Nga: Ermira Babamusta/
Produksioni shqiptar në Maqedoni “Frame In Production” fitoi dy çmime nga firma e njohur botërore Adidas në garën e fotove. Në këtë garë, zhvilluar në Belgjikë, morën pjesë mbi 3,500 produksione nga e gjithë bota ku kompania shqiptare Frame In u përzgjodh fituese në kategorinë A. Midis tyre morën pjesë edhe Vipa, modelë, sportistë dhe artistë të famshëm si Rita Ora dhe Messi. Frame In Production fitoi çmimin e veçantë “Special Price 2015” ndërsa modeli dhe sportisti shqiptar Almedin Ismaili fitoi çmimin “Artistic Face 2015” (Fytyra Artisike e Vitit).
Pjesë e ekipit të këtij projekti të Adidas ishin dy fotografët e Frame In, Arben Fejzullau dhe Erman Memedi; si dhe dy modelët shqiptarë Almedin Ismaili dhe Islami Drita.
“Pjesëmarrjen në këtë projekt e konsideroj një nga eksperiencat më të mira që kam përjetuar ndonjëherë dhe çmimet e fituara ishin sikur ëndrra u bë realitet. Që në fillim të projektit në ekip ka dominuar entuziazmi dhe me këtë nivel të energjisë kemi arrit të ndajmë maksimumin nga vetja, duke e pasur parasysh konkurencën e fortë si Rita Ora, Messi etj. Ky rast i yni mund të përshkruhet vetëm me këtë fjali të urtë “thuhet një këlysh luan u vra nga një koloni e vetme e milingonave”,” tha Erman Memedi, regjisor dhe montazher filmi.
Erman Memedi shpreson se ky projekt të motivojë njerëzit të jenë më aktiv dhe të kujdesen më mirë për shëndetin e tyre: “Jam i lumtur që nga një juri profesionale e nivelit të lartë n’a u është vlerësuar koncepti dhe qasja e fotografive të cilët i kemi krijuar bashkë me Arben Fejzullaun. Dhe shpresoj që ky lloj arti që e kemi krijuar t’i shërbej njerzimit si motiv dhe inspirim për t’u marr me sport apo të kenë një shëndet të mirë,” shtoi Erman Memedi.
Seti fotografik u realizua me datën 27 Prill, 2015 në Shkup. Arben Fejzullau, drejtori i Frame In është i kënaqur me rezultatin profesional dhe artistik të fotografive në bashkëpunim me Adidas. “Jemi tepër të lumtur me arritjen tonë dhe për çmimet e fituara. Vitin e kaluar realizuam një foto sesion profesional me brendin botëror “Adidas” në bashkëpunim me kryeqendrën në Belgjikë. Kjo ishte një kënaqësi e madhe dhe përvojë e veçantë për ne që të punojmë me këtë kompani të madhe,” tha Arben Fejzullau, regjizor, producent dhe drejtor i Frame In Production.
Modeli Almedin Ismaili ndjehet krenar që bashkë më produksionin Frame In sollën suksesin për të gjithë shqiptarët: “Jam krenar që juria ndërkombëtare e Adidas vlerësoi këtë projekt tonin me vlera artistike. Si në aspektin profesional gjithashtu në aspektin moral jemi Shqiptarët e parë që i sollëm këta 2 çmime vendit tonë.”
“Për çdo model apo produksion këto dy çmime janë një ëndërr për t’i fituar sepse janë çmime që fitohen në një garë shumë të fortë dhe çmimet ndahen nga një brend botëror. Dhe ne patëm fatin si Shqiptarët e parë t’i fitojmë dhe t’a bëjmë një popull krenar, suksesin që arritëm ta korrim në një garë kaq të madhe. I uroj çdo modeli dhe produksioni sepse unë nuk di si ta përshkruaj atë ndjenjë, thjesht briliante, ku dhe lotët e gëzimit na shoqëruan atë natë,” u shpreh Ismaili, fitues i çmimit “Fytyra Artistike Adidas”.
