The European Division, Library of Congress/
Mother Teresa and her Ascent to Sainthood/
by her biographer Father Lush Gjergji/
Father Lush Gjergji is a Roman Catholic priest in Kosova, where he was born. He was ordained in 1973, and his 1975 doctorate in psychology is from the Sapienza University of Rome. He has authored over 60 works on psychology and religion, as well as 16 books dedicated to the life, works and spirituality of Saint Teresa of Calcutta. He will discuss her life and works, as well as her Albanian origins. Father Lush writes in Albanian, Italian and Croatian, and his works have been translated into English and several other languages. His talk will be translated into English.
European Reading Room,
Jefferson Building, Room LJ-250
Friday, October 14, 2016
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Free and open to the public.
For information contact Erika Spencer at 202-707-4371 or 202-707-4515.
Request ASL and ADA accommodation five business days in advance at
202-707-6362 (voice/TTY) or at