Fondacioni Mbreteresha Geraldine organizoi nje ceremoni me rastin e festave te fundvitit ne shkollen e Burgajetit. Gjate kesaj ceremonie festive u shperndane dhurata per femijet e kesaj shkolle. Aktivitetit iu bashkua edhe Princ Leka se bashku me ambasadoret e Hungarise dhe Suedise. Shkolla organizoi nje program artistik me recitime, kenge dhe valle tradicionale i cili u pasua me nje koktel per nxenesit, mesuesit, prinderit dhe te ftuarit. Shkolla e Burgajetit eshte ndertuar me fondet e Familjes Mbretereore me 1935.
The Queen Geraldine foundation organized an end of the year party at the Burgajet School in Mat. His Royal Highness Prince Leka and the President of the foundation Miss Elia Zaharia where accompanied by the Ambassador of Hungary and the Swedish chargé d’affaires. The school organized a special concert in their honor then the Royal Couple and their guests handed out toys and gifts to the kids before sharing a cocktail and enjoying the festive atmosphere.
The Burgajet School was first build by the Albanian Royal family in the nineteen thirties. Both the Queen mother Sadija and Queen Geraldine gave out gifts traditionally during the end of the year festivities.