Permanent Mission of Albania to the United Nations to the United Nations/
Harvard Club of NYC- September 30th, 2015/
14:00 – 14:1014:10 – 14:15 | Welcome Brief introduction | Professor Ricardo Hausmann, Harvard University |
14:15 – 14:30 | Introduction of Diaspora Representatives | Mark Kosmo, Vera Mjeku, Ermal Vila, Alda Mosko, Nick Markola |
14:30 – 14:35 | CID research on diaspora | Ermal Frasheri, Harvard University |
14:35 – 14:40 | Short address by the MFA | Minister Ditmir Bushati |
14:40 – 14:50 | Statement from the Prime Minister | Prime Minister Edi Rama |
14:50 – 15:30 | Q&A with diaspora representatives | Moderated by Ermal Frasheri, Harvard University |
Meeting Between the Albanian Government and Representatives of Albanian American Diaspora Organizations
Harvard Club of NYC
September 30th, 2015
The Washington DC Albanian Diaspora Group
Who are we?
The Washington DC Albanian Diaspora Group is an umbrella initiative comprised of Albanian-American organizations and activists in the Washington DC Metro Area, including the four main DC organizations: Albanian Professionals in DC, VATRA, Albanian-American National Organization and Albanian-American Academy.
- The initiative aims to consolidate the group of professionals and intellectuals and create an institutionalized, inclusive representation of the DC professional and intellectual community in matters of Albanian Diaspora engagement and more.
- The DC Diaspora Group is working with diverse actors to match the needs of the home countries with the skills and investment potential of the diaspora by creating a multi-stakeholder engagement platform of a strictly non-political nature.
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What do we want to achieve?
We believe that we can achieve our objectives by drawing lessons from past and current diaspora initiatives, working collaboratively with diaspora actors and home governments, private sector and non-profits in order to come up and implement innovative ways of engagement.
- The DC Diaspora Groups ultimately aims at promoting Albanian culture and history, fostering exchange between Albanian-American professionals and strengthening ties between the people, governments and businesses of the home countries and the U.S.
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What are we asking from the Albanian Government and the Prime Minister?
- Build a stronger relationship with the Albanian-American community in Washington DC in strengthening our lobbying power in the nation’s capital
- Make more efforts to match the commitment of the Albanian Diaspora in its efforts to contribute to the economic development of our home countries and build bridges in professional exchange, investment and culture.
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Ku dhe kur, apo si mbledhjet e partise dikur sekret,mos ta marr vesht armiku.
Mesa shohim pasardhesit e bllokut kane
zgjedhur per mbeldhjen e tyre sekrete vendin
me demokratik ne bote SHBA, qe sipas mesimeve te
diktaorit te kuq e gjyshit te tyre te paharruar,quhej
“xhandari i botes dhe armik i komunizmit….etj etj”
Si kane rrjedhur kohet: bllokmenet i shohim si ne enderr
tek mblidhen ne Peze me yll e draper e çekann apo ne Beograd, Moske apo Katovice per ceshtjen e mbrojtjes se pushtetit e Rilindjes Komuniste. Dhe te perndjekurit politik heshtin e veshtrojne, hane e pine e flene dhe tregojne histori te vjetra duke fyer dhe shpetimtaret e tyre demokrate.Duket qarte se vetem njeri ka shkruar
te tjeret ja kane marre me gjume.
Me te vertete do kete Takim te Kryeministrit te Shqiperise po me cilet “perfaqesues” te diaspores??. Nga jane zgjedhur dhe ke perfaqesojne??!
Dhe per “vetem 10 minuta” do deklaroi kryeministri se si ti kemi “maredhaniet” midis njeri tjetrit kur ende ne kete New York nuk ka as Konsullate te Shqiperise?!
Teatri qe zhvillohet ne Parlamentin e Tiranes dashka te japi cfaqje edhe ketu?!