Gazeta DIELLI nga korrespondenti në Kosovë Behlul Jashari/
PRISHTINË, 5 Mars 2025\ Në Kosovë me axhendë shtetërore – veprimtari përkujtimore shënohet 27 vjetori i Epopesë së Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës, qëndresës heroike e flijimit legjendar për liri e pavarësi të Familjes Jashari të sulmuar nga forcat serbe në fshatin Prekaz të rajonit të Drenicës. Sot në ceremoninë zyrtare në kazermën “Adem Jashari” në Prishtinë do të bëhet rreshtimi i kuadrateve të Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës, ku të pranishëm do të jenë krerët më të lartë shtetërorë. Do mbahet edhe Mbledhja solemne e Qeverisë së Republikës së Kosovës, për shënimin e 27 vjetorit të Epopesë së Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës.
Në Epopenë e Prekazit, në mbojtje të pragut të shtëpisë dhe Kosovës, në luftën për liri dhe pavarësi, gjatë rezistencës në 5, 6 e 7 Mars 1998, plot tre ditë e dy netë, ranë heroikisht 20 anëtarë të Familjes Jashari, prej 22 që ishin në rrethimin e forcave serbe. Ndër të rënët ishte edhe Komandanti legjendar Adem Jashari. Shpëtoi djali i dytë i Rifatit, Bashkimi, dhe vajza e Hamzës, Besarta. Ndërsa në familjen e gjerë Jashari kanë rënë 56 dëshmorë. Mes tyre nëntë fëmijë dhe disa të moshuar deri 93 vjeç, të vrarë në përballje me sulmin e egër të forcave serbe të kasapit të Ballkanit, Millosheviç, i cili ka përfunduar në Gjykatën Ndërkombëtare për Krime Lufte në Hagë.
Para 27 viteve, në 5 Mars 1998, Agjencia Shtetërore Zyrtare e Lajmeve e Shqipërisë – Agjencia Telegrafike Shqiptare – ATSH nga korrespondenti në Kosovë Behlul Jashari raportonte se forca të mëdha serbe të blinduara kishin filluar që në mëngjes një sulm kundër shqiptarëve në Drenicë.
Forcat serbe kishin zënë pozicione e ishin fortifikuar rreth Prekazit dhe qëllonin me armë të kalibrave të ndryshëm mbi vendbanimet shqiptare. Prekazi po qëllohej edhe me topa të rëndë, dëshmonin për ATSH-në burime nga vendi i ngjarjeve, ndërsa ishin vënë në përdorim edhe helikopterë dhe nga veriu vinin njoftime se forca të reja ushtarake dhe policore nga Serbia po hynin në Kosovë nëpër luginën e lumit Ibër drejt Mitrovicës dhe nga Merdare drejt Podujevës.
Derisa vijonte sulmi i egër i forcave serbe në Prekaz, Presidenti historik i Kosovës, Ibrahim Rugova, në 6 Mars 1998, në një konfrencë shtypi në Prishtinë para rreth 200 gazetarëve të vendit, trojeve shqiptare e të mediave botërore, prej ku raportonte korrespondenti i ATSH, përsëriste thirrjen drejtuar bashkësisë ndërkombëtare për të ndërhyrë pa humbur kohë tek autoritetet serbe dhe për t’i dhënë fund menjëherë gjakderdhjes.
Presidenti Rugova kërkonte që çështja e Kosovës të shqyrtohej urgjentisht në Këshillin e Sigurimit të Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara dhe Kosova të merrej, poashtu, urgjentisht nën mbrojtjen ndërkombëtare – duke lënë të nënkuptohet edhe mbrojtjen ushtarake të NATO-s.
Në 2025-tën Kosova shtet 17 vjet në 17 Shkurt festoi Ditën e Pavarësisë së shpallur në 17 Shkurtin historik 2008, e do festojë 26 vjetorin e Ditës së Lirisë – 12 Qershorit 1999, kur më pak se tre muaj pas 24 Marsit 1999 të fillimit të ndërhyrjes së aviacionit të NATO-s me bombardimin e pozicioneve të forcave kriminale serbe, nisën të hyjnë në Kosovë forcat paqeruajtëse shpëtimtare të NATO-s, pasuar me vendosjen e Misionit të Administratës së Përkohshme të Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara.
[04] Fresh Serb attack in Drenice, dramatic situation in Kosove
PRISHTINE, March 5 (ATA)-By Belul Jashari, Heavy Serb forces backed by armoured cars this morning launched a fresh military attack on Albanians in Drenice.
