PRISHTINË, 15 Korrik 2016-Gazeta DIELLI-Behlul JASHARI/ Luftime kundër forcave okupatore serbe pranë kufirit të Kosovës me Shqipërinë, në rrethinat e Gjakovës, Deçanit…, raportoja para 18 vitesh, në 14 e 15 korrik 1998. Raportoja edhe se forcat serbe ishin detyruar të tërhiqen…Raportoja edhe për një takim të rëndësishëm të LDK-së, partisë së Presidentit historik të Kosovës Dr. Ibrahim Rugova:
[01] Fighting on border line with Albania in district of Gjakove and Decan
PRISHTINE, July 14 (ata) – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: Fierce fighting which took place this morning in Kosove was concentrated on the border line with Albania in the outskirts of Gjakove. Serb Yugoslav army, police and paramilitary forces are shelling the villages of Reke e Keqe in a broad area from Nec up to the suburbs of Junik.
KLA (Kosove Liberation Army) forces and Albanian population are defending themselves resolutely against Serb attacks. An Albanian from Babaj i Bokes, Ali Rustemi, who was wounded by the Serb army, died today in the hospital of Gjakove, where another wounded man has also been sent.
Fierce gunfire has taken place last night also in the suburbs of Decan. After three hours of fighting, Serb forces were forced to withdraw, suffering great casualties. Out of revenge the Serb forces while they were withdrawing set on fire some houses in Carrabreg and in the city of Decan.
Serb forces have also attacked the villages Isniq, Lluke e Eperme, Strellc and Prejlep. An Albanian, teacher Isuf Ymeral, 67, was killed by shells of Serb forces in Isniq.
According to sources in the spot, in the mine of Trepce in Stanterg, about 6 km northeast of Mitrovice, the number of the wounded in the ranks of the KLA is four. While the losses in the Serb forces, both material damage and casualties are considerable.
Sources from Prizren report that from 10 p.m. up to 2 a.m. today from the base of the Yugoslav army in Landovice heavy artillery pieces have opened fire in the direction of Suhareke outskirts. Still there are no reports for the consequences. /sh.Dha/mima/xh/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[09] LDK general council discusses constitution of Kosova parliament
PRISHTINE, July 15 – ATA correspondent in Prishtina Behlul Jashari reported that the party of the Kosova president Dr Ibrahim Rugova, Democratic League of Kosova (LDK), held a close door meeting on Wednesday to discuss for the second time the constitution of the parliament as soon as possible.
The LDK parliamentary Group, which is going to elect if head, will also deal with the issue on Thursday. mima/ak/