«A life full of challenges”/
(Heroic world – Ibrahim Daut Hoxha)/
The historian Ibrahim Daut Hoxha, confesses that he was born in Konispol, on April 15, 1923. His mother came from the tribe “Demiri”, one of the major tribes of Konispol “the time of christian”, as a folk expression says; while his father, Sir Daut Qamil Qemali, came from the great tribe “Bejdeshati” from Dhrohomi village of Paramythia district; strict warrior tribe, heard from several generations. Daut Hoxha, from 1913 until the end of 1923, when interstate political circumstances made impossible the activity in captive Chameria, he led a powerful co-provincial band. With the intention to continue the rescue operation of native hearth and the province under the Greek’s yoke, he settled in Konispol. But as it is known, one of the Greek’s bandits band always in pursuit of him, in cooperation with tools of Greek secret’s services within the Albanian border, on June 14, 1940 managed to kill in the pedestrian half-way Konispol – Saranda. (Look: “Daut Hoxha”, Tirana, 2000).
The murder in infidelity of his father, the warrior Daut Hoxha, was impossible not to hurt the young Ibrahim D. Hoxha, so he, although under his responsibility was left a family of nine members, the youngest six months, chose the path of war against Greek’s bandits. Family and homeland must be protected from attacks of Greek’s bands.
Albania was conquered by fascist Italy, since in April 1939. The power was in the hands of the invaders. Italian military structure dictated even the destiny of Albanians. It was the time when the Greek-Italian perennial strife didn’t let other way, except bilateral military brawl, on October 28, 1940.
With the onset of war the Italian government ordered the arming of some Albanian battalions. In the composition of Italian division “Siena”, were rated two battalions with Albanian rebelled against Greek bands’ barbarisms. Most of them, enough affluent, and some even beys, the Greek government for many years had violently dispatched from the home of their properties; a number not very small comprised those that, to save their head from the hourly and daily danger, were forced to self-emigrate.
So, all these persecuted by the Greek government, tells Ibrahim D. Hoxha, had suffered only because they couldn’t accept to be trampled and even more to be denied the self national right.
All these rebelled once on the horses with saddle, to keep the soul with bread, since 20-25 years were working in various jobs throughout Albanian state; some of them outside this state.
Ibrahim D. Hoxha confesses that he also, like many of the rebelled by Greek violence, with the hope to change something, was listed in “Secondo batalione da salto” (The second jumping battalion). He was appointed in an octave discovery and fore-striking of enemy lines.
Battalion where Ibrahim was part, hit the Greek border guards and their reinforcements in Qafë e Likojanit, on peak “Topçi” (peak of the mountain “Narta”) and in “Hunda e Turliut” (Likojan mountain). Upon hearing the first shots, Greek bandits ran and foot-pedal tracked, after noon they were found beyond the river Kalama. As always, in the striking forehead, while battling with them, alone in the hills of Kastrize’s village and those over Gumenice, the following days, Ibrahim and other warriors, chased Greek bands until in Margellec. It seemed they would go away from Chameria very soon, Ibrahim confesses.
At the time when their battalion was preparing to throw away the Greek soldiers beyond the Lumi i Zi (the ancient Aheroni), was suddenly ordered to step back; this was because the Italian units that had begun hitting in Devoll, instead of advancing, being found in front of Greek forces several times larger, were compelled to step back.
Greek militaries, when saw the former-attackers suddenly retreated, took courage and began to rush as drunk toward the Albanian border and Konispol. The approach of Greek army units in the Albanian-Greek border, which, from what was happening contemplated that many-many, within a few days would come within this border, for the family of Ibrahim D. Hoxha it represented a danger of extermination. Therefore, on November 24, 1940, three days before the invasion of Konispol, he with his family, like other hundreds of Konispol and non-Konispol families, took the road of exile to the north of Albania.
In their homes, now left desolate was put the background of the Greek military unit that just tread in Konispol. Trees, especially the numerous olives of orchard, constituted a pretty good place to hide for the soldiers charged and caravan accompanying and the crowd of animals; mow with dry grass around the houses, provided the necessary food for the animals of charge.
Ibrahim D. Hoxha tells that, at noon of 28 November 1940, a fighting airplanes’ squadron of Italian aviation was able to discover the Greek soldiers (look: an G. Sharra, “I Istoria tis Periohjis Igumenicas 1500-1985”, pg. 632). On caravans and animals hidden in the shadows of trees around houses, squadron released 5 bombs; they exploded in the yard and in the gardens adjacent to houses. The explosive power was so great, that olive and almond trees of several hundred kilograms flew about a kilometer away the blast-place. Each bomb opened a hole 2 meters deep. Meanwhile, Ibrahim D. Hoxha and members of his family were able to migrate every day more inland the country; after some journey days very suffering and risks from the most horrendous they arrived in Lushnja; presbytery sheltered in one of the houses, the best, of Zan Shima. During two months of residence there, the host family and neighbors behaved very friendly; they let nothing to lack for everyday living. But, because the Greek army was approaching Berat and Elbasan, in Janary 1941, all Cham families displaced by their household and placed in Lushnja, were sent in Calabria; among them even the family of Ibrahim D. Hoxha. The reception there by locals was very friendly, along with all goods; this lasted until June of that year, when they were repatriated.
Ibrahim D. Hoxha didn’t go with his family, but returned to the battalion, with the hope of resuming the sortie to evict Greek army from homeland. However this thing, as it is known, didn’t happen. Greek army of 500.000 people could not, even confront, not to think to expel a military force of about 80.000 people.