The Serb forces, fortified around the Prekaz, Laushe villages, are shelling Albanians’ homes. The Serb forces are also using heavy machine guns in their assaults in Prekaz, sources from Skenderaj, from the Human Rights Council and the Kosova Centre of Information told ATA.
Serbs’ gunfire has killed and wounded many Albanians, Albanian sources say.
A grave situation is also prevailing in the Gllogoc town in Drenice, which is seiged off by big Serb forces terrorizing the the Albanian unprotected population.
Many Albanian families have left their homes in Gllogoc since last night and have been sheltered in remote villages. The Gllogoc residents today are staying indoors and the roads are deserted.
Meanwhile the villages of Modrine, Krusheve, Polluzhe and Rozalle have also been surrounded.
The Serb forcesin their attacks are making use of machine guns, rockets, mortars as well as helicopters. In face of this situation the residents are trying to flee in the direction of the mountains. /r.xh/pas/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[05] Kosova presidencey receives international contacts
PRISHTINE, March 5 (ATA)-By Belul Jashari, Fehmi Agani, envoy of Kosova’s President Ibrahim Rugova, deputy chairman of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK), left this morning for Belgrade, to meet British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU. /fh/pas/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[10] Kosova leader urges world leaders to use pressure on Belgrade
PRISHTINE, March 5 (ATA) – ATA correspondent in Prishtina Behlul Jashari said on Thursday that the leader of the Republic of Kosova Ibrahim Rugova asked for an urgent interruption of Serb police and military operations against the civilian population in Skenderaj, Glogovc, Kline, Mitrovice, Vushtri and other parts of Kosova.
In an appeal broadcasted today, Rugova called on international community to undertake preventing measures in Kosova and exert greater pressure on Belgrade in order to put an end urgently to police and military operations in some villages of Drenica.
Rugova also appealed to U.S. president Clinton, British prime minister Blair, French president Chirac and German Chancellor Kohl to use pressure on Belgrade’s regime to stop Serb police and military operations.
He asked for an international presence of all forms to defend people of Kosova, which have said that they should fulfil their aspirations for independence through peaceful means.
Rugova urged his people not to submit to Serb provocations and misinformation, which aim at sowing fear and panic. To face this situation, he asked for mobilization of political parties in Kosova and communes.
It is necessary that the political forces in the neighbouring commune with Drenica be prepared to help its populace and get rid of the bad situation in that area.
He assured the people of Drenica and Kosova that he is in contact with international centers and that they are considering possible preventive steps in Kosova which aim at stopping Serb police and military operations.
Rugova asked the mass media to highlight the situation objectively. la/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[01] Serbian forces continued night operations in Drenice
PRISHTINE, March 6 – By Belul Jashari: Many police and premilitary forces have continued their operations of cleansing last night in the region of Drenice.
Early on Friday, intensive shots of cannons and tanks were heard in other villages in vicinity of Drenice. The whole region is surrounded by many police forces.
Meanwhile it is reported that other police and military forces are moving from Mitrovice towards Drenice. /edk/mt/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[02] Ambassadors of Contact Group to arrive in Kosova
PRISHTINE, March 6 (ATA) – By B. Jashari: Sources, still not confirmed officially, report that the ambassadors of the Contact Group countries, headed by the chief of the U.S. Mission, Richard Milles, are expected to arrive in Kosova today.
They will have many contacts in Prishtine in the framework of the engagements of the international community to interrupt the bloodshed in Kosova.
The visit precedes the meeting of the Contact Group, which will be held Monday in London and Kosova will be its main theme. /edk/mt/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[06] Kosova needs urgent food supply
PRISHTINE, March 5 (ATA) – Latest attacks of the Serbian police on Drenica, Kosova, have increased demands on food supply at a time when the foodstuffs are being reduced and many shops closed, Behlul Jashari, ATA correspondent said on Thursday.
The Serbian forces are preventing or raiding supplying firms and have blocked the distribution of International Red Cross aid.
Attacks continue in Drenica and roads of Prishtina are under tight control of Serb armed forces. cela/pas/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[07] Kosova president calls on international community to stop Serbs
PRISHTINE, March 6 – ATA correspondent in Prishtina Behlul Jashari reported that the President of Kosova Ibrahim Rugova told a news conference on Friday that he had called on international community to intervene without delay and force the Serbian authorities to promptly end bloodshed.
