PRISHTINË, 4 Gusht 2016-Gazeta DIELLI-Behlul JASHARI/ “Tokë e djegur” donin ta bënin Kosovën forcat kriminale serbe, duke vrarë, masakruar e dëbuar shqiptarët… Para 18 viteve, në 4 gusht 1998 raportoja për këtë, e të nesërmen për mbërritjen e diplomatëve perëndimorë në Prishtinë:
[01] Border line with Albania and Drenica transformed into “scorched land,” six Albanians have been killed
PRISHTINE, August 3 (ata) – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: The border line with Albania and central Kosove – Drenice are being transformed into a “scorched land.” Also today great Serb forces have continued fierce fighting with Albanian forces.
Serb forces have launched a frontal attack against villages of Lugu i Baranit, Has, Dushkaje and outskirts of Gjakove, Decan, Peje, Kline and Dukagjin. Serb heavy artillery pieces have bombed villages round Lipjan, Shtimje and Suhareke. The villages and civil population are being attacked also by tanks, cannons and land-land missiles. Helicopters of the Yugoslav army have been seen flying on the warring areas.
According to reports so far, six Albanians have been killed and scores of others have been wounded in Kosove, but the number of the casualties is presumed to be greater.
Scores of thousands of civilians, children and women have moved today too from the villages, taking to the mountains. The number of the Albanians who have fled Kosove is reported to be more than 350 000. Among them are many injured, sick and women. There is shortage of food items, medicine and the living necessities. The attacks by Yugoslav military forces, Serb police and paramilitaries and fierce fighting are continuing in the late evening hours.
There is a tense and grave situation prevailing everywhere in Kosove. Serb motor forces are patrolling roads of Prishtine. /xh/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[10] Fierce fighting in Kosove – seven killed Albanians identified
PRISHTINE, August 4 (ata) – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: Attacks of Serb forces and fighting with Albanian forces continued today on the border line with Albania, in Drenice (Central Kosove) and in other regions of Kosove.
A source from Drenice said to ATA that fighting is extended from Polaci to Lluzhe. Polaci, Krusheci, Marina, a part of Polluzhe, Llaushe, etc., are covered by flames, while Serb tank units and infantry forces are setting on fire homes of the Albanians who have not been so far bombed.
Sources from Drenice report that the bodies of seven Albanians, who so far were declared as missing by sources of the Human Rights Council, have been recovered and identified. /p.ta/pas/xh/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[13] Austrian, German ambassadors visit Kosova
PRISHTINE, Aug 5 (ATA) – The Ambassadors of Austria and Germany in Belgrade urged on Wednesday the Albanian political parties and associations to unite forces and present a joint platform to start negotiations as soon as possible with Belgrade.
The Ambassador of Austria said that the Yugoslav government has been asked urgently to refrain from military operations, enable return of refugees in their houses and avoid humanitarian catastrophe.
Both diplomats held close door talks with president Rugova. bj/ak/