By Alfons Grishaj/
During these past years, I have wondered why members of the Democratic Party support Globalism and within the last three decades have projected it as a salvation of the world?! When in fact, globalization, is indirectly, a Marxist philosophy set up and used by anti-nationalists, anti-capitalists, neoliberals, and individuals like David Harvey who tried to turn the poison of communism into a “miracle” theory for the world. An attempt to blind the light and well-being of capitalism. Globalism is an old communist philosophy with a “new contour” … America has never been globalist. The philosophy and pragmatism of American capitalism is based and developed on capital and belief in God. It is not founded on the ethereal nihilistic theories. American unilateralism and multilateralism has a philosophy of its own … protection and cooperation favoring American interests; and I emphasize, in favor of American interests!
During World War II, as the world struggled to survive this war, the United States and Britain devised a post-war strategy for the next fifty years. Obviously, its geopolitics included allied countries in the context of cooperation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Dwight D. Eisenhower, thought that they would provide their countries with half a century of wealth, prosperity, and security as well as a political plan. Maintaining the geo-strategic influence that was, and remains, vital to America. Today, we no longer see such bright minds, but only careerist, mediocre and revanchist politicians.
To defend itself, both militarily and politically, from the Warsaw Pact. The Cold War brought the necessity for NATO, and later the OSCE, as a means of non-return of communism to countries that had been affected by the red plague. But, what is currently happening? After the expiration of the 50-year-old philosophy of the victorious warriors and thinkers who destroyed the iron empire of the USSR without war. The Democratic Administrations gradually slipped into the lap of globalization as non-US level countries were, and are, interested in gaining as much as possible from the blueprints of technology and funds. The great losers of the Cold War, Russia and China, patiently created a strategy of taking the fortress from within by inspiring and financing the philosophy of globalization. On the other hand, the Germans operted differently. They used the discipline of Heidegger’s secret philosophy in creating a supremacy in Europe (a rational union rather than globalism), paving the way for a united Europe as a need for balance and supremacy. Until Brexit, or rather Britain’s exit from the European Union, the German project seemed long-term. However, for now, a historical question has been posed which remains unanswered.
The Illuminati, the Commonwealth scepter of today, saw the need for dual play to be a factor again, as in the past, in regaining control of the escalation of the governing power. This ostensibly dormant empire is the axis of rotation of the world. The arrival of Donald Trump, by no means a politician, but rather a knight of entrepreneurism and religious nationalist, ruined the interests of the three old worlds as they do not coincide with Trump’s unilateral philosophy. A philosophy first applied by George Washington: “America first!” Donald Trump was the only one who understood the impact of the infiltrative conglomerate and neoliberals as a threat to America. He viewed external regression as a conspiratorial course against the country’s values, culture and economy. Trump’s only mistake was his immigration policy, which was viewed as a phobia. Maybe he, probably forgot, that the United States was formed by immigrants themselves. It is true that the immigrants of the last 30 years have upset the old political balances. This subversion has been anticipated because the Democratic Party’s approach has been constant in this regard. The democrats seeks to exploit this advantage with initiatives that challenges the system established by the Founding Fathers. For example, the dismantling of the Electoral College because they believe it would secure absolute power for many, many years.
In my opinion, Trump views globalism as an integral communism and tried to fight it diplomatically. His relations with countries and the world was based on the principles of mutual interest as he sought to share the cost of peace with all those who consider themselves factors. Trump realized that multilateral cooperation is not functional. Even though, in appearance, it looks like it. In reality, however, it is the opposite. It is a big lie; a way of solving nothing for the purpose of leaving the craters of conflict burning.
The world has always operated by certain standards. America uses the phrase “double standard” a principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups. However, this understanding does not go deep into the nature of how differences function because God Himself has divided the world into various standards: angels and devils, good and evil, patriots and traitors, the learned and the ignorant, barbarians and civilized, rich and poor, moral and immoral. Only the Marxist theory of the Communist Manifesto had a single standard, which was shattered as a theory and practice in the face of capitalist power and Western democracy. Nevertheless, thanks to short-sighted thinkers who try to revive it through a relatively new and frightening theory called “Globalism!” A term that I translate as, The New International!