Ibrahim says that the great Greek army knee on April 6-8, 1941, four divisions, two German (one with carriages commanded by General Dietrich) and two Bulgarian, led by German Feldmarschall, Sigmund List.
Sadly, Chameria, with the German-Greek agreement of 9 April 1941, was left again under the Greek yoke.
Angered by what happened, at the end of April 1941, Ibrahim D. Hoxha left the battalion and returned in homeland where he found nothing whatsoever from what he had left; they had robbed, destroyed and incinerated everything. They had left -because they could not kidnap it- only the 4 walls of one of the two buildings; even those semi-deposed. When he was giving and taking to put something in order, the other members of the family arrived. They were on extreme difficulties, primarily for bread; the grandmother nearly 100-year-old, mother, brothers and 2 gamin sisters were dying of hunger. In May 1942, Ibrahim was called under gun to perform the compulsory military service; he was appointed in the group of heavy weapons of “Perugia’ division, a unit located in Gërhot of Gjirokastra; with time, as service estimation, he was given the sergeant degree, but not with salary as the permanent. In August 1942, the family of Ibrahim was associated with members of the Anti-Fascist National Liberation Movement. The older brother, Xhevdeti, was the first anti-fascist declared and officially punished as such, since in April 1941. He also urged Ibrahim to join the partisan movement. Thus, during a night at the end of January 1943, with the weapons that he held, Ibrahim D. Hoxha went secretly from the Italian army. He aligned in partisan bands “Çamëria”, which rose on February 1, 1943, in Markat village.
Later in the composition of the same band, he aligned in the battalion with the same name, which established on June 30, 1943, in Pandalejmon village of Saranda. Ibrahim D. Hoxha confesses that he took part in all military actions organized by the band as well as by the Battalion “Çamëria”. He was in charge of commander-platoon and machine gun-user, which created the opportunity to show exemplary courage during two months fighting (August-September 1943) against German military unit which rushed by Ionnina. At noon of 24 August 1943, when he saw that the battalion “Çamëria” in incomplete composition could not afford the momentum of the German military unit and Konispol population had to hide in the dry rocky plateaus of Saraqin mountain, the command assigned the task to Ibrahim, that with about 15 comrades protect human columns from the shooting of “machine gun”. He with friends made that no one “fell blood from the nose” during several hours’ migration, until near midnight, in the plateau, gorges and mountain saddle. Ibrahim himself and some fighters, loaded with all manner of vessels of water, came down many times from the peak of Tuflisi to the fountain of Shales village, took water and quenches the thirst of hundreds of children, women and elders hidden in Saraqin mountain.
The comrades tell that Ibrahim D. Hoxha was distinguished during the disarmament of the division “Perugia” and other Italian military units located in Saranda, Gjashtë e lëkurës (September 1943). He, charged by the command of the battalion “Çamëria”, chose in Saranda the cannons, mortars and heavy machine guns and brought in Konispol, in the forehead of fighting against Germans.
Ibrahim D. Hoxha, as a platoon leader but simultaneously machine gun user, was distinguished during the fighting in the period November 1943-January 1944 (especially in front of the German tank column in the Qafa e Kiçoku), when group IV “Çamëria” interacted with the groups of battalions of the Area Operations I “Vlora-Gjirokastra” and expelled the invaders from several provinces of Albania south. So, he was growing up as a warrior set amongst the partisan forces. In the composition of the company of chosen warriors of the battalion I of group IV “Çamëria”, Ibrahim was aligned in the Attacking Brigade VI, which was established on 26 January 1944, in Përmet city. Special courage and his bravery highlighted in every combat of this brigade, especially near Berat, in Mallakastër, in Patos and elsewhere.
After the liberation of Albania, at the end of November 1944, a part of partisan army got orders to follow German troops even beyond the state border, in Yugoslavia.
Ibrahim D. Hoxha followed the path of the military unit where he belonged to. He was also distinguished in the subsequent fighting beyond Albanian border, through Montenegro and in Southern Bosnia.
At the end of February 1945, the commander of the attacker division VI, lieutenant Gjin Marku, Ibrahim was trusted the task of stopping-places of the division in southern Bosnia-Kosova road. And he accomplished his mission successfully. Ibrahim D. Hoxha and other partisan comrades reached in the northern town of Kosova, in Mitrovica, where was the main Yugoslav command. There, Ibrahim was appointed commissioner of the first company of the battalion V and later he was charged many other duties, which he did with devotion.
During the war period, among ranks of main political leaders of partisan army had begun to appear rivalry for power. Albanian Communist Party had secretly usurped the partisan movement for clan and ideological interests. The most trusted people of Enver Hoxha, General Commander of the Partisan Army, had begun to avoid the real fighters, especially those originating from patriots wealthy class. Thus, the mechanism of the class’ struggle had started acting harbored by communist ideology. Crawlers of the power were eliminating the real patriots from the leadership of the army with all sorts of intrigue. After the liberation of Albania from the Nazi-fascist invaders, in November 1944, the communist struggle against nationalist partisans burst out openly. Just to be with origin of patriotic wealthy tribe and you risked to be declared an enemy of communism.
