Dear Very Rev Arthur Liolin,/
Thank you for honoring me with the invitation to participate at this Symposium, commemorating Fan Noli on the fiftieth anniversary of his repose.
I did not have the privilege of knowing Noli personally, but ever since my early childhood I was intrigued by his name each time I heard it from grownups. In the second grade, I saw his name on the book “Historia e Skenderbeut” when the town’s teacher entrusted me to copy it for him because he “liked my penmanship”. My folks, who pronounced first and last names as one, didn’t know much about Fanoli, except that years earlier, two distinguished local men were hanged because most people of our region “were with him”, meaning they were his supporters in the events of June 1924.
Later in life, I learned much more about Bishop Noli and I still do to this day. But I can say with conviction that he was one of the most prominent national figures of histime, who left a lasting legacy for us to be inspired by, to cherish and to keep for generations to come.
Some people say that he wasn’t a good politician, mainly because his government lasted only six months, but historians comment that a democratic form of government like his, in a young and unstable country amidstthe chaos of the times, surrounded by hostile countries that were ruled by monarchy regimes, was doomed to have a short life. In addition, Fan Noli himself and many of his associates were highly educated intellectuals or noble men of tradition with high moral values, therefore they were not inclined to use violence nor treat political opponents as enemies, and unwilling to ask for outside help and support that could have come only from neighboring foes.
However, it is undisputed that Fan S. Noli, in addition to authoring great original works of literature, history, music, and the skillful translation of some of the world’sgreatest masterpieces, crafted to read like originals or even better, as the Raven’s return “Kurrëmë”, imparted on us an important legacy in his undertakings as a statesman and diplomat with a far reaching vision, a man who was steadfast to unselfishly serve the interests of the nation.
In 1909, he founded the Albanian Orthodox Church in America, where Albanian immigrants could gather to pray in their own language on American soil and work together for the freedom of Albania. He also translated the liturgy from the Greek language, showing Orthodox Albanians that they could speak to God directly in their native tongue and maintain their Albanian identity, contrary to what Greek priests have been propagating. That same year, he founded the newspaper Dielli, an instrumental platformfor Albanians in promoting literacy and keeping in touch with each other while staying abreast of current events.
In 1912, Noli founded “Vatra”, along with Konitza, Floqi, Kirka and others, to unite Albanians in the fight for independence and beyond. Noli contributed significantly in the strengthening of friendly ties with the US and, in July 1918 he obtained a promise from President Wilson, who honored it, to save Albania from further partitioning.
The admission of Albania into the League of Nations (predecessor to the UN), is another historical landmark achieved thanks to Noli’s famous intervention addressedin December of 1920 in Geneva. His appearance at the podium, speaking eloquently in flawless English, convinced the delegates of the Great Powers that a nation with such an erudite scholar can’t possibly be composed of primitive tribes ina perpetual fighting against each other, as our foes had been assertingincluding suggestions that they install their own rule over Albania to “civilize” us, theirkind of “civilized rule” that was marked with massacres committed against the Cham population in 1944/45 and against Kosovars in 1999. The revered Bishop wore the large cross on his chest during the speech, a cross that reflected a sparkling light that blinded our detractors and dispelled their poor attempts atportraying Albanians as a Turkish people, and enlightened the minds of those who were seeking to make decisions on the basis of truth and justice. That act helped bolsterthe country’s independence and position on the international stage.
Making the Orthodox Church of Albania independent from the Greek Church by declaring her Autocephaly, was initiated by Noli and was achieved through a long and arduous process, from the Congress of Berat in 1922, until it was approved and then sanctioned by a Royal Decree in 1937. This was the determining factor in counteracting the efforts of the Greek Church to hellenize the Orthodox people of Albania, with its ultimate goal of claiming Southern Albania, so called VorioEpir, as part of Greece. Unfortunately, that kind of mentality is alive even today.
Neglecting the Autocephaly, or even worse, reversing it, would amount to betraying Noli’s legacy that the Albanian nation cherishes so dearly as anessential part of its existence.
That’s why we are happy to be here today, grateful and proud of Saint George Cathedral and the Fan Noli Library for this remarkable remembrance of The Founding Father.
