Sokol Paja/
New York, 2 Dhjetor 2024 – Familja, miqtë e komuniteti shqiptar në Amerikë, me lot e dhimbje, përcollën shqiptarin e madh Prof.Sami Repishtin për në banesën e përjetshme. Shërbestari i kombit, komunitetit e çështjes kombëtare, itelektuali, aktikomunisti, atdhetari, veprimtari, studiuesi dhe aktivisti i madh i kombit shqiptar në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Sami Repishti, la pas një trashëgimi atdhetare, morale, intelektuale e njerëzore tejet të çmuar për kombin e komunitetin shqiptar në Amerikë. Gazeta Dielli sjell më poshtë të gjitha fjalimet që u mbajtën në ceremoninë e lamtumirës:
***Daren D. Repishti, M.D.: On behalf of my mother, Diana, my sister, Hava and the rest of my family, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for gathering here to Celebrate my father, Sami Repishti’s life. His was a life extraordinarily well lived. He was with us on this earth for nearly 100 years during which he survived Fascism, Nazism, Communism and my teenage years ! First and foremost, he was a Husband, a Father, a Grandfather and the patriarch of his extended family. He was a Professor, Mentor, Writer, Human rights activist. And hero to many. He fought for principles and truths that are eternal and enduring. Principles that transcended politics, party or ideology. Human rights, freedom, the right to self determination, justice and peace. He conducted himself with humanity, grace, humility and unwavering courage. He was a gentleman and a scholar, He was a statesman. He was a giant in my life. His love and support were always unconditional. If I had a problem he would mostly listen and when he spoke, his words were words of wisdom-usually adding a profound quote in Italian of French. One of the things I will miss most is his terrific sense of humor. His humor could be dark, given his background. Some of jokes he told I won’t repeat as my mother would not approve. Near the end he would say “I’ve made all my mistakes in my first century-I don’t intend to repeat them in my second !” Well, he almost made it. I will miss him very much. Again, thank you all very much for coming.
***Julia Repishti: My family knows that everytime I come to Grandma and Gjyshi’s house, I must listen to the Italian dinner music CD that Gjyshi brought back from Italy. This music, which he listened to as a student in Italy, held special meaning for him. The music is joyous, passionate, a little humorous, and most of all comforting. To me, the music encapsulates the type of Gjyshi he was to me. Gjyshi was always joyous around family from the happy amen cheers he led before dinner to spending time at the beach cabana. He was always so ecstatic to hear about all of our accomplishments, giving us a dollar for good grades or just listening to our stories of navigating life. I now understand it as a way to continue to stand up against the past, by living in the present happily with a close knit family. As I grew older, I think my unique bond with Gjyshi stemmed from my passion about the world, and there was no better teacher than him. I was always innately curious about Albania and our family history, taking the lessons learned and the pride I felt to heart at a young age. When I was nine, my dad took me out of school to fly to New York, where I saw Gjyshi give a lecture on jews in Albania during WWII. My entire life Gjyshi had been retired so I saw him in a different light. I was completely awestruck, not just by the lecture-which I found fascinating- but by the passion he exuded while talking about his work. Gjyshi wanted each of us to find what fulfilled us in life and pursue it wholeheartedly. Mine happened to be in the same realm. I felt most ardent about helping to empower people to stand up for their rights and advancing democracy in Eurasia. This was solidified while visiting Albania for the first time, which made Gjyshi extremely happy as I visited our relatives and his hometown. I felt his presence everywhere as his story and bravery came to life walking around Shkoder. When I told him I was going to get my Masters in international affairs, He jokingly asked me when I would become the next ambassador to Albania and also if I used his story in my personal statement, which I did a little bit. Gjyshi’s sense of humor ranged from dry, dark communist humor to playful teasing to outright silliness. Between him asking me “how is Putin and if i have beaten him yet” to telling us to eat with our toes to asking us “what is all this noise”, our family was always laughing. And I think all of these qualities were why he was such a comforting presence in my life. It really was the simple acts that contributed to that level of comfort: chatting and listening to his stories and jokes in the morning around the breakfast table, watching the 10pm evening news, walking a couple times around the loop, talking the very little french I knew on the phone with him before we had to switch to english, and him just simply asking me about my life. He really wanted to see the different roads all of us chose as we became adults. I’m glad he got to see the road I decided to turn down and that I am fulfilled by it. He was a major constant in my life, contributing to the person I am today and the values I hold dearly. It is going to be difficult to not have his comforting presence around but the almost 30 years of memories, photos, videos, and stories will be the warmth I will hold on to- alongside listening to the Italian dinner music CD. I love you Gjyshi.