This bad luck also had the Cham’s fighter, Ibrahim Daut Hoxha. One day, in the presence of vice-commissioner of the attacker brigade III, the captain Ilmi Seiti, of Cham origin, quite casually was mentioned the name of Daut Hoxha, father of Ibrahim. The envoy of the Political Directorate, an officer with the rank of Major, when he heard that name, was thrown upwards as if he had been bitten by a viper: “What?! You are the son of Daut Hoxha, of that fascist that became cause of the Italy-Greek war?!” -he addressed to Ibrahim, the political representative with a demolished face view and goggle. Ibrahim confesses that he was shocked, confused and mum from that sudden explosion. Ilmi Seiti, older than Ibrahim at age and duty, quietly replied the Major. “Daut Hoxha has been leader of a patriotic band who fought against Greek rule; he had no connections with the fascist and nor could have. But the Italians, knowing that he was too much honored man in Chameria and beyond, used his name to stir the wrath of the Chams and their neighbors. In addition, Ibrahim is one of the earliest members of the Movement and Anti-Fascist War, a distinguished officer of importance. I am Cham myself; I knew his father too, I know very well Ibrahim.
The intervention of Ilmi Seiti gave time Ibrahim, to get over and add: “The war you mentioned was made of two opposing party, of Italian and Greek, both of them fascist. It was known that Daut Hoxha was in collision with one party as well as with the other. If he was with them, necessarily his name would have remained listed on any pay-roll, as have remained the names of those who have interfered in the basins of the fascists.
Ibrahim confesses that the clash he began with Major of Political Directorate had not finished yet. He, returning to Tirana, made known to his superiors the presence of Ibrahim, son of Daut Hoxha, in the army queue. As a consequence, the rank of officer who had reached with merits wasn’t known to the partisan Ibrahim D. Hoxha, but he was simply left the aspirant degree. Within that month he was fired from duty at the headquarters of the regiment and sent commissary of battery. It was January 1946, when started the real class struggle against the Cham Ibrahim D. Hoxha. Some political fraudulent anti-Albanian communist, through Radio Tirana, began to spread all sorts of lies about the figure of the warrior Daut Hoxha, father of Ibrahim. Meanwhile, in the newspapers “Bashkimi” and “Zëri i Çamërisë” were published some articles that denied the true patriotic values of this warrior. Ibrahim was seen with suspicion by military colleagues.
Under the influence of radio programs and articles that distorted historical truths, the vice-prefect of Konispol, even though he knew very well the fighter Daut Hoxha and Ibrahim, his son, the partisan who had sacrificed so much, ordered that their burnt houses by the Germans on August 24, 1943, not rebuilt with mutual funds, as were all the burnt houses during the war rebuilt.
Some leaders, Greek’s secret tools, worn with Albanian almighty power, began to hit Ibrahim’s brothers and sisters unfairly, the earliest participants in the Fascist Movement. So, it was unfairly provoked a great class hatred towards the family and tribe of the freedom’s warrior Ibrahim Daut Hoxha. “You are the sons of Daut Hoxha, the one who killed and cut the Greeks!” -the communist rulers often said, when brothers and sisters dared to seek their rights.
Situated in this suffocating situation, the descendant brother of Ibrahim could not restrain himself; found the opportunity, emigrated abroad and ended up in Australia, where he is also today.
This was another disaster for the family of Ibrahim. Besides the burden that was charged due to his father, to the warrior Daut Hoxha, on the shoulders of researcher Ibrahim Daut Hoxha, began to heavily weigh even the exile of his brother. He was also called the brother of a betrayer. His brother had escaped outside the borders of the country with the hope of a better life and the communists had declared him a betrayer.
On March 1946 he was called on the command of the second division, centered in Korça and was threateningly said: “He was becoming an obstacle for the implementing of the party line. He always opposed the vice-commissioner; he is the representative of the party not you. As you, there are a lot in the party!
And they removed him from the political sector and left a simple military. In August 1952, after many and many vicissitudes and intrigues that were plotted on his back, they also took his party’s card and expelled from its ranks. A military prosecutor called and said him that he could not be called even “the party’s propagandist”.
As soon as the mother, a much suffered woman, knew what he had suffered, she called him and said these wise words: “What did they have with you, my son that made this disaster? You, that still with your milky teeth ran towards these mountains with gun in hand. Who knows how many times you saved the death, and now to bring the evil those who have spit to each other’s mouth and have eaten with the same spoon?! Pity may I not have, but may they be murdered by their own gun! But you now, my son, be careful not to be fluff, because you will harm your brothers and sisters, do not worry about me, because if something happens to me, the gun does not remain hang; I have completed God’s days”.
Ibrahim told his mother that he would not speak anymore; he would behave as a dumb even though they put the gun in the forehead.
But she didn’t believe and began:
“Now, hereafter, my son, always say to yourself: “Be silent mouth and do not speak, be silent belly and do not rot”. And swear me you will never speak! Ibrahim swore for the breast’s milk with which his mother fed him, although deep in himself he knew he would not keep his word. The very suffocating and insulting environment that was created to work, with all sorts of provocation, forced him to not remain faithful to any kind of vow. He could not endure without expressing the dissatisfaction about the way the communist regime treated honest people and real patriots, established on the basis of party servility and extreme ideology of social life. Even though they hadn’t expelled him from army, perhaps by the fact that they couldn’t deny all that blood and sweat contribution that he had given during the Fascist War and later, after 1945, with the advent of the communists in power, in himself he believed they were keeping him just to despise. The communists knew to retaliate with a thousand and one ways towards their political opponents. Once he carelessly said: “I don’t like Stalin’s works”. This fact and some minor clashes with some Soviet’s officers, in the role of military advisors close to Albanian army, became as a cause to not support anymore. Finally, in August 1955 he was expelled from the army, by denying everything, the job as exemplary leaders, successive grades as an officer, even the award “Order of Valor”, as an exemplary officer of Anti-Fascist War.