Frame In Production u themelua në vitin 2009 nga drejtori dhe producenti Arben Fejzullau dhe Erman Memedi, regjizor filmi dhe editor. Frame In Production që në fillimet e saj ka vepruar në fushën e filmit. Gjatë 5 viteve të fundit pas çdo filmi që ka qëndruar “Frame In” suksesi i tyre nuk ka të ndalur dhe për këtë sukses dëshmojnë çmimet e fituara në shumë festivale të ndryshme kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare.
Filmografia e tyre tani është e njohur sidomos për çmimet fituar në festivalet e ndryshme për filmat me tituj: “Between paradise and hell”, “The Bloody Money”, “Last Confession” dhe “My City Screams”.
New York Wears Albanian Creations
By: Ermira Babamusta/
New York City makes the dreams of fashion designers come true. Albanian Fashion Week NY 2016 is another top annual fashion event, not to be missed. From runway shows, to top media, publicity, designers, buyers, stylists, brand and industry leaders are dreaming to attend. (
Albanian Fashion Week 2016 provides a platform for 20 top Albanian designers from around the world to present hundreds of clothing creations at the Fashion Capital of the world – New York City. AFA is about to make history because it is the first of its kind and at this grand scale offering global business opportunities for Albanian businesses and designers from Albania, Kosovo, USA, and more.
“Albanian Fashion Agency is the first of its kind, providing a platform to success for Albanian fashion designers, models and make-up artists throughout the world. To put it simply, our objective is to promote artistry and to assist these designers/artists in their journey to success. I feel both privileged and elated to be a part of such an initiative,” said Tess Fejzula, Head of Creative Team of Albanian Fashion Week NY.
“Albanian fashion week is the first Albanian fashion event of this magnitude. I’m very excited to see Albanian designers present their work to the New Yorkers. It’s going to be an amazing week,” said Lulzim Bucolli, Fashion Manager of Albanian Fashion Week.
“Albanian Fashion Week is a project which will be presented at the end of March 2016. In this project we will have the participation of very famous Albanian Designers from around the world, who will present their new creations. This is a big opportunity that all Albanian designers have been waiting for, to present their creative work in the field of design and fashion. For this event we are proud to have some of the most popular models here in New York and elsewhere,” stated Mrika Krasniqi, Founder and CEO of Albanian Fashion Agency and Nil Production.
The event has the support of Albanian Fashion Agency (AFA) in New York. The organizer of the event is Producer Mrika Krasniqi, Founder and CEO of Albanian Fashion Agency and Nil Production. Behind this important event there is an impressive team of bright and creative individuals, namely: Arlinda Prelvukaj, CFO; Arta Qyqalla, Fashion Coordinator; Lulzim Bucolli, Fashion Manager; Juian Gjaci, Marketing Coordinator; Tess Fejzula, Head of Creative Team; Saranda Krasniqi, Creative Team; Eriola Kasemi, Creative Team; Bardha Elshani, Creative Team; Melisa Cooper, Shkurte Leka, Mirsada Krasniqi, Drita Ramadani, Consulting Team; Egzon Bunjaku, Web Developer; Gjilberta Lucaj, Board of Directors, etc.
“Words cannot describe what we are feeling right now. Albanian Fashion is coming to NYC!!!. It is truly an honor to be a part of this amazing team, this great event and witness all the hard work everyone is putting in. With Mrika’s leadership and the team working together as one, don’t expect anything less than greatness. Be prepared to be blown away with the best fashion show New York has to offer,” said Arlinda Prelvukaj, CFO of Albanian Fashion Week New York.
“Having held the co-artistic and musical director position for a few years and personally pioneering the performances for the Couture Fashion Week in NYC, which now has become a global event, I am thrilled to partake in the Albanian Fashion Week with such a dynamic crew being led by Mrika Krasniqi,” said artist Gjilberta Lucaj, AFA Board of Directors.
Albanian Film Week NY 2016 will showcase several interesting brands and collections. The show focuses on high quality Albanian designs with for opportunity for sale in front of possible American and European buyers.
The highlight of this show other than the runway and surprise performances is the Red Carpet featuring VIPs, Celebrities, models and the best of high fashion.