Rugova asked for Kosova issue be considered by the U.N. Security Council and that Kosova be urgently put under international protection, what implies military protection.
He informed journalists on the arrival of the ambassadors of the Contact group in Prishtina.
ATA correspondent, referring to witnesses, reported on an extension of Serbs’ battle front in Drenica.
Serb police and paramilitary forces undertook a massive attack at 11.30 a.m. against Llause, Raknice and Acareve villages. They are firing artillery shells from Pekazi and Klina. edk/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[04] Intensive movements of Serbs forces in Drenica
PRISHTINE, March 7 – ATA correspondent in Prishtina Behlul Jashari reports on Saturday that Serbian forces in Drenica continue to deploy intensively around Llausha village.
A source close to the Council for the Human Rights in Kosova said that snipers were seen in the hills around Llausha at 11.00 a.m. shotting with high precision weapons at the village and other directions.
A column of the Serbian forces with heavy armaments, armoured carriers and trucks left Gllogovci for Skenderaj. /ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[07] Human rights council reports on 25 killed in Drenica
PRISHTINE, March 7 – ATA correspondent in Prishtina Behlul Jashari reported on Saturday that the Council of Human Rights in Kosova had informed on 25 Albanians killed in the last two days in Drenica by the Serbian forces.
The council made public their names saying that four children, two young boys, two young girls and five women were among them.
It said that Adem Jashari, leader of the Albanians’ armed resistance in Drenica was also killed.
The council is also making evident the wounded, destroyed houses and other buildings. So far, seven houses have been destroyed in Prekaz and other buildings burned down. mp/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[01] Serb forces continue military actions in Drenice
PRISHTINE, March 8 (ATA)- ATA correspondent Belul Jashari reports from Prishtine that military actions continued in Drenice also last night.
Serb forces did not stop neither machinegun fire in Vojnik nor volleys of other weapons’ shots, although sporadic, in Llaushe and Prekaz.
Serbian snipers around Llaushe yesterday killed two Albanians, as they are placed at positions covering a large area and shoot at people moving.
The latest reports from the Council for the Defence of Human Rights say that 34 Albanians, killed in the latest assaults of the Serb forces in Drenice since March 4, have been identified. The Albanians’ death toll is twice higher and more.
The night in Skenderaj was a little calmer. But in this town, as told by telephone from locals, two trucks carrying the first humanitarian aid for the people of Drenice were seized and sent to a Serb settlement, last night.
The atmosphere of war is also reflected in the capital of Kosova, Prishtine, where the streets last night were free of inhabitants and under a tight control of Serbian armed forces. The city’s calm is broken by sporadic shots. /lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[02] Prekaz again in flames
PRISHTINE, March 8 (ATA)-ATA correspondent Belul Jashari reports from Prishtine that large areas of Drenice continue to be under the fire of the Serb military-police and pre-military forces.
The flames of war are engulfing Prekaz. Grenades thrown from the Hunting Ammunition Factory yard in Skenderaj set this village on fire. Llaushe and several other villages continue to be targets of the Serb snipers.
The Council for the Defence of Human Rights in Kosova provides fresh evidence of the killed. According to this testimony seven other killed Albanian children, aged 7-15, have been seen in Prekaz.
Sources of the council say that in the villages of Llaushe, Vojnik, Kopilic, Acare and other villages, local Albanians continue organised resistance in defence against Serb attacks.
Serb forces do not allow humanitarian aid and reporters in these areas. There is a shortage of food and medicine, especially in places settled by the war refugees.
Tensions and risks are running high also in other parts of Kosova. Reports from Gjakova say that Serb military and police forces’ reinforcements continued today along the border line with Albania. Special teams of these forces have been filming the terrain, reports say.
A group of diplomats, accredited to Belgrade, are reported to have gone to Skenderaj to familiarize themselves with the damages and destructions caused to this zone. /fh/das/lm
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[03] People’s protests to be staged throughout Kosova tomorrow
PRISHTINE, March 8 (ATA)-ATA correspondent Belul Jashari reports from Prishtine that all-peoples’ protests, under the motto “For peace, against Serb violence, war and terror”, will be staged in Prishtine and all other centres of the Republic of Kosova on Monday at 11.00.
The decision was taken on Sunday at a joint meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Kosova political parties, the Students Independent Union of the Prishtine University, the Union of the Independent Trade Unions of Kosova and the Coordinating Council of the Prishtine Political parties.