Since the American Civil War, never has the United States been more divided than today!
In the neoliberal news media led by CNN we see a counterproductive picture of reality. On one hand praised for China and other false allies, and on the other hand devastating attacks on culture, institutions, and businesses. For months now, this station, which had been a window of information and hope, has lost its purpose and once prestigious name for liberty. Let us focus on the vandalism that took place last summer, the demolition of institutions, destruction of businesses, total anarchy, and the attack on the White House where mobs crossed the police barricade by force. In the United States, if you cross barriers set by the police it is a crime. Furthermore, if you move barriers set by working crews on the street it constitutes a felony (crime)! How many police barriers and fences were torn down, burnings, beatings and killing of civilians and ambushed police officers occurred during the so-called “peaceful” war paid leftist billionaires and politicians, how much?! Well, the stations in question (supported by some of our Albanian “analysts” who have never read a political book in their lives) echoed the barbarians and the infiltrative conglomerate, calling them peaceful, etc. However, just a single day of the nationalist Trumpist storm, the leftists attempted to nail him with all its arsenal of hatred and epithets, until Insurrection! The popular philosopher says: “Whatever you sow you will reap!” If you sow the wind you will reap the storm!
The enemy of democracy is anarchy as it shatters the purpose of the idea in the polarization of action. In this case, peace is lost, losing both the originators and the protectorates.
When I heard how many patriots would gather in Washington, DC, to protest on January 6, I felt sad because I knew it was impossible to control a million and a half protesters. First; the opposing party will do its best to compromise it with all its arsenal. Second; the conviction of heroism among the nationalists knows no bounds and there is no rifle or machine gun that will stop them! And that foreboding sadness that overwhelmed me came to fruition.
I have never mentioned it before, but on December 13, 1990 in Shkodra, the first mosque that was vandalized was damaged by an unknown man, whom I found at the police station after my arrest. He was a new officer, medium-built with light wavy brown hair… with a white face and gray eyes. We stared at each other for a long time, but we were both silent! (Instead I thought it was a trap into which some of the demonstrators unfortunately fell. It was a new experience that helped me afterwards.) During those moments, as I discerned the living ghost before me, I was reminded of the demonstration of January 14, 1990, a model demonstration that the entire civilized world would take as an example. A meaningful silence. The demonstration was read on the face of every resident of Shkodra: “Freedom!” A brilliant civic event. The silence was broken when the youth, Helidon Bele shouted, “Down with the Labor Party!” Even when Kastriot Haxhi, Branko Mixha and others were arrested, no windows were broken. Not a sound was heard from the feet that were glued to the sidewalks and asphalt, which showed the ideal determination of Shkodra. That silence of determination spoke more than a revolution of noise and blood. That day, which I have said since 1991, Shkodra ensured the funeral for the communist regime. If the demonstrators would have encircled Capitol Hill at the allowed distance and protested the stolen votes for a few days, the United States would have returned to its values that the world dreams of. But on January 6, this mega-movement was severely compromised. I assure you, that this was not the intensions of the Republican Party, or Donald Trump, because it was suicidal. It was not in the interest of anyone except the opposing party who would use to discredit the event.
The recent decisions by Twitter, FB, Google, Amazon, Apple, etc., show how right Trump was about the leftist websites. It’d apparent that these companies have the Trojan horse inside them; obviously amalgams of foreign intelligence. I believe the most capable people in these espionage agencies have been hired specifically as media “specialists” to systematically (but strongly at the right time) strike at American democracy.
