Thomas Marsh and Uran Kostreci/
Dear Muçi,
It was such a pleasure to see you at the VOC ceremony, and also to recall the conversation we had one year ago when my sons were in attendance. Your friend, Uran, is an amazing heroic man. Thank you so much for introducing us. Please tell him that it was an honor to meet him, and that I truly appreciate the gift of his book. I felt a little embarrassed asking him to autograph it, but it seemed that might be my only opportunity… and someday my children and their children will know that I met Uran in person. Please give Uran my heartfelt best wishes.
Please also tell him that his book is so beautiful, and so heartbreaking and (in the passages about the communist partisans) it is horrifying. How can human beings do such things to each other?? Though we see this throughout history, the communists still hold the all-time record for sheer numbers of brutal murders. It seems that our annual VOC ceremony may be the start of a movement to, as Prof. Maryanovich said last year, identify them as evil. it has been some time since a major public figure (since Ronald Reagan!) has had the courage to call communists what they are: evil.Again, it was wonderful to see you again.
Please feel free to contact me at any time. This email is the most effective way.
God bless you,
*Thomas Marsh is a classical figurative sculptor who has created many public monuments in California, as well as works in public and private collections throughout the U.S. He was the concept designer and sculptor of the Victims of Communism Memorial (2007) in Washington, DC.