Ladies and Gentlemen,/
At this present time we have many issues of national concern that must be seriousey addressed, but today we are gathered here, invited by “Shoqata Atdhetare DIBRA”, to raise our unified voices in solidarity with the people of “Dibra e Madhe”, who arethreatened with damaging consequences by the plan of the Government of Macedoania to build a dam on the historic river of Radika, whichwould lead to changing its natural flow.
That would result in drying out its path towardsthe west, which is surrounded by towns who’sinhabitants would suffer the easily predictableeconomical and ecological damages.
Since the river Radika flows into Albania,changing its flow direction would become an international issue and may negatively affect relations between the two neighboring countries.
Therefore let us all join in calling upon the Government of Macedonia to abandon its plan that would have unwanted domestic and international implications.
Dr. Gjon Buçaj,
Kryetari i “Vatrës”.