A communique issued after the meeting says that tomorrow’s protest is held by consent of the President of the Republic of Kosova Ibrahim Rugova and Prime Minister Bujar Bukoshi. /fh/das/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[04] Diplomats, reporters and representatives of International Red Cross visit Skenderaj
PRISHTINE, March 9/ ATA correspondent Belul Jashari reports:
A group of diplomats accredited to Belgrade visited Skenderaj today to closely get to know war developments and consequences in Drenice. Foreign reporters were present as well.
Skenderaj was visited today also by representatives of the Red Cross International Committee.
Meanwhile an amount of medicine and other aid was sent there. But, it is not sure whether the Serb forces would allow it to reach the Albanian population, as it happened yesterday when two truckloads of aid were sent to Serb settlement.
Representatives of the Human Rights Council in Skenderaj were hardly allowed to talk for only few minutes with Red Cross representatives, in the presence of Serb forces.
Albanian representatives have asked the Red Cross representatives to intervene to allow the functioning of bake-houses, shops and other vital services. /la/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[05] Massive protests staged in Prishtine and other cities of Kosova
PRISHTINE, March 9/ ATA correspondent Belul Jashari reports:
More than 200 000 people staged a massive peaceful protest today under the motto:”For peace, against Serb violence and terror”.
Inhabitants of Prishtine and surrounding villages packed the Kosova’s main and other roads shouting:”Drenica, Drenica”, “Kosova-Drenica”, “Halt to ethnic cleansing by Serbs” and other slogans.
Meanwhile heavy police forces were deployed in the Prishtine roads.
Similar protests were staged in many other cities of Kosova as well. /das/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[06] Number of Albanians killed in Drenice is larger than reported so far
PRISHTINE, March 9/ ATA correspondent Belul Jashari reports:
More than 60 Albanian bodies, loaded on two trucks, have been transferred from the Prishtine hospital’s morgue to Skenderaj.
The Human Rights Council in Kosova has addressed itself to the U.S. office in Prishtine to mediate to create the conditions to organise the funeral ceremony.
Albanian sources from Drenice say that there have remained more killed and massacred on the killing spot.
Two Albanians from Llaushe last night left for Skenderaj to take and bury the body of a relative of theirs, but they did not come back, and according to the same source they are thought to have been killed by Serb snipers.
The Human Rights Council reports that Serb forces’ military operations continued in Drenice today and crackles of gunfire have been heard throughout the zone since in the morning. /cela/das/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[10] Kosova Albanians hold peaceful protests against Serbian terror
PRISHTINE, March 9 (ATA) – By Belul Jashari: More than one million Albanians protested Monday along the streets and squares of Kosova “for peace and against violence, war and Serbian terror.” More than 200 000 Albanians protested in Kosova capital, Prishtina, in the main street “Mother Teresa,” in the square “July 2,” and others.
The peaceful protests, headed by outstanding intellectuals, representatives of state and political subjects and students, were held despite the curfew, detentions and barbarous interventions of armoured Serbian forces, reinforced later by new forces which came to Kosova from Serbia late on Sunday and early on Monday.
The groups of Albanian protestors were all the time in the target of Serbian snipers, put in tops of many buildings of Prishtine and other towns where rallies of protests were held.
Serbian civilians and police forces fired towards the Albanian protesters in Peje and Istog, but there were no reports on casualties.
The protesters powerfully expressed their support for the peaceful policy of Kosova and addressed an alarming appeal to the international community to urgently halt the shambles of crime and war of Belgrade in Kosova. /rxh/mima/mt/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[06] Serb forces issue ultimatum to bury Albanians killed in Drenice
PRISHTINE, March 10/ ATA correspondent from Prishtine Belul Jashari reports:
The Serb forces have issued an ultimatum that the 48 killed Albanians be buried today, no later than 13.00, failing this, they warn, the burial will be carried out by the Serb forces.
The bodies of 48 Albanians, among who 12 children, 14 women and two girls, were transferred yesterday from the Prishtine hospital’s mortuary to Skenderaj.
The relatives of the dead and the people have asked that the victims are not buried before an international commission arrives in Drenice.
The Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (KMDLNJ) in Kosova has asked the Contact Group, numerous international organisations and diplomatic missions to urgently set up an international commission of forensic experts and other specialists to carry out the victims’ autopsies, their identification and investigation into the case.
An experts commission of KMDLNJ coming from Skenderaj to gather evidence of the massacre against Albanians, was forcibly stopped and not allowed by the Serb forces to enter Drenice.
