Bytyqi Family Statement on 19th Anniversary of the Murders/July 9, 2018- Serbia is again becoming known for protecting war criminals. President Aleksandar’s Vucic’s continued fealty towards Goran “Guri” Radosavljevic is a major reason why.
Just in the last year, the U.S. Congress’ House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a resolution calling it “reprehensible” that there has been no justice for Ylli, Agron, and Mehmet’s murders. Congressman Lee Zeldin has said the same. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Serbia’s efforts “frustrating”. For his part, Congressman Eliot Engel has called it “appalling” and “a disgrace”.
The Serbian government has earned these labels. For 19 years, through different governments, Serbia has consistently protected the war criminals that murdered our family members and thousands of other civilians. The government and its prosecutors have done nothing. President Vucic has made bold promises, only to defend the very person he told us was responsible for the Bytyqi murders.
There is perhaps no greater shame than deceiving parents about their murdered children. We have fought these injustices for 19 years. We will continue to do so for as long as it takes.