with the two headed eagle as their symbol of freedom. For Halil Gashi the Eagles Up was a symbol of peace for a war torn Kosovo. (Check out 0.27 second in the video
“I had created the sign in 1999 and I choreographed it into the EURO video without anyone knowing about it. For me the Eagles UP sign shows my pride to be Albanian, at a time when we were fighting to have peace in Kosovo. I wanted to show this symbol in front of the world to show them where I come from,” said the brilliant Halil Gashi.(Kortezi: Ermira Babamusta)