PRISHTINË, 22 Korrik 2016-Gazeta DIELLI-Behlul JASHARI/ “Në Kosovë po ndodh Bosnja, në Rahovec po ndodh Srebrenica”, kam raportuar para 18 vitesh, derisa kishte njoftime se forcat kriminale serbe po groposnin në varreza masive civilët shqiptarë të vrarë e masakruar. Këto janë dy nga lajmet e 22 korrikut 1998:
[06] KLMDNJ urges stop of Serb massacres
PRISHTINE, July 22 – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported that the Council for the Human Rights and Liberties in Kosova (KLMDNJ) called on the international factor to intervene and stop further escalation of Serb massacres in Rahovec and other regions in Kosova.
“The red line we have defined has been violated brutally and changed into a river of blood of massacred Albanians by the Serb killers. We call on you to intervene immediately in order to prevent the repetition of Srebrenica in Rahovec. pta/das/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[07] Over 120 civilians killed in Rahovec, press
PRISHTINE, July 22 – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported that over 120 civilians have been killed in Rahovec and the number of victims would have been higher “but the KLA have managed to evacuate and save a great number of inhabitants,” the daily Koha Ditore said on Wednesday.
Referring to the sources on the ground, the paper quotes the commander of the KLA as saying that “Rahovec has not been defeated” and “liberation forces control 65 percent of the territory, including the suburbs.”
“Bosnia is being repeated in Kosova” and “Rahovec is turned into another Srebrenica” these are the main titles in today’s daily “Bujku” of Prishtina.
“Many Albanians were massacred, killed and burnt in Rahovec and suburbs. Children, women and men are being massacred everywhere they face Serb military-police or paramilitary and armed civilians,” the daily said. pta/das/ak/