Foto Gazeta DIELLI-Behlul Jashari: Fakulteti i Filologjisë në Prishtinë, ku para 17 viteve, në 2 gusht 1999, ishte festa e rikthimit të shqiptarëve në Universitet e në shkollat e Kosovës, prej nga ishin të dëbuar nga forcat okuptore serbe mëse 9 vite/
-2 gusht 1998: Shqiptarë të vrarë në Drenicë…/
-2 gusht 1999: Rikthimi i shqiptarëve në Universitet e shkolla, në Postë Telekomin e Kosovës…/
PRISHTINË, 2 Gusht 2016-Gazeta DIELLI-Behlul JASHARI/ Në lajmet nëpër vite, nga dita në ditë e nga ora në orë, para 20 viteve, në 2 gusht 1996, raportoja për kolonizimin serb të Kosovës… Para 18 viteve, në 2 gusht 1998, derisa vazhdonin zhvillimete luftës kundër okupimit serb, për liri e pavarësi, raportoja për shqiptarë të vrarë në Drenicë…Para 17 viteve, në 2 gusht 1999 raportoja për zhvillimet në Kosovën e lirë – festën e rikthimit të shqiptarëve në Universitet e shkolla, në Postë Telekomin e Kosovës…, pas dëbimit shumëvjeçar nga forcat okupatore serbe.
Over 1400 Serb colons, refugees who came last year from the war fronts in Croatia and Bosnia, have been settled in the Fushe-Kosova commune, according to the latest records.
Most of the refugees say they will stay for ever in Kosova, where special dwelling centers are also being set up.
According to Serb Red Cross data, the Serb colons in Fushe-Kosova have been also provided with jobs. Some 300 Serb refugees have so far been employed in the rail transport enterprise alone. p.ta/kled/lm
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[01] At least eight Albanians killed in Drenica
PRISHTINE, August 2 – ATA correspondent in Prishtina Behlul Jashari reported that at least eight Albanians were killed and many others injured in Drenica, which in the late Sunday continued to be under the attack, terror and blaze of large Yugoslav army and Serb paramilitary as well as police forces who were using cannon, surface-to-surface rockets and other heavy artillery weapons, according to sources on the ground.
Serb forces start pounding Polac, Llaushe, Marine, Shtutice, Rakinice, Buroje villages, Drenica region, early on Sunday. cela/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[06] Kosova Telecom resumes operation
PRISHTINE, August 2 (ata) – ATA correspondent in Prishtine Behlul Jashari reports: The Administrator of the United Nations in Kosova Bernard Kouchner inaugurated today the resumption of work in the Telecom, considering this event as very important for the construction of Kosova.
The staff dismissed from the job for the last 10 years returned to work. The international telephone cuts due to the war in Kosova are expected to be recovered soon. /p.ta/xh/
D’Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[08] Albanian pupils and students return back to their school buildings
PRISHTINE, August 2 (ata) – ATA correspondent in Prishtine, Behlul Jashari reports: Over half a million Albanian pupils, students and teachers of Kosova returned today to school premises from which they were expelled by Serbs 9 years ago.
In the ceremony held on this occasion in the Prishtina University, in the square in front of the Philological Faculty, a festive concert was performed in the presence of thousands of students and citizens. /p.ta/xh/
D’Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail: