Ju njoftojme qe premiera e shfaqes “Colonel Bird” ne regji te Arta Kallabes do te realizohet me datat 21,22 & 23 mars 2014 ne ora 8pm ne Produces Club, New York. Konfirmoni pjesmarjen tuaj duke e pas parasysh numrin e kufizuar te ulseve.
Pjesmarja juaj do te na gezoj shume.
Rezervimin e biletave mund ta beni ne:
Producers Club 358 West 44th street
Dear friends,
We would like to inform you that the premiere of “Colonel Bird,” a play directed by Arta Kallaba will be staged on March 21st,22nd & 23rd, 8 pm @ Produces Club Theaters in New York. There is limited number of seats, please confirm in advance.
Contact email: info@producersclub.com
Producers Club 358 West 44th street