***Nicole Repishti: Many know Dr. Sami Repishti as a principled scholar and activist, but I know him as Gjyshi. He would often ask, “Nicolina, Nicolina … why does Gjyshi love you so much?” I’d reply, “Because you have to!” and he’d give me a look as if to say, “No, that’s not why.” He always made it a point to express his love for me, so today, I’d like to express my love for him…Gjyshi made me laugh like no one else, and there are countless Gjyshi quotes that have become part of the Repishti family lore. He was never the loudest in the room, but when he spoke, I’d lean in closer so I could hear him. It was his facial expressions that I loved the most, though. We could communicate volumes with just a glance.
He was playful, warm, and wise. The best grandfather I could ever ask for. From a young age, I’ve had immense pride for my Gjyshi. I’d tell my classmates, “My grandfather was in prison for 10 years because he spoke out against the Albanian government!” At that age, most kids didn’t even know where Albania was, and it was rare for someone to pronounce Repishti correctly on the first try. But when asked about the origin of my last name, I was always proud to explain my heritage. When I was in third grade, Gjyshi visited my class for multicultural day. After sharing his story, all my classmates wanted his autograph. It’s funny to think about now, but it was one of the first moments I truly grasped the impact Gjyshi had beyond our family. My silly Gjyshi was also a symbol of freedom and resilience, and that was powerful. As I’ve grown, I’ve come to understand Gjyshi more deeply—not just as my grandfather, but as the complex person he was. After I graduated from college, Gjyshi asked me, almost every time we spoke, when I planned to pursue graduate studies. At first, it felt like pressure, but eventually I realized it was his way of encouraging me to reach my potential. I’d tell him, “I’ll figure it out on my own time, and you’ll be the first to know.” A little over a year ago, I took his hand and told him I intended to study psychology. When I was accepted, he was the person I was most excited to share the news with.
As Gjyshi wrote, “The rebellious act that almost killed me, liberated me.” His thirst for knowledge and unwavering commitment to human dignity sustained him through his most difficult years, emerging stronger on the other side. I find it remarkable that, despite the darkness the mind can endure, it is also capable of extraordinary resilience and can be a powerful force for justice.
Gjyshi did not succumb to bitterness or defeat, and he never gave up. He was the strongest person I know. For me, carrying his legacy is reflected in my fascination with the human mind and my desire to make a meaningful impact on the human condition, no matter how small. Sharing the beginning of this journey with him while he was alive is comforting to me and will forever remain an inspiration. He is my greatest role model for living with strength, loyalty, love, and—most of all—a sense of humor. A couple of years ago, Gjyshi said to me, “When my time comes, don’t cry. Remember me as a happy person.” So, I invite you all to do the same. He passed away a very happy man, and I view that as an affirmation of a life well-lived.
***Alexander Safir: I want to start by thanking everyone here today for coming to honor my grandfather. We all knew him in different ways– as family, as a friend or colleague, as an intellectual thinker, or as a heroic figure– and someone to admire. I know that he would be grateful for your presence, and we, his family, very much are. My grandfather and I had a unique dynamic. He was the oldest member of my family, by a fairly significant margin. Meanwhile, I’m the youngest, with the closest in age being my sister, who’s three years older– a pretty substantial difference during childhood. But the vast gap of eighty years, nearly incomprehensible to someone my age, didn’t stop my grandfather and I from growing close. He did something incredible for me, which I appreciate more than I can ever express in words– he elevated me beyond my position as the youngest of the family. For as long as I can remember, Gjyshi treated me and my opinion with the same level of respect and serious thought as he would any accoladed scholar. Even as a young child, learning the basics of our country’s history, he would encourage me to think far more critically about events than my elementary school did. He’d supplement my assignments with his own verbal lessons, or with readings he found interesting in his own studies. Of course, there were times where I couldn’t keep up with him– although, even among adults, there are very few who could. But, the skills he encouraged me to master accelerated my development as a scholar, and as a member of this family. By the time I reached high school, Wednesday night dinners at Granny and Gjyshi’s began to contain some of the best discussions I’ve ever had. They became a highlight of my week, and a tradition lasting for years– even upon my visits home from college. The respect and compassion with which my grandfather treated me permeated my evolution into adulthood, helping me build confidence in myself as I came into my own in a new environment. More than anyone else, he made me believe that I could, and will, achieve at the highest level, even in a competitive academic environment. To quote the man himself, “Always first, never second.” I am extraordinarily grateful to have known Sami Repishti for as long as I did. He was a true intellectual, a gentleman, and a beloved member of the family, and he’s left behind big shoes to fill. I therefore encourage all of you here who knew him to consider one of the many aspects that made him such a great man, and to try and encapsulate it in your own daily life. Personally, I hope to build upon the gift he gave me, continuing his legacy as a facilitator of meaningful discussion and encouraging respectful discourse among my peers of every age and background, regardless of whether their opinion differs from my own. Thank you.
