*Njoftim per bashkeatdhetaret tane shqiptare ne SHBA/
*Nje dhimbje qe vazhdon dhe nje shoqeri qe duhet ta lehtesoj kete dhimbje/
* Te nderuar bashkeatdhetare shqiptare te hershem e te rinj ne Token Amerikane/
Ka disa muaj qe nje vaize e re, Donida Kembora studente shqiptare ne Universitetin Amerikan ne Bullgari ndodhet ne nje gjendje te rende kritike shendetesore dhe ekonomike ne Boston ku po kerkon ndimen mjekesore. Shpenzimet per mjekimin e plote nuk mbulohen nga Siguracionet (inshurenca provisory) qe i takon si studente dhe vizitore nga vende te tjera.
Gjendja shendetesore e Donides ka shqetesuar me te drejte njerezit e families, prinderit dhe te afermit e saj. Prinderit, babai i studentes, Jashar Kembora (Baçi) vjen nga nje familje e vjeter dhe e njohur historikisht per tradita humanitare dhe kontribute patriotic te verdure nga shoqeria Shqiptare. Ai eshte sot nje nga intelektualet e nderuar te Lushnjes, nje mesues dhe trajner profesionist i njohur i basketbollit jo vetem ne Myzeqe por ne te gjithe vendin. Si prind mes shume andrallash e veshtiresis te jetes se sotme ekonomike ne Shqiperi ka disa muaj qe gjendet prane vajzes se tij te dashur.
Gjendja shendetesore e se bijes Donida Kembora, keshillat dhe kerkesat e mjekeve dhe veshtirsite ekonomike per te perballuar shpenzimet e larta per mjekimin e vajzes dhe te vet qendrimit te tij ne keto situata kane cuar edhe ne nje pozicion psikologjik te renduar per kete bashkeqytetar.
Shoqeria lushnjare ne Astoria te N. Yorkut ju ben thirrje gjithe bashkeqytetarve, shoqatave dhe grupimeve te tjera lushnjare dhe atyre mbare kombtare te njohura per vlerat dhe virtytet qe i karakterizojne qe te kontribojme ne forma te ndryshme humanizmi per lehtesimin e kesaj dhimbje qe ka mberthyer vajzen e re studente Doniden dhe families e saj shqiptare ne kete krize te rende.
Shume bashkeqytetare lushnjare qe jetojne ne SHBA kane mare inisjativa individuale dhe shoqerore humanitare per tju gjendur prane familjes se Donides qe gjendet ne veshtirsi. Respektojme perkushtimin dhe kontributin e bashkeqytetarve tane Pirro Shkoza, Sybi Kulla ne Boston, Mihal Jano e Luan Korreshi ne N. Jersey, Mira Sema Pukes, Vasil Seminit, Bardhyl Demit ne N Yorke si dhe dhjetra te tjereve per kete fatkeqesi te families se Donida Kembores.
Nga shoqeria lushnjare ne Astoria New York e N. Jersey, Kristaq Papa, Dalip Greca, Mihal Jano, Mira Puka, Bardhyl Demi, Vasil Semini, Adem Belliu, Kristaq Foto, Leonard Gallani, Luan Korreshi, Aleksander Tesho, Fredi Naco e tjere.
Po ju bejme me dijeni se shoqeria Lushnjare po kontribon ne numrin e llogarise te hapur ne Santander Bank-https://dmob.santanderbank.com/csdlv/ContentServer… me numer Account# Donida Kembora. Account # 39803883311 Routing# 011075150
“My name is Donida Kembora. I am 23 years old, born and raised in Albania. I was a student at the American University in Bulgaria studying Business Administration and Economics. The summer of 2013 was my third summer in the United States as a work and travel student. It was my third summer in Martha’s Vineyard. Unfortunately, in June 2013 i had a cramp on my right leg, which was not going away. Since the doctors in Martha’s were not giving me a solution to the problem, i came to Worcester and scheduled an appointment with an orthopedic. The same day, due to my situation, the orthopedic suggested me to do an MRI of my spinal cord. The same day, after the MRI, i was called in emergency at Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester, where i was told that the MRI showed a large tumor inside my spinal cord. Therefore i was sent in emergency in Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre in Boston. The doctors told me that my situation was really complicated and new to them. I had to undergo surgery on the 5th of July, but i was left paralyzed from the waist down due to some complications. The doctor stopped the surgery and decided to do an angiogram to check if the blood vessels were pumping the tumor. Fortunately, this wasn’t the case. On the 10th of July i had the second surgery to remove the tumor. Now, i am tumor free and i am having physical therapy since i am still paralyzed from the waist down. I am living in Worcester, because i have to follow up with my doctor in Boston and i can not travel long distances. I am covering all the expenses by myself, since my insurance covers only the emergency visits. Currently I am on a B2 visa for medical reasons, therefore i can not have any type of assistance.