-Ambasadori i SHBA Christopher Hill niset, por nuk arrinë të shkojë në Malishevë/
PRISHTINË, 28 Korrik 2016-Gazeta DIELLI-Behlul JASHARI/ Para 18 vitesh, në 28 korrik 1998, kam raportuar:
Luftimet ne Kosove vazhdojne ne rrethinat e Qafes se Duhles, te rruga qe kthen per ne Malisheve nga magjistralja
Prishtine-Prizren, ne brezin kufitar me Shqiperine dhe ne rajone te tjera ne Dukagjin dhe ne Drenice.
Nga Prishtina per ne Peje sot nuk u nis asnje autobus dhe as ndonje mjet tjeter i transportit civil, ndonjse mediat serbe
kishin njoftuar te henen se rruga ne kete drejtim eshte hapur.
Ne zonat pergjate kesaj rruge, ne Gryken e Llapushnikut, vazhdon zjarri qe ka mbuluar shtepite e shqiptareve, si dhe perqendrimi i madh i forcave ushtarako-policore dhe paraushtarake serbe.
Nderkohe luftimet vazhdojne te mbajne te bllokuar edhe rruget Prishtine-Prizren dhe Mitrovice-Peje.
Dje, ne oret e vona te pasdites, luftimet mes forcave shqiptare dhe atyre serbe filluan edhe ne fshatrat Nerodime e
Eperme dhe e Poshtme, ne rrethinat e Ferizajt. Banore te larguar nga keto fshatra thone se luftimet jane te ashpra dhe se ne
sulmet kunder shqiptareve jane angazhuar edhe njesi me civile serbe te armatosur.
Në 28 korrik 1998 kam raportuar edhe për situatën dramatike në Junik e Malishevë dhe se ambasadori amerikan, Christopher Hill, ishte nisur por nuk kishte mbërritur atje…
[09] Prishtine-Peje, Prishtine-Prizren highways remain closed
PRISHTINE, July 28 – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported that fighting in Kosova continued in areas around Duhla Pass, the way heading for Malisheva from the Prishtina-Prizren highway, in the border line with Albania and in other regions in Dukagjin and Drenica.
No bus or other vehicle left Prishtina for Peja today though the Serbian media had informed on Monday that the way was opened. In areas along the road in Llapushnik Pass one can see houses of Albanians in flames and military-police Serb reinforcement.
The Prishtine-Prizren and Mitrovice-Peje highways were closed due to fighting.
Firefight between Albanian and Serbian forces started later on Monday in Nerodine e Eperme and Poshtme villages and in Ferrizaj area. Residents who fled these villages said that heavy fighting are going on and that units of Serb armed civilians are sent in to fight against Albanians. pta/pas/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[12] Ambassador Hill fails to go to Malisheve besieged by Serb forces
PRISHTINE, July 28 /ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: The Melisheve region (some 50km southeast of Prishtine), surrounded by the Serb forces, is living under the fear of attacks and massacres.
The situation is grave and, according to Albanian sources, Yugoslav military planes hev been hovering over the town and its suburbs today.
The sources say that the U.S. ambassador in Skopje, Christopher Hill, who left this morning for Malisheve, failed to reach the town as he was turned back at roadblocks set up by Serb forces.
The Serb forces overnight bombarded the villages around Malisheve- Mlecan, Bubavec and Carralluke, over which smoke and flames are still visible.
Sources from the Kosova Information Centre (KIC) say that many inhabitants are fleeing the said villages along with thousands of others settled there after the massacres in Rahovec.
“If the Serb forces attack Malisheve, a real tragedy is likely to take place here,” said a LDK activist from Malisheve. /p.ta/das/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[15] Dramatic situation in Junik and Malisheve -Serb forces shoot dead 20 Albanians of one family
PRISHTINE, July 28 /ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports:
The situation in Junik and its suburbs is dramatic. Twenty Albanians, mostly children, members of one family in Junik, the major village of Kosova bordering Albania, were barbarously killed today by the Serb forces.
The macabre crime occurred in the suburbs of Junik while the family was fleeing the village to escape the attacks by Serb military, police and paramilitary forces.
Albanian sources say that the family peacefully surrendered, but the Serb forces, considering no war rule, opened fire at the civilians.
The fighting which has been going on for three days around Junik has also killed an Albanian fighter and injured 15. Junik and the other surrounding villages are being attacked from three strategic directions by many Serb military and police forces, infantry, artillery and motorised forces.
The Serb heavy artillery is constantly shelling Junik and its suburbs from the military positions in Podi i Geshtenjave, Cuke e Baballocit, in Cuke, in Bitef, Ponoshjec and in Kodra e Qabrait of Gjakova.
The medical centre in Junik in which were hospitalised the 15 injured Albanians was also pounded today.
The Serb heavy artillery is also attacking other villages of Decan country, Shaptejn, Gramacel, Irzniq, Prejlepin and Kodralin.
Heavy fighting is also taking place in Strello i Eperme, Carrabreg i Poshtem and in Lebushe, where two Serb policemen have bee killed. Many houses are engulfed by fires.
Gjakova, too, has been the target of Serb snipers positioned at strategic points of the city’s high buildings for 24 hours and on.
The city and its suburbs have been under constant terror and are running out of food and medicines because of the Serb forces’ complete blockade.
A great massacre is threatening Malisheve today. At 17:30, according to reports, the Serb forces were one km near Melisheve and on their way they are shelling and setting Albanian villages on fire. There is a large displacement on the part of the population, which are surrounded on all sides by the Serb police, military and paramilitary forces. /r.xh/das/lm/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
Rruget Prishtinj-Peje dhe Prishtinj-Prizren mbeten tj bllokuara
PRISHTINE, 28 korrik- Korresp. i ATSH-se, Behlul Jashari,
njofton: Luftimet ne Kosove vazhdojne ne rrethinat e Qafes se
Duhljs, te rruga qe kthen per ne Malisheve nga magjistralja
Prishtine-Prizren, ne brezin kufitar me Shqiperine dhe ne rajone
te tjera ne Dukagjin dhe ne Drenice.
Nga Prishtina per ne Peje sot nuk u nis asnje autobus dhe
as ndonje mjet tjeter i transportit civil, ndonjse mediat serbe
kishin njoftuar tj hjnjn se rruga ne kete drejtim eshte hapur.
Nj zonat pergjate kesaj rruge, ne Gryken e Llapushnikut, vazhdon
zjarri qe ka mbuluar shtepite e shqiptareve, si dhe perqendrimi i
madh i forcave ushtarako-policore dhe paraushtarake serbe.
Nderkohe luftimet vazhdojne te mbajne te bllokuar edhe rruget
Prishtine-Prizren dhe Mitrovice-Peje.
Dje, nj oret e vona te pasdites, luftimet mes forcave
shqiptare dhe atyre serbe filluan edhe ne fshatrat Nerodime e
Eperme dhe e Poshtme, ne rrethinat e Ferizajt. Banore te larguar
nga keto fshatra thone se luftimet jane te ashpra dhe se ne
sulmet kunder shqiptareve jane angazhuar edhe njesi me civile
serbe te armatosur.