***Audrey Safir: My Gjyshi and I have always been connected. I was born on April 9th, exactly forty years to the day he landed in America a free man. There were little things too. We shared a love of Boston Crème donuts and cheese boards and Easy Listening music. When you’re young, you learn to love the same things as your idols. They remind you of them and the care that ties you. I know when I step into a library or try on a classy chapeau, I will feel his love with me. And it is love itself that I will remember him by. Given his past, he could have easily been angry. But he chose, above all, to love his family and the common humanity that binds us. He loved the earth too. Gjyshi enjoyed gardening, and would stand with his hat, fostering blossoms with dedication and care. When I was young, we planted pink hydrangeas outside my house. What started as a small stem grew into a bush that blooms every spring. They will always remind me of him. Even if Gjyshi’s body has left us, his spirit- and the love that filled it- lives in the earth. It shines so that anyone, whoever they are, wherever they come from, can pass the hydrangeas and witness their beauty. When the flowers die, their nutrients will rejoin the soil and allow new life to bloom. The petals may be different, the stem longer or shorter, but it will still have the vibrance of being. When he placed his hands in the dirt, he created a connection- one that is eternal.
While away at school, Gjyshi would call me to complain that no one was insulting him. Until the end, he maintained his sharp wit and a twinkle of mischief, and didn’t want to be a forgotten old man. So now, Gjyshi, I will speak directly to you. I promise to be kind and brave. I promise to put my family first and never let our ties be broken. I promise to love all humans, even those I resent. I promise to follow you in finding connections and treating the world with the dignity it deserves. I promise to always love and remember you. We are connected forever.
***Bryan Repishti: 99% of people that knew Dr. Sami Repishti knew him as the humanitarian, deservingly so. We simply knew him as Gjyshi. There are 3 main ways that I will always remember him by.
1. Fun Loving Grandfather
⁃ Every visit was filled with endless laughs, endless sarcasm, and endless love. Oh, and of course checking the stock market 7 times a day. Some of my favorite gjyshi sayings were:
⁃ We are boys we make noise
⁃ Eating again in my house parasite
Even when he wasn’t trying, he would still find a way to make us all smile because he lived life on his own terms. A few examples that come to mind: When we would be out in public, he would walk off somewhere and we would always lose track of him. Buying us a pizza that we didn’t need just because he felt like it. Once when we arrived at my Aunt Ava’s home, he went straight to the expresso machine without saying hello to his daughter or anyone else. That was Gjyshi.
2. Life Advice
He was incredibly wise and had a strong understanding of human nature. Despite his rigorous commitment to academic excellence and my being…well, the opposite, he always understood where my strengths were. Once it became obvious to him that I had found the love of my life (my now wife Vanessa) about 1 year after we started dating, he gave me some of the best advice that I have ever received. He told me that as a man you must always be prepared for war:
⁃ 1. War that shows up on your front doorstep.
⁃ 2. Economic war, having the ability to take care of your family while you are here and after you pass.
⁃ 3. The war against time, a battle that we lose with each passing day because we don’t know how much time any of us has. Find a way to create as much time as you can with those that you love, it is the only way you will truly be free. Investing your money is investing in your time.
3. Gratitude
The gratitude that he felt just to live life on his own terms was immense. From the ability to enjoy nature on the back porch of his mountain home to spending time at his favorite place, the beach cabana, enjoying the sunset. He was grateful for life, but most importantly he was most grateful for who he spent it with. He loved his family more than anything, and he would be proud of each and every one of us uniquely. Lastly, to my grandmother. Thank you for everything that you did for him, you are the primary reason that we were able to have so much time with him. We love you.
***Elez Biberaj: Sami Repishti Eulogy – December 2, 2024:
Dear Mrs. Repishti, Ava, Daren, members of Professor Repishti’s family, friends and colleagues! We gather today to mourn the loss of an extraordinary individual, Professor Sami Repishti. While our hearts are heavy with grief, we also come together to honor the remarkable life he lived – the depth and richness of his contributions to his family, his nation, our Albanian-American community, and the American society at large. In July 2015, almost a decade ago, I had the great privilege to participate in a symposium in New York, in honor of Professor Repishti’s 90th birthday. In his brief remarks on that happy occasion, Professor Repishti spoke eloquently about the principles that guided his entire life: giving voice to the voiceless, advocating for justice, the freedom to pursue one’s dreams, and rejecting violence, discrimination and revenge. Even then, as he faced the challenges of his advanced years, Professor Repishti demonstrated a remarkable spirit of determination, strength, and a deep commitment to human dignity. His words reminded us of the extraordinary person he was – a beacon of hope, compassion and humanity. Today, we honor and remember the journey of a truly special person – a husband, father, grandfather, perceptive scholar, human rights activist, colleague, and friend – who touched so many and left a lasting impression on all who knew him.