Thank you and God bless you always!
Nga Gjon BUÇAJ*
Peshkop Fan S. Noli ishte një prej figuravet kombëtare ma të spikatuna të kohës së tij, i cili na la një trashigimi jetëgjatë për t’u frymëzue prej saj dhe për t’a mbajtë gjallë për gjeneratat që vijnë. Ai konsiderohet si politikan i pasuksesshëm, kryesisht pse qeverija e tij në vitin 1924 ishte jetëshkurtë, por historianët komentojnë se nji formë qeverisjeje demokrtaike si ajo e Nolit, në kushte të mbrendshme e të jashtme të pafavorshme, nuk mund të kishte jetë të gjatë. Fan Noli vetë dhe bashkëpuntorët e tij, si intelektualë të mëdhaj ose personalitete fisnike të traditës, nuk kishin prirje për përdorimin e dhunës as për trajtimin e kundërshtarëvet politikë si anmiq, nuk kishin vullnet me kërkue ndimë nga jashtë që mund të vinte vetëm prej fqinjëvet anmiqsorë.
Megjithate Noli, përveç vepravet origjinale në letërsi, histori e muzikë, ka lanë edhe disa nga kryeveprat botnore të përkthyeme në një shqipe që lexohet me andje si t’ishin origjinale e që, ndonjë herë, tingllojnë edhe ma mire, si në rastin e refrenit “Kurrë më” te “Korbi”.
Në ndërmarrjet e tij si burrë shteti e diplomat largpamës, si atdhetar i gatshëm të sakrifikojë për interesin e kombit, Noli na la disa vepra me randësi historike. Në vitin 1909 themeloi Kishën Ortodokse Shqiptare në Amerikë dhe gazetën “Dielli”. Përkëtheu nga greqishtja liturgjinë kishtare. Në vitin 1912,
bashkë me Konicën, Floqin, Kirkën e të tjerë, themeloi Federatën “Vatra”. Kontribuoi për lidhjet miqsore me Amerikën. Në korrikun e vitit 1918 mori premtimin e Presidentit Wilson, që ai e mbajti në
Konferencën e Paqës, për shpëtimin e Shqipnisë.
Nolit i dedikohet pranimi i Shqipnisë në “Lidhjen e Kombevet” në dhetor të vitit 1920. Përmbajta e fjalimit, gjuha e përsosun anglishte e Harvard-it, si dhe kryqi i Peshkopit mbi gjoks, ishin dishmi bindëse
për delegatët e shteteve të mëdha se komb i përfaqsuem nga folësi impresionues, nuk mund të ishte i
përbamë prej fisesh primitive që nuk mund të formojshin shtet dhe se Shqipnia nuk ishte një “Turqi e
vogël” në Ballkan, si propagandojshin delegatët e anmiqvet tanë.
Autoqefalia e Kishës Ortodokse të Shqipnisë ishte ideja e Nolit dhe u shpall në Kongresin e Beratit në
vitin 1922. U deshën përpjekje të gjata deri sa u njoh nga Patrikana dhe mandej u sanksionue me nji
dekret mbretnor në vitin 1937. Ky akt historik u ba për të ndalë procesin e helenizimit të popullsisë
ortodokse shqiptare, që Kisha Greke bante me qellimin final për t’ia anksue Greqisë Jugun e Shqipnisë,
që ata e quejnë Vorio Epir. Fatkeqsisht, ai mentalitet vazhdon të jetë i gjallë edhe sot.
Lanja mbas dore, ose zhdukja e Autoqefalisë, do të ishte trathti e Trashigimisë së Nolit që kombi
shqiptar e mban si thesar të paçmueshëm, si pjesë esenciale të ekzistencës së vet.
Prandej jemi mirënjohës e të lumtun këtu sot dhe krenohemi me Bibliotekën Fan Noli dhe me Kishën e
Shën Gjergjit për këtë përkujtim të mrekullueshëm për Themeluesin e vet të Madh.
* Mbajtur më 22 Nëntor në seminarin përkujtimor organizuar nga Biblioteka Fan S Noli pranë Kishës së Shën Gjergjit në Boston.