In such conditions, none of the civilian rulers wouldn’t dare to nominate in any other sector, even for an ordinary job. Party Secretary of the region, kindhearted man, his acquaintance since at the wartime, when was appeared to assign in any job, said with regret: “Ibrahim, you are not quiet in the army and now you come to find work? Where can I find it? Be understood that no one had the courage to help him. He was punished for “anti-soviet”, so, he was declared “anti-party” man. As to say, he was called as a man sentenced to death and nobody dared to have even coffee with him and not to think to employ him. After many requests and prayers on the doors of the party, he was once appointed to the municipal of quarter No. 1 of Tirana, but without passing two months he was expelled from work. Three-four months later he was appointed worker in Dajti’s quarry. He had long requiring a study’s right for higher education. Finally fate smiled to him and he was given a study’s right at the High Institute of Agriculture in Kamëz. On September 1, 1956, he began his required studies. However, very soon, the known tools of Greek and Russian secret service, members of the Labor Party of Albania, a teacher at that institute that was always on target, the second year of studies prepared his expulsion. They also expelled him from high school. He went to complain to the Party Central Committee. One of the members he could meet said ironically: “Now go and search any job; maybe you will find!” -and after turning his back, with hands in overcoat’s pockets, heavily left. Ibrahim, after thinking a lot for any other job, reminded that, as artillery officer, was also topographer. So, he could work in the profession of topography. At that time the real topographer were very few, so this profession provided him bread for several years. He went to work in reclamation yard for the drying of swamps and marshes in the southern part of the country, in livestock’s enterprise; drew national automobile and second roads in rural areas, marked territories of farms and cooperatives sketching relevant maps, set bridges’ quotas etc. But even this way of life, after about three years was suspended, because reclamation on that side of the country ended. Again unemployed in high street.
He decided to deal with the collection of folk songs of Chameria’s province, one of the dreams of his youth. And so he began to go from village to village and from house to house, wherever were located the expelled Chams of the Greek violence from Chameria. With a heavy stereo in hand he recorded singers who remembered the old songs, in some notebooks he wrote verses that popular poets dictated him, or the wise sayings from the mouth of elders. And his soul found peace for a time, while trying to arouse the popular memory of the homeland, Cham’s culture. Communist’s spies, who were once embroidered from the back, had just expelled him from the party, didn’t leave in peace again, started the slanders and defamation: “Ibrahim Hoxha ranges down and up to find work and he allegedly deal with some collection of songs and memories of Chameria, but in fact he tries to raise Cham’s groups against the party and popular power. With his grievances he seeks to make even other people unhappy towards the power of people.
Some of them, sometimes as benevolent, sometimes as former acquaintances, went and complained for the injustices of the party and state’s organs towards Chams and allegedly asked an opinion and guidance on how to act. Some required a proof or a prayer written with his machine, allegedly to present him in this or that state or party’s organ. So, secret informants sent by officers or former state security officers used to provoke him with a variety of ways. Some others, taking advantage of any family relationship or recognition with him, managed to see the archive of his manuscripts, allegedly that all that cultural richness and its content was attracting them. There were times when former co-provincial on the pretext that they had not found a place to sleep in hotels, went to spend the night in his house, in Tirana. And when they found opportunity, stole documents and files from the archive to submit the secret police. They wanted with all costs, to find facts against him to condemn for agitation and propaganda against the communist state and to imprison him.
One evening, a group of civil officers of the State Security sprang onto his house, two of them captured by his arms pulled out in the street and forcibly got him into the car that waited in front of the palace. Then they took him and locked in one of the prison dungeon on “Mine Peza” street. Precisely in that prison, where during the war years against Nazi-fascist invaders, were kept closed the fighters of anti-fascist’s resistance captured by the fascist police.
For eight consecutively months he laid down in that hellish prison, as an opponent of the dictatorial regime of the Labor Party. He was questioned everyday with threats and with a variety of injuries. They wanted at all costs to blame him that he was using against the popular power his activity, as scholars of Cham’s culture and history.
He denied emphatically any indictment brought against him, even their claims that allegedly, he as dissatisfied, was often expressed that “This power will not last long, it will soon be collapsed”. Investigators and prosecutors insisted in a thousand ways to accuse and declare him guilty, but they didn’t succeed.
The court announced the date of his trial, but they were suddenly announced that they would let him free from prison. And they released him, as they also imprisoned him without reason.
Ibrahim guessed that maybe they released him to spy who he dealt with; apparently they suspected for any group of soldiers with an anti-party view, or for any Cham’s group who worked secretly against the communist state.
They released him from prison, but they left him again in the street, without work; he went from one office to another, but in vain. Meanwhile the spies were after him. Their insolence reached over there, as they said:
“Why don’t you tell us what instructions do your brother send from Australia, CIA’s agent and who knows of how many other secret services? These behaviors were destroying his life so much that he often thought he would be more comfortable in prison.
In 1961, with the mediation of some early comrades, honest people, agreed to appoint him as teacher of history and geography in a primary village school. However without passing 4-5 months, came the dismissal document that said: “You are dismissed from the teacher’s task because it is not in your profile. You have done only two years of study at the Agricultural Institute. You are appointed norms employee and technical near Shkoza sector, at the State Enterprise Agricultural “Gjergj Dimitrov”.
Ibrahim wanted or not, left the task of the teacher. However even the order of the new appointing was dragged and dragged and he was finally sent simple norms employee in Paskuqan village of Tirana. He was also fired from that job without any reason.