For those who believe that the Democrats (despite their mistakes…) do not possess humane and national values they are wrong in their thinking and expression! The American democrats are a national and international value, a school in themselves, but tackling problems this way at a time when China and Russia are playing a dangerous game does not help the United States and its leadership around the world. On the contrary, it weakens it. In this case I wish I was wrong, but I’m afraid I’m right!
Returning from the retrospective of past experience to such events, we continue with the opposite of CNN and the neoliberal press machine and that is Fox News. Fox News is a serious and dignified channel that tries to tell the truth. Fox News, denounces the ugly and defends democracy by defending the American nation and the truth. However, even with emphasizing truth and logic it does not prevent the massiveness and domination of the extreme leftist media! Yet, it’s not enough!
Today the neoliberals are celebrating as the detailed plan of the global conspiracy was realized. The trumpets of victory have obscured their reason, and as I already pointed out, they have started their revenge on Trump by closing his web and accounts on Twitter and FB. The case to close Trump’s Twitter communication window and the suspension of “Parler” from the APP Store, etc., shows one of the negative phenomena of the Globalism brand. While President Trump’s account is closed, the dictator of Iran, Ruhollah Khomeni, continue to be on Twitter! What kind of morality is this? This is the morality of integral communism, where the criminal of the global clan is more valuable than the American, Albanian or German nationalist. This illustrates the real definition of the new mixed class without vision, principles or homeland, which I dare call selective internationalism, which is driven by the counterproductive class of the left-wing. This madness does not stop. The political class of integral communism who are intimidated by the unilateral leader of 75 million American voters are attempting to close the chapter of the national storm by impeaching Trump! I assure you, that even if they try to stop Donald Trump’s nationalism, it will continue to grow and become a tsunami not only in America, but beyond. General Bolivar, the man who liberated South America from Spanish captivity, was exiled. But today many nations have erected monuments in his honor, even the United States. Therefore, his legacy stands stronger today than when he was alive. I have seen many alleged intellectuals without backbones who pose and blush like peppers, not being able to cover their deficiency of knowledge, history and civility. No one desires to become somebody with children’s fairy tales. One of them, even though it’s not enough to call him a “brilliant analysis” fell into a religious trap as he attempted to explain how Indira Gandhi was killed. He badly confused sectarian conflict with the politics of the vote! Oh God! How long will these charlatans appear to us?! The leftist passion, has been and will always be the gangrene of peace and development. What haven’t we seen and heard during these four years against the President of the United States. The ugly rhetoric and degenerative dialectical sludge that would have pleased Pol Pot. No one has supported the event on Capitol Hill! It was a reprehensible act. Even we, who arrived to the United States as immigrants, refer to Capitol Hill as the altar of world democracy … our home, our school, and not just the holy temple of the American people but for her adoptive children as well!
The leftist hysteria against the patriotic peaceful demonstrators will be judged tomorrow by history and never by the partisan and miserable apparatchiks who exploit the moment for evil purposes. The nationalist idealists have nothing in common with the lawbreakers. They can never be equated under any circumstances with those how are paid hand kissers.
The day will come when the left and the right, centrist and liberal will realize that this was not a war against Trump, but a global conspiracy against the United States.
A few words about Joe Biden: The American politician who sent the “famous” letter to Joseph Bros. Tito. The man who withdrew from the presidential race in 87-88 because he was caught lying. This was his third candidacy. Nevertheless, he had the power to correct himself like no one else, unreservedly supporting the martyred Dardania. However, throughout his political career he did nothing significant. Let us hope that no one else has the political experience to do things that they could not have done before.
I heartily congratulate Joe Biden, for the Presidency because he is also a dear friend of the Albanians and of democracy.
He must beware of the yellow dragon, globalism which is undoubtedly Integral communism, neoliberalism (which has nothing to do with traditional American liberalism) and the Illuminati… and especially the leftists of his own party.
He must show that he is a gem of the classical American political school. If he falls victim to the global conspiracy, the biggest loser will be the United States!
Two years separate us from the great truth!