“Albanian Fashion Week NY is an excellent opportunity for all fashion designers, especially Albanian ones, to present their clothing line in the world capital, New York. Albanians have a lot to offer and contribute in the world of art. As history has witnessed many renowned artists, ambassadors, and other high figures are of Albanian origin who represent the best of Kosova and Albania,” said Arta Qyqalla-Fashion Coordinator of Albanian Fashion Week NY.
Julian Gjaci, Marketing Coordinator of Albanian Fashion is excited about thee show: “Being part of the AFW team makes me feel so exited since we are the first team to make it in New York City. Our crew managed by the Producer Mrika Krasniqi is so prepared and ready for this. A great opportunity for Albanian Designers to bring and sell their products in NY. A fantastic show with a lot of surprises and performances by young talented artists. I’m ready … are you … ?”
Klement Tinaj and Orlando Brown work together on new action film “Bloody Hands”
By Ermira Babamusta/
“Bloody Hands” is a highly anticipated feature film expected to be released at the end of 2016. Starring award winning Klement Tinaj and Disney Star Orlando Brown, “Bloody Hands” is an action thriller centering around a dangerous world of illegal street racing, crime, drugs and sex.
“Bloody Hands” is written by George McGrath and directed by the talented Jaden Hwang. Shot in various locations in Los Angeles, California, the film is a production of EyeLess Studio Hollywood, Mind!Control Entertainment and Visionary Eye Entertainment. The incredible cast includes an array of stunning actors taking on the Lead role, namely: Klement Tinaj, Orlando Brown, Roman Xing, Jongman Kim, Melissa Carvajal, and Leandro Simozza. Playing the Detective role with deep impact in the movie are the impressive Gary Kauffman, Glen Eaton and Phillip E. Walker.
Actors in Supporting role who made major impressions are: Adam Ohl, Robert Factor, Andy Brosseau, Art Roberts, Rich Sands, Brooklyn Robinson and Danielle Rizzo.
“Leo lives in the fear of the future because of what happened in his past and he ends up losing what he have in the present. He tries not to live in the past but the past lives in him. He can’t start the next chapter of his life because he keeps re-reading the last one,” said Klement Tinaj actor and producer of “Bloody Hands”.
“Han is the gamer, laugher, joker in this brutal world who fights by jokes and fists,” said Roman Xing who plays the leading role of “Han Chou” in “Bloody Hands”.
“Bloody Hands” also includes a team of experienced stunt coordinators, Selena O’Sullivan and Klement Tinaj; and highly skilled stunt performers, Gianlorenzo Albertini, Adam Pepper, Rich Sands, Leandro Simozza and Roman Xing.
Synopsis: Leo Rossmore (Klement Tinaj) a former fighter is searching for his detective wife Jessica who has been missing. He believes was taken by the same members she was assigned by Detective Brown (Orlando Brown) to go after. Leo hits rock bottom and gives up his dreams until a woman Cristy gives him a reason to fight again.
The production team is crammed with talented and creative people such as, Jaden Hwang, Leandro Simozza, Klement Tinaj, Kristine Tinaj (Executive producer) and Roman Xing.
“Bloody Hands” is the next big action hit to look forward to 2016’s must-see movies!
Chicago welcomed Kosovo’s President Atifete Jahjaga at the Investment & Trade Conference
By: Ermira Babamusta and Diane Gold/
December 2015–Chicago recently welcomed President of the Republic of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, on her first official visit to the U.S. Midwest since her groundbreaking win in 2011 catapulted her into the international spotlight as the youngest female world leader to be elected, and also the first female head of state in the modern Balkans.The President, traveling with a delegation that included Ms. Hykmete Bajrami, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Arben Limani, Director of the Executive Secretariat of the Board of Directors at Privatization Agency of Kosovo, Ms. Vlora Citaku, the Kosovo Ambassador to the U.S., legal, economic and media advisors, and a group of IT Business leaders was in Chicago November 12 to participate in a multilateral trade conference entitled, “Global Opportunities with Kosovo: Synergies with Israel & Illinois.”