I had the great privilege of knowing Professor Repishti for over fifty years. Our friendship began when I first met him upon emigrating to the United States in 1968, although I had heard of him years earlier from my uncle, Niman. They were in prison together following the communist takeover of Albania. My uncle had shared stories of the deprivations, physical and psychological torture and forced labor that they endured in Enver Hoxha’s brutal prisons.
Professor Repishti and I developed a close friendship, founded on our desire to advance the Albanian cause and a shared vision for a better future for Albania, Kosova, and Albanians in other Balkan countries. He regularly appeared on Voice of America, where his words gave hope to oppressed Albanians that one day they would gain their freedom and democratic rights.
His passion for justice and human dignity, paired with his remarkable intellect, made him a trusted voice for Albanians worldwide as well as for American policymakers. He was held in such high esteem by all who had the opportunity to interact with him. Professor Repishti was a great friend, a mentor, and a constant source of inspiration. His friendship was a gift that I will always cherish.
Professor Repishti’s life work is deeply rooted in the fight for justice, freedom, and democracy. He exhibited an unflinching commitment to defend and promote human rights and democratic governance in Albania, Kosova, Macedonia, Çameria, and Montenegro.
His contributions to Kosova’s long and difficult struggle for freedom, independence, and democracy are nothing short of extraordinary. Through his advocacy, he mobilized not only the Albanian-American community but also raised awareness among the American public and U.S. policymakers, cultivating relationships with senior White House, State Department and Congressional officials. His efforts were instrumental in the creation of advocacy organizations such as the Albanian Kosovar Youth in the Free World, the Albanian-American Civic League, and the National Albanian American Council.
A prolific writer, Professor Repishti published numerous reports, articles and books, offering profound insights into Albanian history, human rights, and the importance of democracy. In his lectures, interviews, and testimonies before the U.S. Congress, Professor Repishti passionately advocated for the Albanian cause.
In 1982, together with Arshi Pipa, Professor Repishti organized an international conference on Kosova, which brought together prominent American, European and Albanian scholars. The conference resulted in the publication of a book, Studies on Kosova, which became an indispensable reading for policymakers and scholars.
Professor Repishti devoted particular attention to fostering strong, strategic relationships between Albanians and Americans. He believed that the future prosperity of the Albanians was closely tied to their friendship and partnership with the United States.
Professor Repishti leaves behind an enduring legacy. He was an exemplary Albanian-American, a tireless human rights advocate, and an accomplished scholar, whose work will continue to inspire future generations. He was a man of principles, who never ceased fighting for what he believed.
While we mourn his passing, let us not forget the joy and pride he brought to our lives. If Professor Repishti were here today, I am certain he would not want us to be sad but to focus instead on the happy memories and the positive impact he made in our lives.
To the entire Repishti family, I extend my deepest condolences. May Professor Repishti’s memory be a blessing, and may we all continue to live by the values he so passionately espoused. Rest in peace, my friend! Thank you.
E nderume zoja Diana, vajza Ava, djali Daren, mbesa e nipa familjare, miq dhe bashkëpunëtorë të Profesor Sami Repishtit, zoja e zotni. Sot të mërzitun jemi këtu për t’ja dhanë lamtumirën e fundit; burrit, prindit, gjyshit, figurës madhore të kombit, kolosit të Diasporës sonë. Për Profesor Repishtin janë shkrue libra, dokumentare, portrete. Kanë folë figurat ma eminente të kulturës sonë dhe jo vetem. Do të shkruhet dhe flitet gjatë për Profesor Sami Repishtin. Jetoi gjatë gati 100 vjet por edhe më të gjatë e pati suksesin, arritjet, krijimtarinë dhe mirënjohjet kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare. Më lejoni me pak fjalë t’ju tregoj për jetën, veprat dhe krijimtarinë e tij.
