39026 Cattail Ct,
Northville, MI 48167
1 (248) 345 5596
Michigan, June 22, 2020
The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20500-0003
Dear Mr. President:
My name is Valentino Lumaj, an Albanian-American resident ofMichigan. I am writing this letter on behalf of my family, my six children, my wife and myself. I reach out to you to express our deepest appreciation for all your hard work on successfully overcoming the recent pandemic crisis, keeping this country safe, rebuilding a progressive economy and Making America Great Again! We admire you!
As an American, I am living the dream, settled and fullyengaged in building and real estate industry. As I watch my children grow, I cannot stop blessing America every day for the endless possibilities, the health care, the amazing schools, the safety, for the freedom and democracy. We also thank God for you Mr. President as a man of God, for protecting the family and conservative human values, the unborn children and supportingour church.
As an Albanian, I have given up loyalty to my birth country for America. Still, my heart pounds heavily for Albania and Kosovo, as they are struggling for democracy and integration. I am sending this letter to you right on the eve of peace talks’ meeting between Kosovo and Serbia. If there is a price for the peace, Kosovo has already paid its price with the life of its own 17000 martyrs. Kosovo deserves peace, integrity and worldwide recognition.
Mr. President, we totally support your approach and coherent vision toward Kosovo, through your recent special envoy, Mr.Grenell. My soul is filled with hope and enthusiasm that this meeting will be historical by reaching an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, which will lead them to normalize their ties, remove the obstacles that have blocked their talks and focus on economy, new jobs, prosperity and mutual recognition.
Mr. President, we Albanians have faith in you, as our strong and trustworthy ally. For over one century, the USA has been advocating and protecting Albania and Kosovo. What America has done for us, is engraved with the deepest appreciation in the Albanian nation’s memory.
May God bless you, your family, your staff and may God Bless America!
Valentino Lumaj and family