The Macedonian delegation was represented by Mayor of Struga, Mr. Ziadin Sela and Mr. Nebi Hoxha, President of the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, accompanied by Mr. Kasem Zendeli and Mr. Mendi Qyra.
The morning conference, held at the law firm McGuireWoods, LLP, focused on multilateral trade between Kosovo, Illinois, and Israel. The conference was cosponsored by the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago (AICC), in partnership with the Albanian Association of Businessmen, Intellectuals and Activists, the Albanian-American Women’s Association of Chicago, and McGuireWoods LLP, and chaired by Daniel Shure, former President of the AICC.
President Jahjaga opened the conference with a speech stating “Over the years, Kosovo has drafted laws that are in line with best EU standards and that facilitate economic development under the conditions of a market-led economy. We have adopted the Euro as local currency and consequently our country does not run any currency management risk or exchange rate risk. The government continuously reviews fiscal policies and plans to introduce financial and non-financial incentives to boost Foreign Direct Investment. Our labor market is very competitive, the labor law is very business friendly, and we have the lowest operational costs in the region.”
“Our vision is to strengthen cooperation with the world, in particular with our friends like the US and Israel, in order to develop our economies and unleash our tremendous capacities for development and innovation.”
For this reason, I have brought with me a number of businessmen and businesswomen from Kosovo’s sector of Information and Communication Technology as we want to devote a big part of our efforts to establish our primary cooperation in the field of technology and innovation,”Her remarks were followed by panel discussions related to investment opportunities in Kosovo, how to do business in Chicago and Illinois, and synergies with Israel.
Following the morning conference, the delegation visited Chicago’s tech incubator, 1871, a hub for digital start-up companies. President Jahjaga then met with the leadership of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
In addition, Chicago Deputy Mayor Steve Koch met with Minister of Trade and Industry, Hykmete Bajrami and her staff, along with Mr. Shure.
The day ended with a private dinner organized by the Albanian-American Women’s Association of Greater Chicago at Tutto Italiano, owned by Albanian restaurateur, Val Dervishi. Lumturije Asanoski, Vice President of the Women’s Association added “This event provided a platform for Kosovo to showcase its investment opportunities to both the Albanian and Kosovar communities here in the U.S.”
“The dinner was a huge success. It was imperative that our community of business-savvy, Albanian and Kosovar women proudly represented and hosted the first female president of the modern Balkans, President Atifete Jahjaga.”
“As an attorney and advocate of women’s rights, I felt especially privileged and honored to speak at the dinner before Madame President Jahjaga. She’s the epitome of a successful woman. She truly inspires me.”
When asked about the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago’s involvement, Michael Schmitt, Executive Director, explained, “The mission of our Chamber is to facilitate and increase bilateral trade between the U.S. and Israel. We are fulfilling our mission by helping build the multilateral trading system between the Republic of Kosovo, the United States and Israel.”
Added, Mr. Shure, “Albanians have much in common with Jews and Israelis. Through many years of oppression, a large diaspora and Kosovo and Israel both being young countries there are shared experiences that bring us together. We hope to use the experience of building Israel’s economy since independence to help build Kosovo’s economy and to increase multilateral trade between the U.S., Kosovo and Israel,”
“The conference was tremendously successful as a springboard for further dialogue. It also served to introduce Americans to Kosovo and successfully position them as the “new face of modern Europe,” said Diane Gold, Media Relations Consultant to the AICC.
“Chicago opened its doors to Kosovo for economic and political investment from the U.S. and Israel. Kosovo welcomes investments from United States and its friends and now is the perfect time since the new state of Kosovo has put in place the democratic standards of state building that protects investors and trade.” said Skënder Karaçic, Director of the Albanian Businessmen, Activists and Intellectuals. “The Trade conference was organized very well and very professionally by the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago with support from the Albanian community,” he added enthusiastically.