The Serb forces are also stopping many citizens on their way to take part in the burial, which is not known how and when will be carried out.
In the meantime U.S. special envoy of President Clinton for the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, who is in Belgrade, is expected to arrive in Prishtine.
The U.S. senior diplomat today visits Prishtine for the second time in a short a while, because of the tense situation created after Serb massacres in Kosova. /p.ta/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[09] Testimony provided by people experiencing massacre in Prekaz
PRISHTINE, March 11 (ATA)- A reportage from several villages of Drenice, published by newspaper Bujku on Tuesday, provides testimony by people experiencing the Serbian forces’ massacre in lower Prekaz.
“Faced with the volley of grenades hurled upon our houses that Thursday morning, the only way to escape was to descend in the ground floor and place the children under the building’s stairs,” Syleme Jashari says.
“We were all together when my brother, Halil, went out to see what was happening. We were 30 people, from one to 60 years old. We were waiting for Halil, but he did not come back. When the grenades exploded we thought no one would come out alive. Tear gas was being used from outside and we understood that the same thing like in Likoshan was happening. They were coming to massacre us.”
“The house was bombarded and, together with the children we went out in the yard where we were confronted with the police cordons. When approaching the first cordon we were ordered to pass to the second cordon of policemen, whose faces were coloured in black. They aimed their weapons at us. And while were were leaving the yard, Nazmiu, 27, who was holding his sick mother by her hand, was seized by two policemen and shot dead in his mother’s eyes”.
“They said they would kill all the men and then the rest. We fled to the fields …while the policemen ran to kill children and men….”
The testimony portrays only a small part of all that tragedy of Serbian terror against the unprotected population. In Shipol many families are said to know nothing about their men and sons. /p.ta/pas/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[13] Kosova President holds news conference
PRISHTINE, March 11 (ATA) – ATA correspondent Belul Jashari informs:
Kosova President Ibrahim Rugova declared Wednesday in a news conference that he had not officially received an offer of talks from the Serbian government, as it announced on Tuesday.
Rugova held two news conference due to the big interest of foreign reporters.
Rugova stressed that it is not clear what kind of dialogue Serbia proposes, it is not clear whether it is a matter of a proper dialogue or a public dialogue, he said.
Kosova President stated that the Albanian party is ready to start negotiations with Belgrade for the solution of the Kosova issue, but they should be held with the help and mediation of the international community in all levels. This dialogue should not have preconditions, said Rugova.
Asked whether it will be better to hold a dialogue without preconditions and not to base hopes on the help of West, President Rugova said that “we have never conditioned the dialogue, but there are some rules of life, of the game of talks that the parties should be helped to negotiate. And in this direction Kosova needs the assistance of the West.
Asked whether does this mean that Rugova does not accept the suggestion of Gelbard to hold secret talks, he responded that the solution of Kosova problem accepts all sorts of talks which are legal, also including the secret ones.
Later on Rugova said that the confrontation in Kosova is dangerous because Serbia has many armed forces in Kosova, which can cause massive massacres, as it happened recently in Drenice. For the moment it is more important to save the people.
Rugova stressed that “we have not asked the change of borders, because Kosova has been member of a state which ceased to exist, former Yugoslavia, like Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and others. The independence of Kosova would only stabilize the region, this part of Europe and would calm down Albania, Macedonia and Serbia as well, although it thinks different.”
Rugova considered as positive the proposal of the Contact Group that Felipe Gonzales be the OSCE special envoy for Kosova.
Asked about the parliamentary and presidential elections in Kosova, declared to be held on March 22, Rugova said that we are resolute to hold the elections, but we will be considering them because the situation is extremely grave. He said that the reporters would be duly notified about this.
President Rugova reported during the news conference that the Serbian regime has not allowed the Albanian experts to perform the autopsy of the victims and their burial. He greeted the operating plan of the Contact Group, approved in London, as well as the members of the group who worked for the Kosova question. He urged other countries to join this group in order to stop killings in Kosova. He asked a greater engagement of the international community for the salvation of the Kosova people, who is trying to realize his freedom and independence through peaceful means. /rxh/mt/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
Reportazhi nga Prekazi i korrespondentit në Kosovë Behlul Jashari shkruar në mbrëmjen e 31 Janarit 2010, botuar të nesërmen në 1 Shkurt te Agjencia Shtetërore Zyrtare e Lajmeve e Shqipërisë- Agjencia Telegrafike Shqiptare: