Në foto: Hapja e Zyrës Amerikane në Prishtinë, në 6 qershor 1996, u bë nga Nënsekretari Amerikan i Shtetit, Xhon Kornblum. Presidenti i Kosovës, Ibrahim Rugova, bashkë me familjen ka marrë pjesë në hapjen solemne të Zyrës Amerikane në Prishtinë, të parës nga gjithë bota, në një ditë historike.
KOSOVA-LUFTA NË LAJME/ Diplomati amerikan Jim O’Brian në Prishtinë…/
-Raportime në 15 gusht 1998/
PRISHTINË, 15 Gusht 2016-Gazeta DIELLI-Behlul JASHARI/ Në Kosovë, para 18 viteve, në 15 gusht 1998, diplomati amerikan Jim O’Brian po takohej me Grupin negociator kosovar, në Zyrën e SHBA në Prishtinë… Bëhej thirrje të ndërhyjë faktori ndërkombëtar për të ndalë sulmet e forcave serbe, që po vrisnin e masakronin shqiptarët, po bomardonin dhe digjnin vendbanimet shqiptare, po bënin spastrim enik…Këtë e raportoja:
[08] LDK urges urgent intervention to stop catastrophe in Kosova
PRISHTINE, Aug 15 – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported that the Presidency of the Democratic League of Kosova called on international factors to urgently intervene to stop the attack in the Peja and Deçan, where Serb forces have also used the warplanes.
The appeal said that the consequences of this barbarous attack if not immediately interrupted could be catastrophic for the population of the area, where besides local populace there are a great number of refugees from other regions already ethnically cleansed.
The situation in Peja and Deçan areas, which are under attack is more than dramatic, the LDK presidency said. It called on the United States, European Union, NATO and the U.N. Security Council to undertake urgent action to oblige Serbia stop immediately the attacks and withdraw military and police forces from Kosova.
“It is time to exert a real pressure on Belgrade if it exists a real wish to resolve the Kosova issue,” the LDK appeal said. mp/das/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[09] Serb forces torch Suhareka villages
PRISHTINE, Aug 15 – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported that Serb forces set two Albanian villages on fire on Friday evening in the commune of Suhareke, Duhle and Bllaca, the Democratic League of Kosova division in Suhareka said.
These villages which were completely destroyed and ethnically cleansed, are engulfed by flames and fire. The Serb forces have raided all the houses. mp/das/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[11] Serb forces resume shelling in Lipjan, Shtimje
PRISHTINE, Aug 15 – ATA correspondent Behlu Jashari reported that Serb forces resumed shelling on Saturday at 14.30. p.m. from Zborc, commune of Shtimje, 30 km southwest of Prishtina.
The heavy artillery has shelled last night and early in the morning the villages of Kleçke, Shale and Krojmir of Lipjan commune and village of Pjetreshtice, commune of Shtimje.
Sources on the ground said that some Albanian civilians have been wounded and there are no reports on casualties.
The local population which had returned to its houses was forced to flee again due to new attacks of Serb forces and was now in open air in the mountains. fh/das/ak/
Albanian Telegraphic Agency
[13] US senior adviser meets Kosova negotiation group
PRISHTINE, Aug 15 – ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported that the diplomat Jim O’Brian, senior adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, arrived in Kosova.
The U.S. diplomat, who is expected to attend the process of negotiations between Prishtina and Belgrade, met on Friday the negotiation group named by Kosova president Ibrahim Rugova at the U.S. office in Prishtina.
Following the announcement of the Kosova negotiation group, the U.S. diplomat Christopher Hill, who mediates talks between Prishtina and Belgrade, had said “the United States will remain an active partner in finding a solution to the Kosova issue” and in the days to come the Americans “will work tete-a-tete with the negotiation teams to go ahead.” shdha/ak/