Dear President Obama,/
I am a deeply concerned citizen of Albania, who like millions of Albanians is shocked by the news that deadly toxic chemical arsenal of Assad’s regime is landing to Albanian shores. For a small country of 28,000 km2, over-populated, with poor infrastructure, with countless problems in every sector of the economy, health, education, environment, agriculture, tourism, struggling for over two decades to fight corruption and organized crime plagued in every cell of our society, the decision of demolition chemical weapons in Albania is TOXIC. The lethal impact that this potential decision will have in the lives of Albanians and the generations to come is unquestionable.
I am addressing to you this letter for a couple of reasons. Our historic ties to US date back to 1919, when US President Woodrow Wilson intervened to block the Paris Peace Conference agreement, which divided Albania among former Yugoslavia, Italy, and Greece. US support followed until these days with President Clinton’s decision to halt the Serbian genocide in Kosovo, for which we as Albanians are deeply grateful. But as dark days have captured the skyline of the Albanian people, our eyes are turned to you as a world leader in a desperate attempt to change the tragic fate of our nation. From a nightmarish dream we woke up few days ago to the horrible news that our government has volunteered to host the Assad’s arsenal of +1,000 MT of highly dangerous chemical weapons and materials, infringing our constitutional rights, without any transparency, public consent, REFERENDUM, or even any hearings from the interest groups. Our government is selling this issue of hosting Assad’s weapons as a request of NATO to our country as a member of NATO alliance, while there is no evidence that neither NATO itself is involved in the process of disarming Syria nor that NATO officially has submitted a request to Albania to host it. I know, this is our internal problem. Plus in 1993 the U.S. saved Germany and Europe by shipping out of our continent the very dangerous German chemical weapons stockpile. How can one in good conscience suggest to bring now, in 2013, in the heart of Europe, Assad’s stockpile?
But what should ring the ALARM bells to the international community is the wrong evaluation of capacities of our country for handle an operation of this magnitude.
How can the poorest country in Europe deal with a potential accident of this nature? How can a country like ours deal with waste management of Sarin and Mustard gas if DID NOT yet manage the waste from its own symbolic destruction of chemical materials inherited from communism? The lives of those innocent people and children brutally killed in Gerdec (army depot explosion) by the incompetence of public authorities and their corruptive affairs do not signal any concern? Is the world willing to see another Syrian dreadful episode of mass killing from chemical weapons in Albania? What about the image of Albania worldwide pinned as the toxic ground of Europe? What about poisoned water resources, land, shores? Who will pay the consequences of this irrational and criminal act? – The Albanian people!!! And the future generations to come will be condemned to death without being guilty, for a crime that they did not commit.
In this dark moment of desperation, but also proud of being a citizen of a peaceful nation that embraces democratic values, seeking to join EU, we ask you President Obama to stop this horrendous crime. We have to live to be your allies and supporters.
To end this heartfelt letter, I am going to quote our famous patriot and former Minister and Extraordinary Envoy of Albania to the U.S Faik Konitza. “If Albania will die, it will die because of its politicians”
God SAVE Albania!
Armela Bega
Greetings from Prishtina,
So,Albania ought to enjoy all of the perks of NATO membership, U.S.A’s friendly relationship, freedom of movement throughout Europe,(Schengen)privileges, support of International Monetary Fund (INF) and such. But, assume zero risks on any level? Am I missing something here- please Help?
I would like to add that everyone has to support the letter of Ms.Armela Bega. Albania is a strong allay of USA and will be for ever but the foreign policy of USA has been weekend by living Asad regime to continue to kill his own people. The worst decision is to use his chemical arms and kill an allay of USA (Albania)This is not right and this is not a good judgment. Albanian people have a very strong feelings for American people but to win the policy of Russian by keeping a dictator in power for their strategic interests and with their weapons to poison the land of Albania- this will not happen. Lets thing that every thing will be safe but as this gases will be burn and released in atmosphere, raining will bring they back in land , sucked from land into water and all our land will be poisoned. No more tourism in Albania and the poverty will hit this nation very hard again.
As Albania and American citizen strongly recommend that this weapons must be destroyed in Siria under inspection of international experts.
By saying no to this bad decision does not mean that Albanian people are against our friend and allays of USA. We stay on their side, we scarify for them but we can not scarify for interests of Russian government to keep a dictator in power by killing Albanian people. This will not happen.