In the order of dismissal of March 24, 1965, carrying the signature of the farm’s director “Gjergj Dimitrov”, was said: “Dismiss from the task for severance, leaving free”. The word “severance” was known to be a lie, because there was immediately appointed another one.
Ibrahim D. Hoxha, although jobless didn’t stop studying the values of Albanian national culture. He continued to dig through the archives and libraries, every source of national worth. After many and many searches he managed to find the names and to present the list of the Cham’s participants in the nationwide uprising of 1920, the so-called “War of Vlora”.
He submitted the lists to the Executive Committee of Saranda district. He could find the only copy of a Cham’s national costume, beautifully embroidered with gold thread in Ioannina and with the approval and the money of the cultural education section of Saranda district, were prepared 12 copies in Artistic Company “Migjeni” in Tirana. With those costumes is presented in various festivals, the Cham’s group of Konispol.
After many tracking through Cham’s settlements, with a help of the Institute of Folklore, during the years 1966-1970, Ibrahim organized three folklore’s expeditions. He, along with a Cham’s folklore group, recorded in Radio Tirana and in the Institute of Folklore, first Cham’s songs and dances. Folk songs were particularly highlighted: “Poor Konispol you have fallen in mourn/ Venizellua requires to bring Greece!” “Go and come the telegrams Resmi / Muharrem, from Koska”, “Where is Ismail Qemali?/ In Paris within government” etc. Among the best dances was “Osman Taka”, a rare dance from the melody as well as by the way of dancing. This dance was recorded in an old gramophone slab. Ibrahim, after discovered it, handed for free to the Institute of Popular Creativity (Folklore), where it was also saved. By the frequent urge of Ibrahim D. Hoxha scholar and custom of the first secretary of Saranda district’s Party Committee, Jashar Mezlenxhiu, in Saranda’s city was held the first conference dedicated to the life and activity of the Sir Imam Hasan Tahsin, one of the most prominent scholars of world renown and one of the greatest figures of Chameria. The autodidact¹ historian Ibrahim D. Hoxha, held the main lecture at the conference. With many hardships, through the same difficult path, he influenced and made possible the establishment and inauguration of the house-museum for the Sir Imam Hasan Tahsin, in Ninat village, birthplace of this famous scholar and patriot. Through that hard path, on its own initiative, in Saranda was held the symposium on the events of the Balkans’ war. Ibrahim held the main lecture “The revelation of Greek military unit in Saranda and its defeat of the Albanian fighters between the place of descend and Delvina”, althought there were many objections from some Greek’s friends rulers.
Thanks to multiyear efforts of the historian Ibrahim D. Hoxha, the relevant state organs recognized and gave the title “Martyr of the Nation” to 21 Chams (5 dead during the uprising for independence and 16 others dead during Anti-Fascist National Liberation War).
The activities of researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha were expected with joy by some officers, his former comrades, who did their best to convince their superiors for the national values which were unfolded. But it was impossible.
Superiors answered their subordinates, full of rage: “We barely threw him out of the door and you ask to let him in from the window? He, despite the studies with value that does, is and will remain the son of the fascist Daut Hoxha and the brother of a political fugitive who has betrayed the motherland, for the money’s world, Australia”.
Meanwhile, in the directorate of History’s Institute, researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha presented a project of about 80 pages, of typescript, about Chameria’s history, which was liked by the leaders and was archived as a valuable document in the archives of this institution.
However, some Greek’s friends within the ranks of the Labor Party didn’t like this. They sent a series of letters to members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and immediately blew the gales, as usual. Researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha, was urgently called by the structures of the Labor Party and was reprimanded by the most offensive words. Of course, by order of his leading superiors. They used to shout him:
“You are the son of Daut Hoxha, of the sneaking fascist, criminal that killed the Greek people. You have done a meeting in the Historic Museum to fly in the face of the party’s line. Party, has rejected you all the merits and has given the mattock and don’t give up from the views against it. We will cast again the irons and we will put you into the dungeon. And if we put you there again, you will be rotten there, there will come out your rebel soul, anti-party!”
However to the researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha, the words “anti-party” and “rebel” entered from one ear and came out from the other, now they didn’t make any more impression, he was tough for a long time. It was enough to be published his works for Chameria. This was his only pleasure.
Head of the Archives of the History’s Institute, who was a witness of these frequent collisions, one day said: “If they made to me only one of the thousands they are making to you, I would not mention even the name Chameria’s history and not to be drudged like you!” Ibrahim thanked and answered with benevolence: “All these threats and noise so deafening against me, they do exactly to force me to give up studies for Chameria, my motherland. If they reached to force me to give up these studies, be sure they would rub on my arms. But I haven’t given and will never give this pleasure”.
In the years 1972-1990, adversary launched a wave of attacks increasingly sophisticated to the historian Ibrahim D. Hoxha, however he never stopped the study working for Chameria. During those two decades they often yelled to him: “Your father, Daut Hoxha brought the Italian fascists in the war against the Greek people, you try to put the Albanian state in the war against the Greek state”? So, they were never tired of attacking him, like they were part of Greek chauvinist segments. Influenced by such attacks, many times the newspaper publishers turned down or threw into the bin the articles of the researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha. Directory of Publishing House “Naim Frashëri” was ordered to break the contract with him to write a monograph for Imam Hasan Tahsini, by thus throwing down the work of seven months. However, Ibrahim D. Hoxha continued to work bringing to light the culture of Chameria.
