…The Symbol of self sacirifice for the sake of national interests./
By Ph.DYllka FILIPI /
Fan Noli’s name is already recognized as a multidimensional writer. There are parts of his extensive work that he accomplished, which were left almost untouched until even today, attracting researchers to shed light on different aspects, to analyze from a different point of view successes and failures of this image that served the interests of the nation, exploring and bringing convincing facts. Noli’s poetry is related to the symbolism, contains metaphor and is enriched by strong contrasts, irony and grotesque. We feel configurations and transtextual innovation through all around his work.
There is an internal power that afficcinated the bloody fighter, whose name is called in the middle of the fog, Freedom! Identifying Noli’s soul trying to unite with the character that he creates itself, symbolizing all the sacrifice of his figure in years: You are being called and they want you, o warrior!
This lejtmotiv and this appeal followed Noli all his life, paving the paths towards resolving the fate of the motherland . To that destination, white or black , however, which is repeated every year, and just changes the skin like the snake. The author had great hopes to Albanians: He said: Hey, brothers!Do not through to the enemies, the honey your heart, keep it for yourself!
Conceptualizing of the ideas is not simply a tendency of patriotism, not just verbal presentation ex phrases, there are many universal messages in the function of the Liberty of all global nations, from the point of view of human rights, serving the spirit of sacrifice. The Albanian Maratonomak is the trumpet that compels to bow diplomats, politicians, kings, leaders of the past and future, leaders and all humanity utopias around: Run oh, run, run and tell them that we won the battle…!
Here is the outcry of the last Renaissance man, desperate plea to God: Great Lord , the righteous and compassionate, save our people and our poor country, give us honor again with freedom under our flag, Skanderbeg’s flag, red flag with black eagle with two heads! Through his hard work, it was reached the national unity of Albanians States 1912, the biggest triumph of albanians’ diaspora to our days .
His ideal, the first and the last was the sublime love for Albania and the necessity to be the humble of servant of his Homeland! His multidimensionallidership was closely linked to his contribution through Albanians in America. He personified himself with symbolical names: TheofanisMavromatis, Ali Dervish Qyteza, Ali Baba Qyteza, Ali Baba Qyteza, Pesimisti, Pa emër, Protagora, Diximus, Nirvana, Meshëtariulëtpërndriçim, Hieronymus. Although a broken hearted fighter by the ill fate of his nation, he became a symbolic of an era, with his reasons, intuition, evidence, meaning, essence, to building bridges and ironing out universal disagreements of his multidimensional activity.
The spirit of the Noli’s intercontinental marathon, will be felt with the anguish among readers of many generations to come, but with a difference: His running will go through the ages as marathon of eternity where the global freedom is sheltered. It will reach the speed of light:
Yes, he lives! Yes, he lives! Albanian never dies !
October 2015