Me 27 nëntor 2024 ndrroi jetë qetësisht pranë familjes humanisti shqiptaro-amerikan Dr.Sami Repishti. Lindi në Shkodër, Shqipëri, 1925. Aty kreu filloren e të mesmen; filloi universitaren, histori modern në Universitetin e Firenze-s. Studenti Sami Repishti, 14 vjeçar, u aktivizue në demonstratat studenteske të 5-7 prillit kundër pushtuesve fashistë. Babai Hafiz Ibrahim Repishti,D.D. Istanbul, vullnetar në rrethimin e Shkodrës (1912-13) Shef i arsimit, 1916, Imam, deputet fanolist republikan, për Shkodrën (1923-24) ra viktimë e terrorit fashist (1942). Qytetar Nderi, 2012, Nana Hava Bushati Repishti, viktimë e tri diktaturave, u dekorue nga Senatorja e N.Y.State N.Fernandez me “Certificate of Accomplishment”. Kaloi vite me dy fëmijë në kampin Tepelenë. 17 vjeçari Zyhdi Repishti u masakrue nga nazistët (’44). Larg rrymave politike, Repishti qendroi si demokrat dhe intelektual jo-konformist. Me ardhjen e pushtetit diktatorial stalinist, ai u gjet në nji situatë që impononte politikisht dhe moralisht marrjen e nji qëndrimi patriotik. U aktivizue në veprimtari antikomuniste për liri e demokraci liberale perëndimore. U arrestue, 1946. I riu Sami u torturue egërsisht, dhe me 27 nandor 1947, u dënue me 15 vjet burgim të randë e punë të detyrueshme. Me nji vëlla të arratisun, nana e moshueme, motra dhe vëllau i mitun u internuen në Tepelenë. I liruem nga burgu, korrik 1956, punëtor krahu i përbuzun e i përndjekun, Samiu vendosi të arratiset në ish-Jugosllavi, në gusht 1959, tue lanë familjen në nji gjendje shumë të vështirë. U mbajt për 11 muej incommunicado, u dërgue në kampin Gerovo, Kroaci, 1960, dhe u dëbue në Itali, 1961. Emigroi në Amerikë më 9 prill 1962 ku banoi deri në frymën e fundit.
Në Botën e Lirë, refugjati Sami Repishti iu nënshtrue nji arsimimi rigoroz dhe fitoi diplomën B.A.(1964), M.A.(‘69) dhe PhD.(French,’73) nga Universiteti “la Sorbonne” Paris, (bursist), dhe Graduate Center, CUNY. Për 25 vjet ka dhanë mësim në gjimnazet amerikane (Malverne HS); ka sherbye si kryetar i departamentit të gjuhëve të hueja, dhe njikohësisht si pedagog i jashtëm pranë Adelphi Univ. (1973-78),NY. Profesor Repishti ashtë autor kryesisht i dy vëllimeve autobiografike Pika Loti – Tregime burgu(1997), e “Nën hijen e Rozafës – Narrativë e jetueme(2004) dhe 8 vëllime studimesh, si dhe bashkautor i 12 vëllimeve tjera. Ka qenë, dhe mbetet publicist i angazhuem për problemin e “Shqipërisë lindore”. Kosova e lirë, e pavarun, demokratike, e bashkueme dhe europiane ka qenë leitmotivi i jetës tij. I aktivizuem në lamin politik, ai bashkëthemeloi e drejtoi disa organizata shqiptaro-amerikane: Rinia Shqiptare Kosovare në Botën e Lirë, Kosova Relief Fund, USA, Lidhja Qytetare Shqiptare Amerikane (AACL), e Këshilli Kombëtar Shqiptaro-Amerikan (N.A.A.C.) për shumë vite grupimet politike ma efektive në SHBA. Që nga viti 1965, ai ka dëshmue para dy Dhomave të Kongresit Amerikan për problemet kombëtare shqiptare dhe ka mbajtë lidhje të vazhdueshme me kuadrot e Kongresit, Departmentit të Shtetit dhe Shtëpisë së Bardhë. Panorama (Tiranë) e cilësoi ”…ish i burgosuri Sami Repishti është ndoshta personaliteti më i shquar dhe më i urtë që shqiptarët kanë sot në SHBA…”. Ashtë dekorue nga qeveritë shqiptare, amerikane e kosovare. Prof. Sami Repishti jetoi në Amerikë, bashkë me bashkëshorten e tij, Diana Repishti, arsimtare, djalin Daren, mjek, vajzën Ava, juriste, e pesë nipa e mbesa (Bryan, Julia Nicole, Audrey dhe Alexander).
Dëshira e fundit: Liri, Paqë në Botë dhe Mirëkuptim!
-14.0X1986 –“For as long as people like Dr.Repishti ëho has spent eleven years in Communist jails escape and seek refuge in the United States, the country of his freedom, our Nation and Democracy will flourish”.… George W. Bush, N/President of the United States of America
– 16.V.1995 – I përkushtuar që në moshë të re çështjes së drejtësisë shoqërore, armik i betuar i diktaturës komuniste, intelektual e studjues erudit që të gjithë veprimtarinë e tij të pandërprerë i vuri në shërbim të çështjes kombëtare, të zhvillimit të kulturës shqiptare, mbrojti interesat kombëtare sidomos punio me përkushtim për të njohur të drejtat legjitime të popullit tonë në Kosovë, duke arritur që çështjen kosovare ta ndërkombëtarizojë në qarqet më të larta shtetërore të Evropës, të Amerikës dhe në Organizatat Ndërkombëtare* -Dr.Sali Berisha, President, Republika e Shqipërisë.