In 1971 in the Publishing House “Naim Frashëri”, he submitted the book in verses “Fabula dhe vjersha” (Fables and poems). They pulled all sorts of obstacles to bury, after two years confrontations, thanks to the intervention of his friend, Hashar Mezlenxhiu, they published it with just 97 pages.
Some years later he presented the book “Këngë Popullore Çame” (Cham’s folk’s songs). Censors behaved the same. Most of the songs they destroyed and thanks to the intervention of Jashar Mezlenxhiu, from 700 pages they published only 150 pages.
In 1981, on the verge of putting into circulation, censors hid the published book. Director of the Publishing House “Naim Frashëri”, Thanas Leci, dejected, announced that Ministry of Education was made a hindrance. To the researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha had to wander for nearly a year, to the directorate of press near the Central Committee and in the Ministry of Education, to bring into circulation that booklet.
In 1983, in the Institute of Pedagogical Studies, thanks to the scientific kindness of the director, Sotir Temo, researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha handed the book “Nëpër udhët e penës shqiptare” (Through the path of Albanian pen); for the first time in a full work was described the history of ABC since antiquity; in it were particularly talked in details the developments of Albanian alphabet and national efforts for their combination. Besides reviewers and editors, the book was reviewed by the professors Mahir Domi and Bedri Dedja, and by the professor Klara Kodra. This book underwent even worse than the first two books.
After a year pruning after pruning, when it was left with 330 pages, was sent to be printed at the printing house “Mihal Duri”. But for reasons that are known, the book stayed in its drawers even two other years. When it was printed and was ready to be put into circulation, censors smelled it and, as well as other times, informed the Political Bureau. They immediately ordered the elimination of the book.
Ibrahim D. Hoxha as always complained, but they said: “Do you want to know the truth, why the circulation of the book wasn’t allowed? You don’t have rights to publish, it is banned the right of publication. You still don’t know who you are?!”
After many attempts, in 1988, with the intervention of Spiro Dede, secretary of the Central Committee of the PPSH (Albanian Party Labor), a moderator man, a part of Ibrahim’s book survived. Were filled the gaps of about 3000 copies remained in a dungeon and so, the book came into circulation. After the collapse of communist system, in 1990, when the censorship of PPSH (Albanian Party Labor) officially ceased to act, researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha had published many works.
1.In 1992, “Yusuf and Zulejhaja”, 138 pages. Historical and moral work in verses, written by Muhamet Çami.
2.In 1994, “Turqit dhe Shqiptarët” (The Turkish and Albanians), 200 pages. There he has described events and Turkish and Greek places, and the cooperation Albanian-Turkish in the past and ongoing.
3.In 1995, “Kështu luftuam ne” (Such we fought), 80 pages. There he has described various fighting and events, related with the Attacking Division VI of the Albanian National Liberation Army in Albanian and non-Albanian provinces, within the former Yugoslav state. Descriptions occupy the main place on the inhuman and anti-national actions committed during the years 1944-1945, of the rulers and Yugoslav militaries towards Albanians within former Yugoslav border.
4.In 1996, “Çamëria dhe Janina në vitet 1912-1922” (Chameria and Ioannina in the years 1912-1922), 181 pages. There he has described the fierce fighting during the Balkans War that mainly Chams, made against the Greek army for the protection of Chameria and Ioannina. He has also described, even the participation of Chams during the First World War, and their losses during those two wars; the registers and their habitats are the most compelling and immortalized evidence of those martyrs of the nation.
5.In 1998, “Hoxhë Hasan Tahsini Efendi” (Sir Imam Hasan Tahsini), 181 pages. In it, besides the keyword and welcoming, has summarized 8 papers submitted in the scientific conference held on December 20, 1997, in the Historic’s Museum of the capital, on the occasion of 185th birth anniversary of the great scholar, Hasan Tahsini. He has also summarized 18 works on the life and work of Sir Imam Hasan Tahsini, published in various works from Albanian and foreign scholars and writers, starting from Shemsudin- Sami Frashëri and so on, as well as memories and poems dedicated our scholar.
6.In 2000, “Viset Kombëtare Shqiptare në Shtetin Grek” (Albanian’s National Lands in Greek state), 505 pages. There he has described in detail the efforts of the Greek government for the drowning of Albanian state since its first steps; it continues with the tricks and obstacles related with the setting of the border, Cham’s sufferings during the reign of Greek, their diplomatic and military efforts, Cham’s administrative-political organisms in the years 1941-1944, lists of names of the internees, prisoners and dead etc.
7.In 2000, “Daut Hoxha”, 191 pages. There he has described the life and armed actions of the legendary leader of the bands, developed in collaboration with many other Cham’s patriot against the Greek’s invasion and rule.
8.In 2006, “Çaparenjtë – Refo Çapari”, 382 pages. There he has described the historic path of the great and powerful door of Capari’s tribe and in particular the life and activity of Refo Çapari: historian, literary, poem writer, publicist and in particular way perfect dramatist. Apart from other parts, in the book he also published two of the plays that could find: “Retë” (Clouds) and “Rrënja” (Root), which are distinguished for the artistic ability and more for patriotic and philosophical spirit.
