Rafaela Prifti/
The recent publication of Sterjo Spasse’s novel From Life to Life – Why? provides the English language reader a chance to enjoy one of the classic novels of Albanian literature. Sterjo Spasse, (1914-1989) an Albanian writer of Macedonian origin from Lake Prespa, is the author of ten novels and several collections of short stories as well as some education related works. His first novel, usually referred to for short as Pse!? (Why!?Nga jeta në jetë – Pse!?) is considered to be one of the great Albanian novels of the early twentieth century. The story is presented in a form of a diary of a young intellectual whose life undergoes turmoil and backlash in a backward rural society. Spasse completed writing it in his late teens in 1933. Two years later it was published in Korça, Albania.
Stefan Zhelev, a former student of the American University of Bulgaria, reportedly became aware of the novel through his friendship with Albanian students. Neli Nenkova, his wife and talented designer, did the art work on the book cover. “Thanks to the wonderful translation of Robert Wilton, a former British diplomat and excellent connoisseur of the Albanian language, Neli and Stefan believed in the translation project,” writes Flas Shqip https://flasshqip.ca/…/8531-botohet-ne-anglisht-romani…
Should the reader be curious to pick up a book by Sterjo Spasse, evidently the Library of Congress has all of his novels and many of the short stories, says Grant Harris, former Chief, European Division. More than ten years ago, on May 12, 2012 Mr. Harris had moderated on the premises an event titled “Sterjo Spasse: Honoring the Albanian Writer of Macedonian Descent”. The now retired Chief at European Division recalls how writer Naum Prifti, Arian Spasse, author’s grandson, and Gilbert Galanxhi, Albania’s Ambassador in DC at the time, were among the presenters who shared their thoughts and perspectives on the legacy of Spasse. Mr. Harris remembers being impressed that Macedonians and Albanians joined in promoting the event. He says “It told me that Spasse’s appeal reached beyond ethnic Albanians.”
It is an on-point sentiment in terms of the author’s impact as the English speaking public will now have what is regarded as Sterjo Spasse’s masterpiece in their hands.
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