TIRANA, Feb 3- ‘Balili’ case, beyond the national scale, exceeds the individual dimensions. Instead, it pertains to some neighboring and allied countries, therefore this meeting was summoned to discuss, set out and consult the steps taken by law-enforcement agencies in its investigation.
This is what President of the Republic Bujar Nishani said at the meeting of National Security Council, which convened at the request of Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta to discuss, analyze and coordinate the actions and efforts put into investigation of Balili case as well as in uncompromising fight against narcotics trafficking in our country.
The Head of State started his remarks saying: I find this concern serious, legitimate and necessary to highlight the commitment and coordination of law-enforcement agencies responsible for national security.
In his remarks, Parliament Speaker explained the reasons behind the request to President of the Republic for summoning the meeting of National Security Council. Meta said that the case not only posed a serious public concern of high sensitivity, it also drew the attention of our strategic allies and partners, the US in particular, as well as international law-enforcement agencies, throwing doubt on the seriousness of Albanian institutions in the fight against organized crime and drugs trafficking, also damaging the image of our country.
Afterwards, the participants referred and discussed the institutional actions and coordination of all law-enforcement agencies in conjunction with international partners to combat organized crime and narcotics trafficking.