9.Again in 2006, “Enciklopedia Jugshqiptare” (Southern-Albanian Encyclopedia) I (A-H), 860 pages, equipped with two maps: one of Chameria and the other of Chameria-Mollosia, a topographical sketch and 228 different photos. In the book are described regions and events since the earliest antiquity to the present days. Based on hundreds and hundreds documents, it is noted that the earliest ancestors of the present Albanians were the only possessors of the country until into Gjirit; hereinafter are shown the contractions, re-extents and causes of these events. It is emphasized the Albanian-Greek national border, hundreds of years before the founding of nations. It is talked about the first Albanian’s kingdoms and principalities in the south of Albania and their role and weight in history; for foreign invasions and the resistance of the natives; for the frequent rebellions against any invader; for all Albanian national and cultural societies before and after the independence, home and abroad; for the press organs and schools since the time of Ali Pashë Tepelena up to them of some years after 1945; for leaders and other patriots, as the famous Sir Imam Hasan Tahsini, Hasan aga Çapari, Abedin pasha Dinua, Dora d’ Istria etc,; heads of bands like Muharrem Rushiti, Daut Hoxha etc. In the paragraph “Chameria”, is described everything that has to do with that Albanian part: the landscape, climate, economy of all branches and over all for the national activity of Chams. In particular voices, is talked about different patriots, especially for those- mostly teachers, who have acted in Chameria and the district of Gjirokastra, or whose activity is related to Chameria, like: Gani and Sali Butka, Harrillë Bakalli, Idriz Guri, Dino Çiço, Ismail Kaso Dhëmblani, Demo Emini, Rauf Ficua etc. It is also spoken, for eminent intellectuals of Cham origin, like Kolë Idromeno etc. Especially a wide place, have Albanians that Greeks call arvanite; it is described the entire activity of all rebel and military prominent leaders, like: Bubulina, Konduriti, Kriezóti, Pangallo, Saqellari Verrùshi (the so-called Andrùco) etc. For intellectuals like: Aleko Frëngu, Anastas Kulluriti, Aristidh Kola, Dhimitër Vulgari, Gjergj Dhriva, Jorgo Marruka, Panajot Kupitori, Petro Furriku etc. It speaks about prominent singers, like: Aleko Dhimua and artistic groups from different areas of Chameria.
10.In 2007, “Bilbilë dhe Thëllëza Çame” (Cham’s partridge and whistles), 498 pages. In this book Ibrahim has summarized 1050 various ballads and songs: historical, braves’ laudatory, wedding etc, sang by Chams but more from Cham’s women.
11.Again in 2007, “Shqipëri moj dritë ylli” (Albania, oh star light) with 157 pages, where are summarized 68 poems dedicated the homeland, the dead and those who are devoted toward the homeland and nation. It was reprinted with additions even in 2008.
12.In 2009, “Enciklopedi Juhshqiptare” (Southern Albania Encyclopedia) II (I-ZH) with 1085 pages. It is a volume where is summarized an entire sea of patriots, specific words, settlements, events from the most important.
13.In 2011, “Vjershëtarë të hershëm çamër” (Early Cham’s poem writers) with 512 pages. In it are summarized the resumes of 11 poem writers since the time of Ali Pashë Tepelena till the years 1945, 76 of their works and the dictionary translated from Arabic, Turkish-ottoman and Persian used in their works. Thus, in total 16 published works; we have to add to these even 5 others, some of which since 35-40 years ago wait the possibility of publication: 1. “The uprising in Chameria and Ioannina in the years 1822-1912”, 2. “Efforts during the years 1939-1945 for the extraction of Chameria from Greek’s nails”, 3. “Hellenic orthodoxy suffocating of Albanianism”, 4. “Son of the brave Chameria – Rexhep Halil Çami”, 5. “Life and work of Qamil Izet Çami”. Besides these he is also co-authored in 6 other works: “Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqiptar” (Albanian Encyclopedic Dictionary) (in the two publications issued by the press and the one that is coming), “Histori e Shqipërisëdhe shqiptarëve” (History of Albania and Albanians), “Yje të pashuar” (Unquenchable stars) (in 4 volumes), “Proza popullore” (Folk prose) and in two volumes in verses: “Ndizet zemra nga gëzimi” (The heart lit from the joy) and “Këngët na burojnë si gurra” (Songs derive like fountainhead”. Each of his works is estimated with special articles from various intellectuals, even for some are held scientific sessions; statements about his works are held even in other scientific conferences. Prof. Dr. Musa Kraja, in one of his letters sent to the prominent professor, Nexhip Pehlivan Pulës (Allpani), for the book “Turqit dhe Shqiptarët” (The Turkish and Albanians), among other things wrote: “Ibrahim Daut Hoxha’s book was issued, “Turqit dhe Shqiptarët” (The Turkish and Albanians), which the honored and serious author, your friend, but even mine, gave to me. I read it whole with a special attention. It is in the type of documentary literature, written in the massive style in the form of journey’s description, filled with booty from the author’s visit in Turkey. It is the first time I read a project with such pure feelings for the Albanian-Turkish friendship, without diplomatic gloves, on the contrary with frankness, opposing to a sort of propaganda (unofficial) anti-scientific and anti-friendly towards the Turkish, entangling in the stinkard way with some Ottoman’s actions, that the Turkish themselves have condemned. The book is crossed by historical authenticity, by strong feelings of friendship and gratitude for everything our Turkish brothers have done and do for us Albanians. Gratitude is one of the basic features of good people and this characterizes all the work. The author Ibrahim Hoxha, intervenes to make historical explanations for the provinces and centers where he went, to complete the thesis for the massive reader. So, since in the first row and till the end, the book provides information, promotes feelings of respect and gratitude for that place, to which, unfortunately is thrown mud from pseudo-historians and propaganda of chauvinistic neighboring sources, which even today is very present”. The same thing has happened to each of his books; estimations are published in various newspapers and press organs. Besides these works, in the daily and temporarily