– 515.V1.1996- 1 dashur Sami, jam i bindur se e kemi të përbashkët gëzimin për hapjen e Zyrës Informative Amerikane në Prishtine, për të cilën Ju jeni angazhuar dhe keni panuar me tërë qënien bashkë me miq amerikanë dhe veprimtarë të cëeshtjes së Kosovës dhe të kauzës shqiptare në SH.B.A. Hapja e kësaj Zyre në Prishtinë padyshim është kurorëzimi dhe suksesi juaj, prandej më lejoni t’ju shpreh përgëzimet më të përzemërta. Besoj se ju me dijen, përvojen dhe kurajon e pa shembulltë do të punoni edhe në të ardhmen për sensibilizimin e opinionit shtetëror e publik amerikan për pavarësinë e Kosovës dhe çështjen shqiptare në përgjithësi. Në emër të popullit të Republikës së Kosovës dhe emrin tim personal, ju falënderoimë edhe një herë për punën e madhe që bëni në Amerikë dhe ju urojmë shëndet të mirë”- Dr.Ibrahim Rugova, President, Republika e Kosovës.
– 6.VII1.1997- “Dear Sami: Thank you for your letter of June 12 (1997) regarding the situation of ethnie Albanians in the Balkans. My Administration is equally concerned about human rights abuses. particularly ëith regard to Kosovo. Again, thank you for your active interest in this important issue”. Sincerely, BiII Clinton’* President of the United States of America.
– 5.1X.2001-(The liberation of Kosova) could not have prevailed had not you and the others spent years patiently educating the American public, and more important our political leaders, of the serious problem posed by Serb repression of the Albanians there. You maybe justly proud of ëhat you have açomplished. No, you did not do it single-handedly, but I doubt that ëithout your long efforts American political leaders could have acted as they did. Ëith ëarm personal regards, Amb.Bill Ryerson(1991-94)
– 25.XI1.2003-Për mendimin tim, prof.dr. Sami Repishti qëndron në krye të intelektualëve të diasporës shqiptaro-amerikane. Ai është pasardhës i denjë i Rilindasve sepse ka zbatuar me besnikëri idealet e tyre të larta” – Peter R.Prifti, autor dhe historian.
Korrik 2015-Ju jeni njeriu që idealeve për shqiptarizëm u mbete besnik, dhe kështu i bëre borxh kombit tonë. Nji jetë e terë në shërbim të kombit; kjo është madhështia tek ju, misioni fisnik dhe jo i dalun mode. Ju jeni intelektuali me forma të mirëfillëta, luftar i thekur për demokraci në kuptimin e plotë të fjalës, kundër komunizmit pa kursim, e qëndrim herkulan…” Dr. Bujar Bukoshi, KM / Kosovës
– 17.VIL.2015 – Bëjmë urimet tona duke kujtuar kontributin në luftën kundër totalitarizmit enverist, përpjekjet fisnike për Kosovën, punën e rrallë e të lavdrueshme në të mirën e kulturës shqiptare, ku (vecojmë librat tua) me karakter autobiografik” – Ismail Kadare, Elena Kadare monumentë të kulturës sonë.
– 115.1X.2016 “Me mirënjohje për vuatjes dhe sakrificat e parrëfyeshme, përpjekjet mbinjerëzore dhe qëndresën stoike ndaj diktaturës komuniste. Në nderim të veprimtarisë së palodhun atdhetare për çështjen kombëtare, si dhe në respekt të rolit dhe kontributit të çmuar dhënë për dekada me radhë si veprimtar i shquar i të drejtave të njeriut, farkëtues i lidhjeve te gjithanëshme shqiptaro-amerikane duke u shëndrruar në një simbol të rrallë, të vyer të shqiptarizmit” – Bujar Nishani, President i Republikës së Shqipërisë.
– 17 .V1.2012 – “Dear Sami: One of the most important things I have done as President is read Americans like you. I ëould like to thank you for ëriting, I promise I ëill be there along ëith you continue to build better, more prosperous, more diverse and inclusive America ëith a future fali of hope. Thanks for ëriting all the best._.” Barak Obama, President of the United States of America.
– 14-XIL2020_”Ish i burgosuri politik Sami Repishti është ndoshta personaliteti më i shquar dhe më i urti që shqiptarët kanë sot në SHBA.” Gazeta PANORAMA, Tiranë.
