Përgatiti: Frank Shkreli/Në një njoftim për mediet nga kryeqyteti Albany i shtetit Nju Jork, thuhet se Senati, që është dhoma e epërme e legjislativit të këtij shteti miratoi më 2 maj, 2017 rezolutën për të caktuar 4 Shtatorin si, “Dita e Nënë Terezës”, në kujtim të Shënjtores shqiptare dhe bamirses, e njohur anë e mbanë botës si, Nënë Tereza. Sponsorizuesi i kësaj rezolute ishte Senatori Republikan Martin Golden i lagjës Bruklin të Nju Jorkut. Senatorit Golden iu bashkuan edhe 30 senatorë të tjerë, demokratë të cilët ko-sponsorizuan nismën e Senatorit republikan Golden, duke siguruar kështu miratimin e kësaj rezolute për shpalljen e 4 Shtatorit si dita kushtuar kujtimit të murgeshës dhe shënjtores shqiptare, Nënë Terezës. Miratimi i rezolutës u prit nga duartrokitje të ngrohta nga përfaqsuesit njujorkezë, në sallën e legjislaturës së Nju Jorkut në kryeqytetin, Albany.
“Në kujtim të një jete të kaluar në shërbim të Zotit dhe duke ndihmuar më të varfërit, jam krenar të paraqes këtë rezolutë e cila përshtatëshmërisht nderon Nën Terezën në shtetin e Nju Jorkut, në përputhje me ditën e kanonizimit dhe shpalljes së saj Shënjtëreshë të Kishës Katolike. Për shumë vite, nepërmjet urdhërit të saj “Misionarët e Bamirësisë”, ajo ia ka dedikuar jetën dhe veprimtarinë e saj, nevojave të sëmurve dhe më të varfërve”, është shprehur Senatori Martin Golden duke njoftuar miratimin e rezolutës.
Senatori Golden vazhdoi duke theksuar se, “Si një simbol ndërkombëtar i dashurisë, Nënë Teresa — e lindur në një familje shqiptare dhe e pagëzuar me emërin Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu — me veprën e saj pati një ndikim të madh në botë dhe si e tillë, shteti Nju Jork do ta kujtojë dhe do t’a nderojë atë për gjithmonë”, përfundoi Senatori Martin Golden njoftimin se tani e tutje, 4 Shtatori, që është edhe data që shënon shënjtërimin e saj, do të njihet si ,“Dita e Nënë Terezës” në shtetin Nju Jork.
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim September 4, 2017, as Mother Teresa Day in the State of New York/
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and honor extraordinary individuals whose lifework, spiritual leadership and guid ance served to enhance the quality of life for others; and
WHEREAS, Mother Teresa was one such individual; truly the model of compassion and charity, she served the needs of the sick and the poorest of the poor; and
WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim September 4, 2017, as Mother Teresa Day in
the State of New York; and
WHEREAS, Mother Teresa was declared a Saint on September 4, 2016, at a canonization ceremony conducted at the Vatican in Rome, Italy; and
WHEREAS, Born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, now capital of the Republic of Macedonia, to Albanians, Nikolle and Dranafile Bojaxhiu, Mother
Teresa was baptized as Gonxha Agnes; and
WHEREAS, At the age of 18, she moved to Ireland and joined the Sisters of Loreto at Loreto Abbey in Rathfarnham, Ireland; and
WHEREAS, She left for India in the year 1929, and started her noviti ate at a convent in Darjeeling, India; it was there she learned Bengali, one of the main spoken languages in Kolkata, and began teaching at St.
Teresa’s School; and
WHEREAS, On May 24, 1931, Mother Teresa took her first religious vows and adopted the name Sister Mary Teresa; it was while serving as a teacher at the Loreto Convent School in Entally, Kolkata, that she started focusing her attention on the poverty surrounding her in the state; and
WHEREAS, In 1948, Mother Teresa started her missionary work with the poor; it was then she replaced her traditional Loreto habit with the iconic blue-bordered cotton sari; and
WHEREAS, In 2015, Pope Francis announced that the Church would be declaring Mother Teresa as a Saint after the Church recognized a second miracle attributed to Mother; a man from Brazil who was afflicted with multiple brain tumors got healed after praying to Mother Teresa; the first miracle was that of a 30-year old Kolkata woman getting healed of her stomach tumor after praying to the Mother Teresa; both the miracles occurred after her death; and
WHEREAS, In both cases, no scientific healing explanations could be found by the Vatican committee; it was Pope John Paul II who approved the first miracle and paved the Mother’s path to Sainthood; and
WHEREAS, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation, which in 2012, consisted of over 4,500 sisters and was active in 133 countries; and
WHEREAS, Sister Christi, a senior sister at the Missionaries of Charity, believes that the canonization of Mother Teresa would help to spread Mother Teresa’s vital message ‘to serve the poor’; and
WHEREAS, The recipient of countless awards and accolades, in 1979 Mother Teresa received a Nobel Peace Prize for her missionary work in serving the needs of the sick and the poorest of the poor; in addition,
on August 28, 2010, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of her birth, the government of India issued a special 5 Rupee coin, being the sum she first arrived with in India; President Pratibha Patil said of Mother Teresa, “Clad in a white sari with a blue border, she and the sisters of Missionaries of Charity became a symbol of hope to many including the aged, the destitute, the unemployed, the diseased, the terminally ill, and those abandoned by their families”; and
WHEREAS, Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997, at the age of 87, in Calcutta, West Bengal, India; the selflessness she demonstrated through- out her life, and the intensity of her efforts to help others are
evidence that she truly made a difference in the world and will long be remembered; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim September 4, 2017, as Mother Teresa Day in the State of New York; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York.