press of home and abroad are published over 300 works, mostly historical. After the 1990th, at home and abroad, he has given over 120 radio and television emissions; he even continues to give them. Letters sent to President George Bush, on his behalf as Cham and on behalf of the Albanian-Turkish Cultural Association “Hasan Tahsini” as well as the US ambassador etc., constitute a strong indication for the salvation of his own hearth, Chameria, from Greeks. He has published some of these letters in Albanian press at home and abroad, even through internet they have become popular in Greece and elsewhere. In the spotlight he has consistently maintained the purity of the native language from the unnecessary foreign words. It is worth to be noted that in any of his work – till in the writings published in various dailies – he hasn’t used a single word of foreign languages, because in Albanian vocabulary he has found everything right. The researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha, has dedicated to this issue some particular writings, since in the first years of his creativity (years 1957-1960). Mainly after 1990, this historian is invited in some national meetings home and abroad, where he held (and holds) the pre-releases. During almost 60 years he has set up an archive that everyone would envy. In the years of his activity he set relations with many intellectuals, home and abroad: with Prof. Jup Kastrati, Prof. Nexhip Pehlivan Pulën (Allpanin) from Zhulati, with Lefter Dilo, Hamdi Bushati, Gegë Marubi, with Priest Liolin, Nermin Vlora and her husband, with Prof. Petër Prifti, with some professors from Calabria, Germany, Turkey, etc… Ibrahim D. Hoxha, besides the deep sensations to serve to the homeland and nation till in self-sacrifice, is also remarkable with the deep feeling for social activity, quality that is recognized, estimated and honored by the society. In the first elections (5 June 1991) of Political Society “Çamëria” he was elected member of General Council and Chairman of the History Commission. On 16 November 1991 he was elected member of Publisher Council of the newspaper “Dielli”. Since the beginning of the creation of Political Patriotic Association “Kosova” (1991), he was elected its member. On April 15, 1992, he was elected member of governing Council of the newspaper “Shkëlqimi Islam”. On October 24, 2002, he was elected leader of the Juridical Committee of the Forum “Lidhja Shqiptare”. Since the beginning (1992) of the Association’s establishment “Lëvizja Kombëtare Shqiptare” he was elected member of its General Council. Patriotic society branch “Çamëria” in Saranda elected him “Honorary Member”. While the City Council Presidency in Konispol, with its decision no. 179, on May 29, 2002 awarded the title “Honorary Citizen” of that city. Artistic Union of the Albanian Nation in August 2007 awarded him with the title “Pride of the Union”. With his decision, January 16, 2010 Patriotic Association “Çamëria” gave to the scholar Ibrahim D. Hoxha the title “Honorary of Chameria”. In overview and evaluation of Imam Hasan Tahsini, as the most outstanding Albanian for science and patriotism, the historian Ibrahim D. Hoxha was tuck to work for the creation of an association for this nationwide figure. With the kindness and help of several other intellectuals, on October 20, 1992, became possible the establishment of this organization with the name: Albanian-Turkish Cultural Society “Hasan Tahsini”; its direction was entrusted to the preceding promoter, Ibrahim, who is still leading it. Led by him, this organization, within these 19 years has developed an enviable activity, among which 16 scientific conferences for important events and prominent Albanian and Turkish figures. Even after 3 years, he raised the Publishing House “Hasan Tahsini”, which though without any assistance, kept standing up in 2000. The activity of these two organisms has made to be widely commemorated the life and activity of Sir Imam Hasan Tahsini, this Albanian scholar. Especially thanks to the commitment of the historian Ibrahim D. Hoxha, this association has created many branches, not only in Albania, but also abroad. The researcher Ibrahim D. Hoxha and other leaders of this organization have established close relations with almost all associations within the country and with some abroad. He and his friends feel proud for the good relations they have created with the embassies in Kosova, Turkish Republic, Bulgaria, Iran, Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt and Palestine, etc. In our opinion, the historian Ibrahim D. Hoxha, this complex figure with such a heroic world, deserves that his name to be ranked with honor and dignity, in the pantheon of the Albanian nation, alongside personalities – Missionaries of Peace.
1. No “autodidact” (the “self-taught”), but professional. I finished the study in the faculty of “History and Philology,” the branch “History and Geography” at the state university of Tirana the full 50 years ago and I graduated, “Teacher of History and Geography for High Schools.” But the relevant rulers of the PPSH with the trial Slavic-greek denied me this legal right, not named on the relevant country, as did every other graduate. Their peculiar action forced me to lern by self about studies as I had done, also in those the respective postuniversity. Lawlessness and irresponsibility of the above-mentioned rulers not only caused my neglect as official teaching, but, consequently and leaving without any scientific title, although until today I have presented at readers 17 works with historical, geographical, linguistic and folklore importance, and this always extremely tough facing with those rulers who have done and are doing the ultmost to take the water line continuously in Greek mill, in the worst mill to albanians.
My historian discription “autodidact” on p. 109 of the book, “Personalities Missionaries of Peace” on 93-120 pages of which is described also a part of my life and the activity of my life, certainly was caused because the author of the book, My Dear compatriot, Mr. Paulin Rranzi, hasn’t happened to recognize me directly, but only through my books and my articles and those of others for me, published at home and abroad. English edition, he has renewed in a special volume also in the native language; I am very grateful./
Ibrahim D. Hoxha/