– 6.1.2021 – Kjo dashuri familjare dhe njerëzore që buron pashterrësisht prej jush janë çelësi i artë i jetës suaj plot talent, stuhi e sukseseshme dëshmuar në veprat e juaja që mbeten një vlerë kombëtare mësimdhënëse për brezat e rinj” – Fotaq Andrea, autor, ish Ambasador i R.Sh. pranë UNESCO.
1.La dialectique de l’ordre et du moi profound de l’homme (frengjisht, 1969) – (përkthyer në shqip nga Fotaq Andrea, Tiranë 2014)
2.The theme of the Revolution in the ëorks of Andre Mairaux (Doctoral thesis, 1973)
3.Ten Memoranda: the tragic plight of the Albanians in Yugoslavia (1985)
4.Albania in brief (A.AN.O. N.Y. 1992)
5. Pika loti- Tregime burgu (Shkodër, 1997, 2008)
6. Breaking the Silence – A voice for Kosova (N.Y.C, 2000)
7. Nën hijen e Rozafës- Narrativë e Jetueme (Tiranë, 2004) – (Përkthyer në anglisht nga Prof. Carrie Hooper (N.Y.2020)
8 Lotë, Lavdi, Lumnim. (2016)
9. Nga andrrat rinore, në pellgun e mashtrimit ( 2016)
10. Në pritje të ditëve premtuese (Tirane 2021) – Bashkë-autor-Co-Author:
11. Lidhja e Prizrenit – 100 vjetori – (Roma, 1978)
12. Studies on Kosova (me Arshi Pipo) ( Col Un. Press. N.Y. 1984)
13. Human Rights in Yugoslavia ( Col. Un_Press 1986)
14.Yugoslavia-Fallure o/ Democratic Socialism (Freedom House, N.Y. 1987)
15.Selbststimmung fuer Mittel – und OstEuropa (Geneva CH,1989) 6 Gaerung in Mittel und-
OstEuropa (Geneva Ch. 1989) 7. Neue Epoche (Geneva, Ch. 1990)
16.Albanian Language Competencles – Peace Corps (me Ismail Haznedari) (N.Y. 1992)
17.Kosova 2000-Përshtypje (me Harry Bajraktari) (Prishtinë 2000)
18.Mbi Çamërinë, Seminar. (me Zamir. Shtylla, Agron. Alibali) – (Fordham U. Shkodër, 2002)
19.Jeës in Albania® in Holocaust: Essays and Documents, Ëd. R. Braham (C.U.P. 2011)
20. Shqipëria e Jugut – Camëria ( VET, Tiranë, 2014)
21. 700 plus: artikuj, ese, memorandumea, peticione, korrespondencë
• Mirenjohje dhe Dekorime:
1.Departmental Honors, Queens College (C. U.N.Y.1964)
2.Ë.Ëilson Felloëship finalist ( Ë. Ëilson Foundation, Columbia U. 1964)
3.Bourse d’etudes du Gouvernement Français – 1970-71- La Sorbonne, Paris France
4.Pllakë mirinjohje, aktivist për të drejtat e njeriut, (AAN0,1988)
5. Distinktliv KOASH në Amerikë (Boston) – veprimtar për të drejtat e njeriut (1988)
6.Kandidat mimi Avner, N.Y-S. “arsimtar i dalluem për të drejtat e njeriut(1988)*
7.”Fighter for Democracy” – Pllakë përkutimore Bill dhe Hillary Clinton” (1992)
8.Medalje e Artë: Pishtar i Demokracisë – Presidenti Sali Berisha (Tiranë, 1992)
9.”Urdhëri Naim Frashëri’ KI. 1-rë- Presidenti S. Berisha (1995)
10.”Certifkatë mirënjohje” – Hapja e Zyrës Informative Amerikane në Prishtinë (1996)
11.Mirënjohje e Kongresit Amerikan – ( Peter King. M.P.) me rastin e 75 vjetorit të lindjes.
12.Medalje e Artë Lidhja Shqiptare e Prizrenit – 125 vjetori – President I.Rugova (2003)
13.Pllakë Mirënjohje për themelimin e N.A.A.C dhe presidencën e NAAC (2005)
14. NAAC nomination for The 2006 Ëhite House Presidential Service Aëard® (2006)
15.Certifikatë Anëtar NderI – Instituti Mbarëkombëtar “Albshkenco (2007)
16. Fletë mirënjohje – Kontribut / veçantë për Bashkësinë Sh-A° Manhattan Bor. President (2008)
17. “Rruga Sami Repishti”, Shkodër – Mirënjohje nga Bashkia e Qytetit (2010)
18. “Nderi i Diasporës” – Kontribut për cështjen kombëtare. Forumi SH-A për Demokraci (2012)
19. Dekoratë Mirënjohje” – Shoqëria Çamëria* (2014)
20. Qytetar Nderi i Shkodrës – Bashkia (2016)
20. “Award – Life Achievement” – Federata Panshqiptare e Amerikës VATRA (2018)
21. ‘Anëtar Nderi” – Shoqata e Shkrimtarëve Shqiptaro-Amerikanë (2018)
22.”Mirënjohje” – Instituti Alb-Shkenca Tiranë (2010)
Pusho në Paqe, Profesori ynë!