“A great deal of interest was generated and we now have many people interested in seeing first-hand the opportunities in Kosovo. We plan to organize a business mission for these people in the next year”, said Shure.”I think that the investment conference was an important step in the effort to bring stability and prosperity to a part of the world which desperately needs it. It is the right thing to do from a humanitarian and human standpoint” according to Robert Higdon Jr., Partner at the law firm Williams Mullen, and former Federal Prosecutor at the Department of Justice. “In short, I want to see these people who I have come to love do well and prosper. I believe that our three countries, Kosovo, Israel and United States and other freedom loving countries around the world, have a common interest in encouraging the economic development of a stable and free Kosovo. And so, I am pleased to work with a number of entrepreneurs and investors who share those views and who want to see economic success for the people of Kosovo as quickly as possible.”
Global Opportunities with Kosovo: Synergies with Israel & Illinois
By Ermira Babamusta, Ph.D./
The Investment and Trade Conference “Global Opportunities with Kosovo’s President H.E. Atifete Jahjaga Synergies with Israel & Illinois” begins Thursday, November 12, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. The full-day conference will feature a multi-lateral seminar with President Jahjaga, panel discussion with representatives from the State of Israel and economic officials from the State of Illinois and City of Chicago, a visit to Tech Incubator, meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, followed by dinner organized by the Kosovo community in Chicago.
The Investment & Trade Conference is organized by the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago ( The hosts of the conference are: the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago; the Albanian Association of Businessmen, Intellectuals and Activists; the Albanian-American Women’s Association of Chicago; and McGuireWoods LLP.
“This is the first year the conference has been held. The mission of the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago is to facilitate and increase bilateral trade between the U.S. and Israel. The Albanian people and Jewish and Israeli people have much in common, including many years of oppression, a large diaspora, and very young countries. We hope to use our success in helping build Israel’s economy since independence to help build Kosovo’s economy and to increase multilateral trade between the U.S., Kosovo and Israel,” said Daniel Shure, Former President of the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, and conference Chairman.
“We expect business transactions to develop as a result of understanding the investment opportunities in Kosovo. And, we expect people and companies in Chicago and all of Illinois to benefit from having access to deals and to the leader of the Republic of Kosovo. We also expect that as trade increases Kosovo will import more from Chicago and as Kosovar companies expand overseas they will base their U.S. operations in Illinois, thereby bringing jobs and tax revenue to our state,” added Mr. Shure.
The Thursday conference schedule kicks off with reception, followed by welcome and introductions by the America-Israel Chamber of Commerce Chicago, Albanian Association of Intellectuals Businessmen and Activists, and McGuireWoods LLP.
The morning session features remarks by H.E. Madame Atifete Jahjaga, President of Kosovo, introduced by Ms. Amy Manning, Managing Partner, McGuireWoods Chicago. The Honorable Atifete Jahjaga is the first woman to be elected President of the Republic of Kosovo, the first female head of state in the Balkans, and the youngest ever woman to be elected head of state. Before being elected to the Presidency in 2011, she served as the Deputy General Director of the Police of Kosovo. The seminar is followed by a Q&A session.
There are various panel discussions during the Thursday morning session. The “Investment Opportunities in Kosovo” panel features four distinguished guests, namely: Mrs. Hykmete Bajrami, Minister of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Kosovo; Mr. Kujtim Dobruna, President of ECIKS and Economic Advisor to the President of Kosovo; Mr. Shkumbin Brestovci, Board Director of the IT Association of Kosovo (STIKK); Mr. Arben Limani, Director of the Executive Secretariat of the Board of Directors at Privatization Agency of Kosovo.
The Thursday afternoon session features a roundtable discussion with the leadership of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
The conference includes a visit to Tech Incubator 1871 hosted by Howard Tullman, CEO and meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel at the City Hall. The Honorable Mayor Emanuel under his leadership has laid the foundation for ongoing and inclusive development as the economic development strategy to drive jobs and economic growth in Chicago. “Chicago has not only become a springboard for small businesses looking to increase their global competitiveness, but along with legacy corporations which drive exports from Canada to China, these companies are helping to support local job growth and strengthen Chicago’s economy,” stated Mayor Rahm Emanuel (
Caption: Daniel Shure, Former President of the America Israel Chamber of Commerce, Chicago and conference Chairman
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