Sot jemi mbledhë këtu për t’ia dhanë lamtumirën e fundit birit fisnik të Familjes shkodrane Repishti, një prej figurave markante të Kombit, emblemë e Diasporës sonë në Amerikë, Prof. Sami Repishti.
Po ndahemi sot nga krijuesi e mendimtari, nga disidenti dhe ish-i burgosuri politik, nga intelektuali dhe fisniku e humanisti i paçift, Prof. Sami Repishti. Po ndahemi sot nga ikona antikomuniste dhe qëndrestari i përbetuem, i cili nuk hoqi dorë për asnji çast nga ideali për çlirimin e Shqipnisë së kapun egërsisht nga komunistët, tue e vuajte dhimbjen e mërgimit, deri në fund të jetës së tij, këtu në New-Yorkun e Lirisë, në Tokën e Bekueme!
Prof. Samiu, ky pinjoll i brezave fisnikë Repishti të Shkodrës, la Shqipninë dhe u nis drejt Amerikës, jo vetëm për të shpëtua kryet e vet nga regjimi komunist që po bëhej gjithnjë e ma i egër, por edhe për ta ndihmue nga larg Atdheun, tue u ba, për shumë dekada, nji zëdhanës besnik i tij, deri në çastet e fundit të jetës.
Prof. Repishti po ndahet sot nga kjo jetë për t’iu bashku’ Gegëve të mëdhej shkodranë, bashkëvuejtësve të idealit, Arshi Pipës e Martin Camajt, si dhe shumë e shumë atdhetarëve, të ardhur nga Kosova dhe viset e tjera shqiptare në Ballkanin e Egër.
Rilindësi i fundit, “Kosovari i Shkodrës”, Sami Repishti, ishte dhe do të mbetet artikuluesi ma i bindshëm dhe ma besnik i çështjes së Kosovës, para institucioneve të SHBA-së, tue i sensibilizuar ato për zgjedhje të drejtë e të përhershme të saj.
I dashtun Prof. Repishti!
Ti po ndahesh sot prej nesh, fizikisht, i dashtun Profesor, por ne nuk do të të harrojmë kurrë për gjithë ç’ka ke bâ për ne.
Pushoftë në Paqe shpirti yt fisnik, i dashtun Profesor Repishti.
Në emër të Federatës Pan- Shqiptare të Amerikës VATRA, të gazetës Dielli, të mbarë vatranëve, të shqiptaro-amerikanëve dhe të familjes sime; shpreh ngushëllimet më të dhimbshme familjes Repishti për ndarjen nga jeta të shqiptarit të shquar, intelektualit, aktikomunistit, atdhetarit, veprimtarit, studiuesit dhe aktivistit të madh të kombit shqiptar në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Sami Repishtit.
Një humbje e madhe për kombin shqiptar, kulturën kombëtare, letrat shqipe dhe mbarë komunitetin shqiptar në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës.
Sami Repishti si ikonë e qëndresës antikomuniste, si shkrimtar, si publicist e mbrojtës i pa lodhur i të drejtave të njeriut, i bëri një shërbim historik kombit tonë e mërgatës shqiptare në Amerikë.
Ndërkombëtarizoi çështjen shqiptare në institucionet amerikane, promovoi interesat kombëtare, imazhin, kombin e komunitetin shqiptar në shoqërinë amerikane duke lartësuar vlerat më të çmuara të kombit tonë në Perëndim.
Sami Repishti ishte një pishtar drite dhe lirie ku pas daljes nga ferri komunist, rrezatoi paqe, falje e dashuri. Aktiviteti i ngjeshur atdhetar e patriotik, studimet dhe botimet në publicistikë, analizat e komentet, reportazhet, dokumentaret në media kombëtare e ndërkombëtare, përbëjnë një thesar e mirënjohje, trashëgimi të përjetshme që Sami Repishti na la pas.
Frymëzues dhe shqiptar dinjitoz i këtij shekulli.
I pa harruar kujtimi, jeta dhe vepra e Sami Repishtit.
Jemi pranë familjes Repishti në këto momente trishtimi e lamtumire.
Zoti e pastë në parajsën e përjetshme.
Pranë jush dhe me nderime
Kryetari i VATRËS